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剖析 1999 年真题一 1999 年真题解说Directions:A. Study the following graphs carefully and write an essay in at least 150 words.B. Your essay must be written neatly on ANSWER SHEET .C. Your essay should cover these three points:1Effect of the countrys growing human population on its wildlife2 Possible reason for the effect3 Your suggestions for wildlife protection1999 年考研英语写作是继 1997 之后再次考查了图表作文,当然也是至今为止最后一次考图表作文, 1999 年之后的题型均为图画作文。图表作文一般分为两大类型考查。一种类型叫粗线条表述, 这类题型没有要求对图表进行描述, 所以就不需要引用数据论证, 只要说出图表的变化就可以了。 另外一种叫做细线条作文, 或详细描述作文。 题目要求对图表进行详细的描述或利用图表阐述自己的观点,这样的题型就应该把图表的细节一一表述出来。本题中给出了两个图表,分别代表美国人口的增长和物种灭绝。考生仔细观察以上两幅图表中有关1800 年至 1900 年的情况会发现两个数据均成上升趋势,由此我们基本上可以得出人口增长在很大程度上导致了物种灭绝的结论。另外本文中已经提供了提纲,考生应该先仔细阅读提纲要求,再结合图表写出段落主题句,进而扩张成文。提纲中要求我们写三点:第一点是写人口增长对野生动植物的影响。第二点写这种影响可能产生的原因。第三点要求提出自己对野生动植物保护的建议。由于提纲中没有要求对图表进行详细的描述,所以可以在第一段简单描述数据, 而后得出结论。 接下来的两段再对产生的原因和解决方法进行详细的阐述。终点应该放在第二、三段。二经典范文赏析The ups and downs of population growthAs is seen from the two graphs, it is clear that with the rapid growth of U.S. population from1800 to 1900, the number of its wildlife species no longer soared during the same period. We can easily draw a conclusion that the sharp decline of wildlife species resulted from the populationgrowth. As human population increases, the species of wildlife decline, and some are even on the brink of extinction.We may cite a variety of reasons for this situation. But the most contributing one is humanbeings weak sense of wildlife protection which leads to the decrease of wildlife as a result ofcases of illegal hunting and killing of wildlife for profits. Besides, the destruction of ecological environment also plays a pushing role. Less and less forest and pasture coverage with more andmore pollutionand soil erosion due to population problem make it even more difficultfor thewildlifeto survive. Hence, unfortunately but naturally a soaring number of human populationcomes in tandem with a descending variety of wildlife.Ecologicalenvironment construction and protection is a pressing and long-termtask. Totackle the problem calls for, above all, the governments efforts to control population growth, todecrease pollution and to enhance the laws to forbid wildlife hunting. Moreover, common citizens should take practical actions to protect wild animals as well as our living environment.译文人口增长的沉浮从以上两幅图表中我们可以清楚的看到 1800 年到 1900 年间美国人口急剧增长, 但同期野生动植物灭绝的数量也随之急剧增长。 从中我们很容易的得出人口增长在很大程度上导致物种的灭绝。随着人口的增多,野生动植物越来越少,有的甚至濒临灭绝。我们可以找到很多理由来解释这一现象。但最重要的就是人们的保护意识淡漠,为了获利疯狂猎杀野生动植物的行为导致了物种的灭绝。另外,生态环境的破坏也起了很大的作用。森林和草场的覆盖率越来越低,另一方面由于人口增长导致的污染和土地腐化却越来越严重,在这样的条件野生动植物很难生存。 因此不幸的事情发生了, 野生动植物的数量随人口的增长越来越少。生态环境的维护是一个紧迫而又长期的任务。要解决这个问题,首先,政府要控制人口增长, 减少污染,制定法律禁止猎杀野生动植物。 此外,普通公民应该采取实际行动保护野生动植物和我们的生存环境。黄金句型As is seen from the two graphs, it is clear that.从以上两幅图表中我们可以清楚的看到 We can easily draw a conclusion that.从中我们很容易的得出 We may cite a variety of reasons for this situation. Butthe most contributingone is.,besides.我们可以找到很多理由来解释这一现象。但最重要的就是 ,另外 . is a pressing and long-term task. 是一个紧迫而又长期的任务。To tackle the problem calls for, above all,. Moreover,解决这个问题首先需要 ,此外
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