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七年级英语(上)Unit2教学设计设计者姓名:吕中 刘娜 联系方式:linda0929.good163.com Tel: 15191543936一、教学内容及分析本单元教学内容为:英语新目标七年级上册Unit 2 Is this your pencil?中心话题是:确认物主关系。通过本单元的学习,学生能够运用所学的词汇描述校内常见的物品;能够用this/that来描述物品个体的位置;能够用my/your/her/his 或Alans / Tonys形式来表达物品的所属关系;能够用Is this/that做一般疑问句,用How/What做特殊疑问句,并作简单的肯否定回答。二、学习者特征分析本单元教学对象为刚入校的七年级学生,由于农村地域条件的限制,大部分学生没有英语基础。但他们有较强的求知欲和表现欲,识记能力较强,善于模仿。通过预备单元的学习,学生已经掌握了26个字母的读法、写法;掌握了基本的问候用语和系动词be的一般现在时的用法。在本单元教学过程中应结合学生的认知特点,创造活动的真实情景,最大限度地激发学生的参与热情,为进一步学习打下坚实的基础。三、单元整体目标分析1、知识与能力:Knowledge objects: Words: this, that, pencil, pen, yes, no, thank you, how, spell, in, at, lost, foundTarget language: Is this your pencil? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Whats this in English? Its a pen. How do you spell it? P-E-N.Ability objects:Train Ss to identify ownership.Train Ss to listen, speak, read and write with the target language in this unit.2、情感态度与价值观:To be honest. Give the lost to the owner.四、重点、难点Teaching key and difficult points:1. Train Ss to master the words of the school things. 2. Train Ss to master the usage of the words: this/ that.3. Train Ss to identify ownership with the words: my/your/her/his 或Alans / Tonys4. Train Ss to ask and answer short questions with the target language in the unit.5. Train Ss to write lost and found notice.五、教法选择、学法指导与资源准备教法选择:任务型教学法、视听法、听说法、交际法、认知法、游戏法、读写法等。学法指导:听说与读写相结合,自主学习与小组合作相结合,知识学习与实践应用相结合。资源准备:1. Some real items. 2. A Computer for multimedia use.3. A tape recorder. 4. Some color cards.六、课时及教学内容安排教学内容课时安排教法选择资源准备教学评价SectionA1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,4a,4bPeriod 1任务型教学、听说法、认知法、交际法、游戏法多媒体,音响,相关实物通过眼神、手势、激励性语言、奖品等方式,通过检查学生快速认知、听写、补全对话、小组游戏等途径对学生进行过程性评价。SectionApart3,SectionB1a,1b,2a,2b,2cPeriod 2任务型教学、视听法、听说法、交际法多媒体,音响,相关实物通过物质奖励、语言激励等方式,通过检查学生做对话、填表、搭配、表演等途径对学生进行过程性评价。SectionBpart4,3a,3b,3cPeriod 3任务型教学、游戏法、认知法、交际法、读写法多媒体,相关实物、彩色卡纸通过检查学生复述、排序、汇报等途径对学生进行过程性评价。通过自我检测、相互评判写作内容等途径对学生进行实时的终结性评价。教学内容七年级英语(上)Unit2 Period1教学设计课时45分钟教学对象七年级执教者吕中 刘娜一、教材内容分析本节教材选自人教版七年级英语(上)Unit2 Is this your pencil? 第一课时。通过预备单元和第一单元的学习,学生已经掌握了26个字母的读法、写法;掌握了基本的问候用语和系动词be的一般现在时的用法;可以用What做简单的疑问句;积累了一定的交流经验。本节课的教学目标为:首先,训练学生认知表示学习用品的单词;再训练学生用my/your/her/his 和Alans / Tonys形式来表达物品的所属关系;然后通过示例和游戏等活动,使学生掌握this和that的用法,掌握系动词is 开头的一般疑问句的问答方法。二、教学目标(知识,能力,情感态度与价值观)Knowledge objects: New words: this, that, pen, pencil, eraser, ruler, backpackTarget language: Is this your pencil? Yes, it is. Is this my pen? No, it isnt. Is that his book? Yes, it is. Is that her eraser? No, it isnt.Ability Objects: Train Ss to master the words and target language in the lesson. Train Ss ability to identify ownership.Moral Objects: To be honest. What isnt yours isnt yours.三、重点、难点重难点:1. The new words and target language in the lesson. 2. Train Ss to master the usage of the words: this /that. 3. Train Ss to identify ownership of things. 4. Train Ss to make questions with “Is”, and make short answers.四、教法选择、学法指导与教学评价教学法:本节课综合运用任务型教学法、听说法、认知法、交际法、游戏法等多种教学方法,旨在改进教学内容呈现方式、学生学习方式,生生、师生互动方式,为突出学生的主体作用,最大限度的激发学生的参与热情创造条件,为进一步快乐的学习打下坚实的基础。教学评价方式:通过眼神、手势、激励性语言、奖品等方式,通过检查学生快速认知、听写、补全对话、小组游戏等途径对学生进行过程性评价。五、资源准备多媒体,音响,相关实物六、教学过程教学任务教师活动学生活动设计意图及资源准备Task 1Greeting and leading-in(5分钟)Greet the class warmly.Show some school things and ask the Ss: Whats this?Greet the teacher as usual.Look at the school things and say the names. 热身和导入新课。PPT /Real objectsTask 2New words(5分钟) Show the real objects and ask Ss to repeat the names of the objects. Have Ss match the words with the things in 1a, and then write down the names of the objects in the picture. Read and try to remember the words. Match the words with the things in the picture, and then write down the names of the objects individually.通过对单词的学习扫除后继对话任务的障碍。PPT/Real objectsTask 3Presentation(5分钟) Hold up a pen, and say: This is my pen. Point to some students and ask: Is this your/her/his pen? Help to answer: No, it isnt. Then when the Ss ask the teacher, The answer is: Yes, it is. (Meanwhile write down the sentences on the bd.) Do the same approach with the word: that.Repeat the sentences. Ask and answer with the teacher.通过对句型的呈现,使学生认识到this和that用法的区别,模仿以系动词is开头的一般问答,训练学生用my/your/her/his来表达物品的所属关系。PPT/Real objectsTask 4Grammar(5分钟) Show the usage of the words: this/that. Show the usages of the words: my, your, her, his. Show the rules with the short questions and answers.Read and learn the grammar by heart.通过语法呈现,扫除学生对语言的理解障碍。为接下来的灵活运用做铺垫。PPTTask 5Pair-work(10分钟)Ask Ss to make conversations with
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