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丹徒区小学 五 年级英语教学案汇编教学内容Unit Our animal friends(Culture & Cartoon time)教学课时第3课时主备王永梅复备人盛文佳 田伟佳 殷利君 教学目标1、能够听懂、会说、会读卡通故事中出现的词汇和日常用语:fingers, hard, give, Ouch!2. 能够流利地表达It has . .;并能稍熟练地运用本单元主要词句简单介绍动物。3. 了解中国和主要英语国家的特有动物。4. 能够整体理解并简单表演卡通对话。教学重点与难点教学重点:1.学生能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指导下表演故事;2.能正确并熟练地运用本课词句简单介绍动物。教学难点:1.能正确运用本单元主要句型描述动物特征。2.文化版块教学中动物和国家能记忆联系。教学准备及手段1教具准备:PPT课件或图片2教学准备:学生预习3板书准备:写好课题,句子卡片等教 学 过 程Step1. Warming up & Revision1. Free talk.Do you have.? Yes, I do./No, I don.t.Does he/she/it have .? Yes ,he/she have./No, he/she/it doesnt.Do they have .? Yes, they do./No, they dont.2. Lets guess教师事前准备好五个纸条,每张上面用语言描述一些动物,让学生根据描述来猜测是何种动物。(Duck)(Sheep)(Pig)(Cow)(Dog)3. Lets play猜猜我的动物朋友是谁?你们可以问我一些问题,我只回答Yes或No。看谁猜的最快,加油哦!提供句子:Does it have?Can it ? Is it a/an?4. 教师根据上面的猜测活动出示自己的new animal friendIt has eight legs. It has two big arms. Its body is big and hard. It is a crab.(教学单词crab) Step2.Cartoon time1. Lets look ,read and say.(1)出示Picture1 ,看图了解故事背景:Who are they? Where are they?Whats on the beach? How are they?/Are they happy?(2)指导学生有感情地出揣摩朗读图1中的句子。(3)情景想象表达:What will Sam say to the crab?2. Lets watch (1)看卡通,了解故事大意并回答:Does the new animal friend like the cakes?(2)Check and read:出示图5校对答案,并教学单词finger和日常用语Ouch!(3)请揣摩Sam和Bobby的心情,同桌分角色来读一读。3.Lets read and findQ: What does the crab have?(1)请找出文中含有It has 的句子,并用横线划出句子,再读一读。(2)出示并朗读,理解Its body is hard. = It has a hard body. (3)出示图2和图3,对比朗读并得出:The crab has two big arms and eight legs. It has a hard and big body.4Lets read 播放录音跟读之后自由选择方式读5. Lets act三人小组表演6. Lets discuss and think:(1) 给故事加上一个合适的标题(2) 故事的最后会发生什么呢?Step3.Culture time1.Guess: What is the animal?出示谜面阅读,然后猜测动物,不会则直接出示进行四个动物单词新授教学。2.Lets match连线之前先逐个教学国家名称,认识国旗;然后再联系。3.Lets enjoy and sayYou can see.in .4.情感教育:Animals are our good friends.动物是我们的好朋友。Lets care about animals. 让我们一起保护动物。Step4.Homework:1. Read Cartoon time 3 times.2. Finish the exercise book. 完成课课练P19D。 3. Act the cartoon and try to recite it.4. Read and recite culture time. 板书设计: You can see(动物复数) in (国家名) Unit3 Our animal friends(Cartoon& culture time) two big arms. It has eight legs. a crab a big and hard body.教学反思:教学调整
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