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202X-202X学年辽宁抚顺七年级上英语期末试卷一、单选题1.下面单词中不含字母e读音的选项是_。 A.keyB.acketC.pleaeD.enng2 下列各组字母中不含元音字母的是_。 A.j; i;n;rB.a; c; d;fCl;m;n;o.; h;k;m3 在6个字母中_和_可以单独成词。 A.A; I.R;EC.P; TD; U4. 与单词“ey”同音的字母是_。 A.TBRrC.AaDi5.What s a twoA.NineBTwo.EightDSi6. Jim, wich _d ou likebeI ike ggaphy bst. AfooBcolorCsortD.b7. Thee artwey-ight orwny-nedays n _. A.NovembB.JanuryC.DmbrD.Fbuary. Wht yu vorite _pples.A.subjectB.sprt.vetbleD.frut._is tts r. A.HmucB.WhtC.ow ldD.What coo1. Lets tch V_! I lvei.A.Tank yuB.Oh, noC.That soudgodD.I onds boi11. _! We ae e. K. I coig. .SorryB.Ce onYes, plas.cu m. Would ou lkesomchikn_. A.Yu rewlcme.Ye, pleeC.That sods odD.Thank yo3 Thank you fo your hlp._.A.our eomeB.hatsrightCon hank meD.Youe riht. 听见对方说了“Fine, Thank o. And you”后,你应该说_。 A.Arey OKB.And youCThak you.D.fine, too.15. 如果你想问对方手中所拿物件的英文名称,你应该说“_” A.How re youB.Whas his innglishC.How do you dD.Hodo you pell it二、七选五对话16. 从方框内所给的选项中选择恰当的句子完成此对话。(有两个多余选项)A: Hey, Aan.()_: Its god. I lkeTuesdyA:(2)_B: eauseIheP. .:()_B: Ys, its P. EA:(4)_B:M. Joes.A:(5)_B: Sre. Hes my aorie teaherA Well,iyou favourite ubject P.E. D yu lke Mr.JonsC. H ur aD. Whos yor P.E. teacherE. Howr you.Why do you likiG. Whe Mr Jons三、完形填空1 Hereisapture It is a pitre of my()_. This my(2)_. Mquilt on . Twobaseballs are ue itThey r white(3)_. Lo at my des. A(4)_ is on it.A(5)_ is on it, to.Is 9:00 My(6)_ is i my schoolbaadw(7)_ ar in t. M books are(8)_ floo My keys are in te drawr(9)_ i yID crd Doyo(10)_ h, is in myEngh k limy ro. It is nic.().fmy.roomC.taeD.school(2)AdB.atch.olagDowers (3)A.asB.kesC.hairsD.baseblls (4)A.muterB.phtoC.CDD.soa()A.dctinaryB.pictreCacke.clo (6)Aecil oxBbookCcolrD.mber (7)A.draers(抽屉)BeasersCdeser(梳妆台).tabes (8)AunrB.inC.atDo(9)AhereBhtC.Wha coorDHow (10).askB.sl.nwD.k四、阅读理解18. Mynm s ria. m 12m in Class5, Grade7. I lkecarts andbanna I dont like hburgersr ce-cream. They are not healthy I have twegg ad bna for reakfas.Hello, m nam s Bill. Im n Clas 4, Grad 7I ke saladad chick I dont e ice-cea uty ister Cathy likes it. I lwas ave cickn ndomtoes for dinneIm Bob. Im a stdent in ls5,Grade like hamburger anice-rem. I otiketomaoes. haelunchat chol. I have hamrge and oraes or luh. ()What osBill havefor dinnrA.Tomaoand icken.B.Slad d hicken.C.Hbrger and ras.Icecre a rice.(2)_ ets two egs n banaa for bkfst.ABoBMarCathD.Bil (3)_ and_ ar classmtes.AMara; illB; MiaC.ob; BilD.Bill; ath (4)What does ob ot likA.OngeBHmburgersC.Tomatoes.D.Icecrea.(5)The psg ismaily abu ei _.odfriends.sol thingsC.eang abit.sport games1.Hello,eeryone! My ame Bb. I av good rind. Hs nae au.He is a yello dog. like himvry mc.erorning Paurun with me, ande playin a very aeron.a is very fat. H ikes eating beef hburgero bkfat Forinner,h lisish Pallikes d.e has two ehas. Look!The ar on my bedBtPaul i losno. Pleas hlp m. My tphone numris 313216. M ema addresis pa02Xsina.co.Man thnks! (1)Pau s _A.Bobs classa.Bobs bothe catDdo (2)Paul_ ever mornng.A.eas haburgs.uns wit BC.wachs TVD.playswith at ()auls asre on th _A.bedB.dekC.walD.cair(4)Which of the folowigisO rue ccordig o e assaAPal atwo red hatsB.Paul s Bobs friend.Bob likseatin efamburger nd ih.Bobs elehone umer s 3123216 (5)Bob wre th passage to _.AaskforhelB.thank PauC.how his loeD.introduce(介绍)aul五、补全对话20. 在下面对话的空白处填入适当的话语(话语可以是词、短语或句子),使对话完整。An: ey, Ros!()_Rs: i, thas. Its Saturdaytmrow. What dwe
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