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Autodesk欧特克软件公司Intern Software Engineer职位性质: 兼职/实习 有效日期: 2022年03月29日 至 2022年06月27日聘请人数: 多人工作地点: 上海Intern Software Engineer职位描述:【Autodesk R & D聘请 Intern Positions】As a global leader in 3D design, engineering, and entertainment software, Autodesk helps people imagine, design, and create a better world. Autodesk accelerates better design through an unparalleled depth of experience and a broad portfolio of software to give customers the power to solve their design, business, and environmental challenges. In addition to designers, architects, engineers, and media and entertainment professionals, Autodesk helps students, educators, and casual creators unlock their creative ideas through user-friendly applications. Working Location: Autodesk China Research & Development Shanghai Internship Requirement: At least 3-day attendance to the work is required, and the internship is required to last for 6-12 months Resumes send to: gracie.zhengautodesk.com Position 1: Intern Software Engineer Responsibilities: - Design, prototype, implement, test and troubleshoot product features and components according to the market requirements and product specifications.- Design, implement, test and maintain engineering tools to make the whole team more efficient- Deliver results that meet market requirements and product specifications with a high level of quality and customer satisfaction.- Work closely with Test Development group in unit level testing and problem resolution. Requirements: - Majored in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Math, GIS or relevant- In school student who will graduate in 2022 or 2022, Master degree candidate preferred- 3+ days/week available for on-site working- Hands-on experience with native C+ and .Net programming- In-depth knowledge of algorithms and design patterns- Fluent oral English Preferred Qualifications: - Experience on mobile development or cloud computing is a plus 关于Autodesk中国讨论院成立于2022年1月的Autodesk中国讨论院(简称ACRD)是建立在原有的Autodesk中国应用开发中心(简称CADC)、及新并购的汉略信息技术有限公司(简称HSL)根底上的,是Autodesk公司全球的研发基地。该中心集中了国内外一大批专业技术精英,全面参加公司各大主营产品的核心研发工作。产品所涉及的领域涵盖机械设计、空间地理信息系统、三维数字消遣、动画设计及软件开发、根底设施工程、建筑设计、数据交换等,用户遍布全球各地。100财宝100强公司及98财宝500强公司均为Autodesk的客户。关于AutodeskAutodesk欧特克软件公司,作为世界的二维、三维数字化设计及治理软件,以及数字化内容供给商,不断向制造业、工程建立行业、地理信息业以及传媒消遣业供应卓越的数字化软件效劳和解决方案。自1982年AutoCAD正式推向市场,欧特克软件公司已针对最广泛的应用领域研发出多种先进的数字样机解决方案,帮忙用户在设计转化为成品前体验自己的创意。在数字设计市场,没有哪家公司能在产品的品种和市场占有率方面与Autodesk匹敌。作为世界上的软件公司之一,欧特克软件公司的用户普及150多个国家,数量超过七百万。Autodesk欧特克软件公司以为员工供应具有吸引力的薪酬制度、良好的福利待遇及令人称道的工作环境所着称。了解更多关于欧特克软件公司信息,请查询:.autodesk.com & .autodesk.com.cn
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