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四个面试者的成功答复模板四个面试者的成功答复模板四个面试者的成功答复模板模板一:Gina, an aspiring accountant, wanted to emphasize her organizational abilities, dedication, and timeliness. She answered, “Last summer I worked as an intern for XYZ Accounting. I was known for being thorough and accurate in my work. We were in a big rush to make a deadline and I noticed that one page was missing from the master I was copying. I let my boss know. We found it, and were able to get the pages in order and the report printed in time for his meeting. Im sure that my attention to detail and to high-quality work will be an advantage for your pany.”吉娜是一位有抱负的会计师,她想要突出她的组织才能、奉献精神以及和职位的匹配程度。她答复说,“去年夏天我作为实习生在XYZ会计师事务所工作。我在工作中耐心和准确广为人知。那时我们在做一件非常赶时间的事情。我注意到我正在复印的材料中缺少了一页,我告知了我的老板,我们找到了这一页,让材料都按顺序排好并及时打印出了这份他要在会议上使用的报告。我相信我对细节的关注和高质量的工作会对贵公司有好处。”第 页 共 页
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