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22-02X学年上派初级中学七年级(下)期中测试(外研版Moule 1Modue 6)第一部分 听力部分(2分)听录音,选择图片(5分)(A) (B) (C)(A) (B) (C)(A) (B) (C)(A) (B) (C)(A) (B) (C)( ). ( )2. ( )3.( )4 ( )5. II听对话,选择答案(5分)( )6. Whatsot s getin mor poulr i ChinaA. Tale ei.BasetllC. Fotbal( ).Whre does Daming ant too A.CaadaB MxicoC Amerca( )8. Wll Liglinghave a god job.Ys, she il.No, s dostC. Yes an no( )9. Wat e Linlgs familydoingnwA. ayng cardsB atcing TVC. Gettingready o th Srig Fesial( )10. W etty dgA. Geting a busB drini at home. Soppng wit her mter.听对话,选择答案(分)( )1. TonyanLinling are akg bo_. A. fture jobsB. hfutu livesC. the futreleanig( )2. Toy thish wl get a _i the uture. a god job.goo carC. agod house( )13 To will _ tis fiendswi hi new lato.A edflwB. ndpesentsC. en eails( )4. Lingng will tago job because se will_.A spak Chinese welB sa very gdEnlish C.lean Elsh rd( )5. inginghnks er fe wil be_. nterestin but ficultB.uncomfortaben dllC. appya ierestig 听对话,判断正误(5分)( )16. amigs anti going to viit te( )17. hey aet ongto the pak.( )8. hey art goig towatcT,bti unt ik TV.( )19. Hs om s ina cae.( )20. Damin knws w he is ong to do.第二部分 语言知识V 单项选择(本题共15分,每小题1分)( )2.ont ra the sn.It bad o your es. . Bin . ( )2Ijoy baktbll A o pay playig C. play( )2.She suall hlp hr moher ousewo n Sunday. A do.oes C fo dong( )24.He is oong fwar hsunceA.st B.tovisting. t visi ( )25 is te oulation of Chn AHo man B. Wat C How much( ).There a est torow A. is Bill b .wll ve ( )27.Its i smmer than i atmn A. ot B.ottr .more hoter( )28.heNew Yarestivl Lanern Fesival after woweesA. i finishing B. fiish C. inishes()2. i qust is oo . cantar t.A difficult B.esy C.inereting( )30. -Will te e Enish et n Monda -No, A.her is B t wnt Ctereont ()31. I get upearly I wnt totakthefirt busA.bcase B. but C. however( )32. Th putionof hi i ha Amrica . bier lager C. maller( )33 alnow L un. hi novel. is tredof B. is wekat .isfaousor( )34.I i easir yong peole nglh to, ler B t,o learn C fr, t le( )3 We regoingt havea ar tn. ouldouike to come A. Good igt B. es, Idoet CBad lc VI完形填空(共10小题,每题分,共10分)Tn yeas ater, Iwl be23years old. Our citywilbe a( ) livnglac then. There will be ntall (37)dtee.May eple wilvisit ur (8 ) Almost every amil will ve oner wo ars. eopl il (39) their cs to work evey d. e libaies ill hv mrecomputs, ad eol an (40) ooks on the. The resturats wi averobot waites(服务员) t (41) ou ood. Sooswll have ore (2) ivn in Enlnd to ta you Englsh. it th(43)f teeisio and compur , trnpot willb fast(快的). You an nly ed wo(44)t gt Afrca byleeoelkee hoe(45)byusg the soa enrgy (太阳能). Ina wor, he wy peope live wil angea t in hefuture. ( )36 A. good Bweak . smooth( )37. . pubs .buildings . loor( )38.A factory library city( )3 A. shp. B. leave C drive( )40 A. red B ve C watc( )1. A. tak B brg C make( )4 A maage B docsC. ta( )43. . lif B. tradtin C. help( )4. A hou .we as( )45 . wam B col cold.VII. 阅读理解(共10题,每小题分,共20分)A)I is Sundy tday. Ann is sopping with her oter. Se wns hemohert uy ane swerfrher In a clothinghop, sefinds an oag one. e trie t n(试穿).It stoo small. Sewnts a bge on,uh biger oesre ntorag. Ann destli her clor.Her
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