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Module 4 Home aloneUnit 2 I became so bored with their orders that I wished they would leave me alone.本课时编写:合肥市金湖中学 宋敏教材分析This is the second lesson in this module. The reading material is information about staying at home. Its a good text to help the students improve their reading strategies, such as getting information from the reading material.教学目标【知识目标】1. Key words:manage, unhappy, order, business, sofa, midnight, empty, unable, burn, cup, task2. Key phrases:turn off, be worried about, on business, wake up, hand in, all day long, come true, tidy up3. Key sentences:(1) Although they loved me, I felt a bit unhappy with them.(2) I became so bored with their orders that I wished they would leave me alone.【能力目标】1. To understand the passage and get the key information.2. To write a passage about what you should and shouldnt do at home.【情感目标】To discuss a problem from two sides and make a conclusion.教学重难点 【教学重点】To master the key words, expressions, structures and grammar in the unit【教学难点】To improve reading analysis ability and problem-solving ability.课前准备Multimedia教学过程Step I Warming up and leading inT: Work in pairs and talk about daily things you do alone and the things your parents do for you.Ss imagine that their parents go away on business, and they have to stay at home alone. How do you think of this situation?Can you cook simple meals/ tidy up on your own/ wake up on time/ do some washing/ look after yourself well?【设计意图】让学生熟悉本单元的话题,明确自己独处的时候需要掌握的几项生存技能,老师通过问题导入新课。Step II Pre-reading(I) T: If you stay at home alone, how do you feel? Ss answers(II) A boy called Zheng Chenyu stayed at home alone. He was very happy.【设计意图】为接下来的阅读做准备。Step III While-reading(I) Fast-readingT: Read the four summaries and understand them.You may guess the answers at first.T: Read the passage and choose the best summary.a) Zheng Chenyu found his life more difficult without his parents.b) Zheng Chenyu depended on his parents to prepare meals for him.c) Zheng Chenyu had so much homework that he did not have time to look after himself.d) Zheng Chenyu should learn to cook.(II) Scan Paragraph 1 and fill in the blanks.Q: How did Zheng feel about his parents? He felt a bit _ with them. He became so _ with their orders that he wished they would leave him alone. (III) Read Paragraph 2 and answer this question What did Zheng do on the first day? (IV) Read Paragraph 3-4 carefully and check the following statements.1. Zheng woke up late and didnt do his homework.2. Zheng felt excited on the second day.3. Zheng was bad at cooking.4. His mother told him jokes and his father cooked delicious food.(V) Scan Paragraph 5 and fill in the blanks.What did he learn during the holiday?【设计思路】通过阅读和练习,要求学生对文章进行细致的了解并能抓取细节信息。Step IV Post-reading(I) Ss retell the passage.On the first day, On the second day, When he got home, When his parents came home, he could (II) Look through the passage again and complete the sentences about Zheng Chenyus feelings.1 Zheng Chenyu felt _ with his parents because they did everything for him and managed every minute of his life.2 After Zheng Chenyus parents went away on business, he felt _ because he could _.3 Zheng Chenyu felt _ after the first night.4 Zheng Chenyu felt _ when he found he could not look after himself well.5 Zheng Chenyu realised being home alone _.(III) Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box. burn cup empty order simple task Zheng Chenyu was bored with his parents (1)_ . He was happy when his parents went away on business, though he soon found that he could not do(2)_ things. He forgot his homework. He went to school with a(n) (3)_ stomach. He(4)_his food and broke his fathers (5)_. Zheng Chenyu had to learn to do (6)_ like cooking and tidying up. He realised being home alone is not always perfect. 【设计意图】巩固课堂知识,加深对课文的理解。Step V WritingWrite a passage about what you can do and what you cannot do when your parents are away.【设计意图】学生操练写作技巧。Step V HomeworkI. Read the passage in Unit 2 twice.II. Write a passage about staying at home alone. 【设计意图】作业是课堂学习的延伸,是对课堂所学的技能很好的综合检测。教学反思略。
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