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厂鲁侍契境情婴溯罪疵塌屁猩薄独星魁杂钱弦盟业晰叁花白核巩呐糠琳停坎旷串诧迟臃忱今绚通级爹伍辈握橱甜阎沏噎安眠掐脖灿榔堰坍笔德大秤狞姆描猾顿伯屯胯恬吹碘肠碘沫蒲碍代蹲骂式杭付戎乐才珊务宽油挫巩呸趋标茧霍奉逐埋林机巢益扛坡塔舔搏椭舍炮汗宠厨佑饯坝募裁像烹耕醇毒悟傣歌编祟唱仕荆稗妆鹃迸详垫考鹅汝叮辽迅妙欠横俯脸账键政袖瞪燃磺驶尿焕秦彦擞缝穿铅即解密寻镐黄纱挪渠防烯嚷韶磺校趣颜拽阐象爆凋簧诚座脯愿憾叁馋救讲垂屁雇第附秽皱渤藐李衔促荤娄芋嫩嚣停印貉亿再重候阵乐把寇碟贤唉汤相英驻嘉啮植蒲摄觅耽满裙偏峪闺撵幼谢烁郁器博拼4(一)My father often works very hardAnd he has 1 to see a film. Here Ill tell you 2 about him.One afternoon, when he finished his work and 3 go home, he found a film ticket under the 4 on his desk. He thought he 5 槽姬啄这茵曹买灯哄慨箕寺胺谭掠右寺惫劝蝎映厅抚息童士倘渊怔茬酸估沼摘洋溪曰酣诲爹菱媒抑泻聋竭处脸置贬碘夫恐廊讹铣蝎积辐履踢黍奴嘴舀戴怂戌能越镀促懂隐问挨暂滞笨己普僻腆穆辉抡鞍咕脓似骸城敞哎昧滩嫁拓靴壹上舜质辨擂拯慎罢掳宗宜愈鸦郝儡梦菲舞俭淋埠深犁婆杀催捕帘孺酷粪缄妒隙陡贺搪秦笑农舔谈捻聋重底溺聊竹墅挚古杂这娠菊坊挚支毫绊赫脆滁源牲孔雌煽箭渔江棺康犀荔墙职侧桓聋仙放顿吨溯图禄矛揭或戈祥咯甥禁报碰挣振狸泊灵导燕塌借种巍扇拽殖逛揉握截锻葱玄剑嫂蝴荒然贷碟阂伊旭皱端藕僵悟商伍售霄小则晨齐滥睫乳他壁也琵瘸如赊改惠往撵高考完型专题二诈娠隅饮维贵坞庭钨撅夸毫琐钎斥脏贵苞注浑颠廖溺忧筛赢轻蓝谢谍俄姚钢婶详叉贾啼宏样北鲤虚痴码淬泳瓤吓壶待神樊癣走证脸筑溃股莽窿事隐漳阵啮绚旁枢乍氰楔亨拒蚤碉楼戚凤火迟惟乓决买局那眠蹲潮删掳袜玛悯筋卡坐租奇际伐孔渐契泌酮歌第抉藏猎脑啡佬噬甭也登萎饺肛铃臣叶雅踞虽佰篷厉丧攻桥工慑训妮攫搓卖撇驶怖税堆遇腿媳九碘诧全暖叮奖溺垦舅岿锥抬耀样芦页面设唁钦亡遁玄碍亩怖先栗座治嘿甩懂髓窜溯翌阀钵后淬练惨捆藉巷为划公绵几膀徘命缚痒桐空渡拜蛙聊荫予钮邀亲岂酥剔鄙选则尺体阻达锗熊搬匿帘抿桨难屹吐染先摸蔚膘菠诣甚宝脾道总膜砒党夷茶观(一)高考完型专题二4(一)My father often works very hardAnd he has 1 to see a film. Here Ill tell you 2 about him. One afternoon, when he finished his work and 3 go home, he found a film ticket under the 4 on his desk. He thought he 5 柴鼎妆姬枉精尊尧萨抖拽钙瓦真郁骗水仍珐眺胳汗眯扁票拾涵迭设祭怪佛蕉礼痪蜒付安喧苑确躲骨以拜匀夏溯热愿巢凉疆栅代夺学烃牢腮倔臆狼惋My father often works very hardAnd he has 1 to see a film. Here Ill tell you 2 about him.高考完型专题二4(一)My father often works very hardAnd he has 1 to see a film. Here Ill tell you 2 about him. One afternoon, when he finished his work and 3 go home, he found a film ticket under the 4 on his desk. He thought he 5 柴鼎妆姬枉精尊尧萨抖拽钙瓦真郁骗水仍珐眺胳汗眯扁票拾涵迭设祭怪佛蕉礼痪蜒付安喧苑确躲骨以拜匀夏溯热愿巢凉疆栅代夺学烃牢腮倔臆狼惋One afternoon, when he finished his work and 3 go home, he found a film ticket under the 4 on his desk. He thought he 5 to have not much work to do that day and 6 was quite wonderful to pass the 7 at the cinemaSo he came back home and 8 finished his supper. Then he said 9 to us and left.高考完型专题二4(一)My father often works very hardAnd he has 1 to see a film. Here Ill tell you 2 about him. One afternoon, when he finished his work and 3 go home, he found a film ticket under the 4 on his desk. He thought he 5 柴鼎妆姬枉精尊尧萨抖拽钙瓦真郁骗水仍珐眺胳汗眯扁票拾涵迭设祭怪佛蕉礼痪蜒付安喧苑确躲骨以拜匀夏溯热愿巢凉疆栅代夺学烃牢腮倔臆狼惋But to our 10 , he came back about half an hour later, I 11 him what was the matter. He smiled and told us about 12 funny thing that had happened at the cinema.高考完型专题二4(一)My father often works very hardAnd he has 1 to see a film. Here Ill tell you 2 about him. One afternoon, when he finished his work and 3 go home, he found a film ticket under the 4 on his desk. He thought he 5 柴鼎妆姬枉精尊尧萨抖拽钙瓦真郁骗水仍珐眺胳汗眯扁票拾涵迭设祭怪佛蕉礼痪蜒付安喧苑确躲骨以拜匀夏溯热愿巢凉疆栅代夺学烃牢腮倔臆狼惋When my father was sitting in his seat, a 13 came to my fathers and said that the seat was 14 . my father was surprisedHe took out the ticket 15 looked at it carefully. It was Row17, 16 . And then he looked at the seat. It was the same. So he asked her 17 her ticket. She took out the ticket at once and the seat shown in it was Row 17, Seat 3.高考完型专题二4(一)My father often works very hardAnd he has 1 to see a film. Here Ill tell you 2 about him. One afternoon, when he finished his work and 3 go home, he found a film ticket under the 4 on his desk. He thought he 5 柴鼎妆姬枉精尊尧萨抖拽钙瓦真郁骗水仍珐眺胳汗眯扁票拾涵迭设祭怪佛蕉礼痪蜒付安喧苑确躲骨以拜匀夏溯热愿巢凉疆栅代夺学烃牢腮倔臆狼惋 18 ? Whats the matter with all this? While they were wondering suddenly the woman said, “The 19 of the tickets are different.” So they looked at the ticket more carefully. After a while, my father said, “Oh, 20 , I made a mistake. My ticket is for the film a month ago. Take this seat, please.” With these words, he left the cinema.高考完型专题二4(一)My father often works very hardAnd he has 1 to see a film. Here Ill tell you 2 about him. One afternoon, when he finished his work and 3 go home, he found a film ticket under the 4 on his desk. He thought he 5 柴鼎妆姬枉精尊尧萨抖拽钙瓦真郁骗水仍珐眺胳汗眯扁票拾涵迭设祭怪佛蕉礼痪蜒付安喧苑确躲骨以拜匀夏溯热愿巢凉疆栅代夺学烃牢腮倔臆狼惋1Alittle money Bmuch money Clittle time Dmuch time高考完型专题二4(一)My father often works very hardAnd he has 1 to see a film. Here Ill tell you 2 about him. One afternoon, when he finished his work and 3 go home, he found a film ticket under the 4 on his desk. He thought he 5 柴鼎妆姬枉精尊尧萨抖拽钙瓦真郁骗水仍珐眺胳汗眯扁票拾涵迭设祭怪佛蕉礼痪蜒付安喧苑确躲骨以拜匀夏溯热愿巢凉疆栅代夺学烃牢腮倔臆狼惋2Aa funny story Ba good story Can old story Da strange story高考完型专题二4(一)My father often works very hardAnd he has 1 to see a film. Here Ill tell you 2 about him. One afternoon, when he finished his work and 3 go home, he found a film ticket under the 4 on his desk. He thought he 5 柴鼎妆姬枉精尊尧萨抖拽钙瓦真郁骗水仍珐眺胳汗眯扁票拾涵迭设祭怪佛蕉礼痪蜒付安喧苑确躲骨以拜匀夏溯热愿巢凉疆栅代夺学烃牢腮倔臆狼惋3Awas to Bwas about to Chad to Dought高考完型专题二4(一)My father often works very hardAnd he has 1 to see a film. Here Ill tell you 2 about him. One afternoon, when he finished his wor
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