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Teaching Plan for Unit 8 Course:College English InstructorModuleUnit A There is a lot more to life than a job B What youngsters expect to lifeTime180mTeaching AidsMulti-mediaTeaching Objectives1. To help the students have a good understanding of the passages in this unit;2. To help the students grasp the usages of some important words, phrases and expressions in the unit;3. To enable the students to analyze the structure of Text A and summarize paragraph meaning of Text B4. To introduce the basic reading skills of this unit: Identifying the writers purpose;5. To help the students master how to develop a paragraph of an argument supported by facts.Chief Points & Difficult Points1. Get the main idea of the passage.2. Master some useful expressions & sentence structure in the passage.3. Understand the structure of the text.PrerequisitesBefore coming for class, students should 1. identify some important words for the topic.2. scan the text for main ideas.3. visit library to research about information concerning the unit.Teaching MethodsThe mixture of listening, speaking, reading, practicing and writingReference BooksTeachers Book of New Horizon College English Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (English-Chinese) Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese DictionaryLongman Dictionary of American EnglishTeaching ContentsTime Allotment 0BSection A I. Warm-up Activity1. Topic Discussion i. Students Discussionii. Teachers Summary2. Questions on the Topic and the PassageII. Background InformationIII. Text Structure AnalysisIV. Structured WritingV. Detailed Study of the Text i. Words and Phrases Studyii. Language Points VI. Text Summary1. Students Presentation2. Teachers SummaryVIIAfter-text A ExercisesSection BI. Reading SkillII. Warm-up Activity 1. Topic Discussion2. Questions on the Topic and the PassageIII. Text Structure AnalysisIV. Text Study 1. Paragraph Meaning2. Words and Phrases Study3. Language Points4. Summary or Main Idea of the Passagei. Students Presentationii. Teachers SummaryV. New Words Dictation VI. After-text B ExercisesVIISupplementary exercises15m5m10m 5m50m5m30m5m10m5m20m5m15mAssignments1. Hand in the exercise of TRANSLATION.2. Finish the other after-text A & B exercises after class.3. Supplementary Exercisesi. English-Chinese Translation (5 sentences)ii. Chinese-English Translation (10 sentences)4. Preview Unit 9 Section A There Is a Lot More to Life Than a JobWarm-up Activity1. Topic Discussion 1). How do young students and older teachers see the role of education differently?On the one hand, most students only want to learn what is needed for their career or immediate success. In their eyes ones lifetime drifts by and why not enjoy life to his hearts content. So the key role of education is to prepare them well for a prosperous career, which in turn ensures a financially comfortable life for them. But, on the other hand, older teachers, with longer and richer life experiences, believe that the quality of life is not entirely determined by a balance sheet, and people can lead better lives if they can see beyond their immediate needs.2). What is “quality of life” and how can it be improved?When talking about quality of life, people would naturally associate it with being financially well off. But the truth is that quality of life is not totally decided by our financial status. More importantly, we also want to feel that we have an understanding of the world outside our career, for human beings have collected a great deal of knowledge in many different fields. To lead better lives, we should, first of all, develop a meaningful philosophy of life. While we are striving to get financially wealthy, we should improve our moral sense at the same time.3). How can we realize the life value?A great man used to say “Life is half spent before we know what it is”. This clearly indicates that not every person is aware of the meaning of life before he gets old enough. Therefore, as college students, first of all, we must have a deep insight into the meaning of life through our practical life experience and get rid of any false illusion. Besides, we must acquire adequate knowledge, foster our ability to work independently, and grow ourselves into intellectual maturity, thus paving the way for a successful career. More importantly, we must develop our moral sense, which includes the sense of responsibility and the sense of devotion. Only in this way can we live a meaningful life. 2. Questions on the Topic and the Passage1) What is the conclusion drawn from the survey based on the responses from over 188,000 students?Todays college beginners are more consumeristic and less idealistic than at any time in the 17 ye
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