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人教版精品英语资料(精校版)Unit1 Using language(2)精品学案Reading and writing (P.7)【学习目标】1. 读懂Xiao Dong的信,针对如何交朋友给出建议。2. 根据教材以及教师提供的辅助信息,在一定的时间内独立完成一封建议信,并且条理清晰,观点明确,具有一定的逻辑性,能正确运用关于建议的表达句型。3. 纠正同伴在写作中的错误,掌握评价写作的基本标准。激情参与, 树立乐于助人的价值观。【重难点】重点:独立完成建议信。难点:认真纠正同伴在写作中的错误,掌握评价写作的基本标准。【使用说明】1 20分钟独立完成【课前预习】。10分钟查找单词,10分钟预习课本内容,完成练习。 2. 正课:5分钟思考,10分钟写作。5分钟互评,10分钟展示点评。10分钟写第二稿。【课前预习】【预习指导】Task 1.Expressions:a. Fill in the table by referring to the dictionary and try to understand and remember all the expressions. Words an phrasesChinesesentencegratefuldislikejoin inb. Try to find out what the following sentence patterns mean and translate the Chinese into English using them.要是你能把那本书给我带来,我将感激不尽。I would be grateful if _.出去散散步好吗?Why not _?你可以通过询问他们的好恶开始交谈。(交谈:conversation)You can _by asking about_.Task 2. Read the letter on P.7 and answer the following question. What is Xiao Dongs problem?_.Task 3. Do exercise 1 on P. 7 IdeasWhy4. 我的疑问【课内探究】I. 自主学习探究一: 1. Think about the structure of Miss Wangs letter and write the first draft. Eg. The tense (时态) should be_. The letter should be written in _ person(人称). How many parts are there in Miss Wangs letter? What should each part talk about? What about the beginning and ending? What can be the first sentence of each paragraph?What should be writtenHow we writePart IPart IIPart III.探究二:独立思考,完成写作Write your first draft: (The same time group leaders write their letters onto the BL). _. _ _. _. _._._._._. 探究三:1. Swap your letter with your desk mate, pick out any mistakes and explain to him/her why things need to be changed. 2. Discuss standards of a good passage.II. 合作探究,展示解疑III. 完成写作。课后反思和建议【课外拓展】I. Recite the sample writing.II. Some exercises to train your writing.1 Some beginnings of letters请求帮助:I have got a problem and as I dont know what to do, I thought Id write to you and ask for your advice. 给予帮助:Thank you for your letter. I agree that it is a difficult situation. I think you Thank you for your letter. I am sorry that you are not happy yet in your new school. I suggest .说明原因:Im sorry to tell you that I cant begin work on your appointed day.Im sorry that I wont be able to attend the lecture on American history tomorrow morning.介绍情况:Im writing to tell you about a discussion weve had about whether students.should take evening classes.2. Correct the following sentences:a. I am very like pandas.b. In China have some pandas.c. My pen friend neednt have good-looking.d. happy birthday to tom.e. My name is Li Hua, Im from China。f. You may ask me why. Because I want him to be my friend.g. I want to have a pen friend. So I hope you can help me.h. Everybody loves it. what about you.i. Near the library. There is a garden.j. when I called on him he was listening to music.k. it is foolish to go out without a coat in such weather; youll catch a cold.l. the new term begins on the 5th of April.m. 21st century school edition is a kind of newspaper published by China dailyIII. 1. Read carefully the proverbs on p.46 and think of some Chinese proverbs that have similar meanings.2. Read the sample story on p.46 and analyze the structure.Text type: story (fiction) Title: (choose a proverb and make a good title) Context: who, where, when, what Development: (give at least an example to support your ideas) Conclusion: (Using the proverb) 3. Choose one proverb to write your own story to explain the proverb.方法导引【预习指导】:充分理解文章,为写回信做好铺垫。Task 2.认真分析材料,明确题目要求。Task 3.初步列举文章要点,准备素材。探究一写作前先审题:(1) 审文体-这里是应用文-书信。(2) 审人称(3) 审时态(4) 审要求探究二完成第一稿,构建框架,形成思路。探究三修改文章,正确、严谨表达。【课内探究】III润色,修改,提升第一稿,形成第二稿。温鑫提示:漂亮的书法可以给你的书面表达增色不少。
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