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书面表达书面表达一本周班会同学们将畅谈对未来职业的想法,请你用英语写一篇有关自己看法的发言稿。要点如下:1 有许多的兴,尤其擅长英语,音乐;2 有良好的性格,善于与同学交流,相处融洽;3 由于越来越多的游客来武汉,未来想当一名导游;4 对于选择的职业,谈谈你如何努力实现自己的理想,一,两点即可。注意:1 词数60-802 参考词汇: communicate v.交流 tour guide 导游 achieve v.实现 Here Id like to say something about my future job.I have many interests.Im especially good at English and music.Whats more,I think Im really friendly and I can communicate and get along well with my classmates.As Wuhan is becoming more and more popular and more and more tourists will come here.I want to be a tour guide in the future.So from now on.I will study harder and leran more about the history,culture of Wuhan and learn some tour knowledge in my free time to achieve my dream.书面表达二1 张强十分喜欢运动,花很多时间看运动杂志,踢足球和打篮球;2 他的学习很努力,但英语成绩不太好;3 他的父母想要他利用即将来临的暑假去上英语培训班,学好英语;4 就上培训班一事谈谈你的看法(至少两点).注意1 词数60-802 参考词汇: magazine n.杂志 training lesson 培训课 improve v.提高Zhang Qiang likes sports very much.Every day he spends a lot of time reading sports nagazines.playing basketball and football.He studies hard,but he isnt good at English.His parents want him to have the English training lesson in the coming summer vacation.I think its helpful for Zhang Qiang to have the English training lesson.It can improve his English.Besides,it will give him more chances to practice English.书面表达三 几乎所有的青少年都喜欢垃圾食品.如:糖果,巧克力,汉堡包,可乐等等.这些东西对儿童的健康有害.请你以此为题,写一篇关于如何正确对待这些食品的建议.要点如下:1 少吃或不吃垃圾食品,不喝甜饮料;2 按时按良吃饭,多吃健康食品,如:蔬菜,水果;3 多喝开水;4 尽量多做运动.5 补充一两点建议注意:1 词数60-802 参考词汇: teenager . 青少年 junk food 垃圾食品 regularly 有规律的Now almost all the teenagers like eating junk food, such as sweets, chocolate, hamburgers and drinking cola.And we know having these things is bad for our health.So I think we should not eat them or eat as little as possible and we should not drink sweet drinks.We should also have our meals regularly and eat more healthy food like vegetables and fruit.We should drink more water and take more exercise.At the same time, we are supposed to advise other friends and classmates to eat healthy food.In this way,we can keep healthy.书面表达四1. 你的笔友Tom来自英国,去年暑假他来到武汉游玩.2. 你陪他去了东胡,看了黄鹤楼,游玩了一些其他的名胜.3. 一起品尝了武汉的一些特色菜肴.4. 一起看了一场中国电影.5. 给他介绍了几个新朋友.6. Tom临走时发现所剩的钱不够回国,请替他出出主意.注意:1 词数60-802 参考词汇: Yellow Crane Tower 黄鹤楼place of interest 名胜古迹 appreciate 感谢Last summer,my pen pal,Tom,from England,came to my hometown to spend holiday.I showed him to the East Lake,had a good look at the Yellow Crane Tower and visited some other places of interest,He was very excited. At the same time,I introduced him some special food in Wuhan and he really enjoyed it.One evening we went to a cinema to see a Chinese film.During his etay here,he made some new friends of mine.But when he wanted to go back,he found his money was not enough for him to ruturn.I asked my parents for advice and we decided to help him.He appreciated our help very much.书面表达五 现在很多同学整天忙于做作业和准备考试,很少时间参加体育锻炼.请你根据提示.以倡导体育锻炼为主题,写一篇演讲稿.要点如下:1 我们应该加强体育锻炼.2 体育锻炼能使人保持健康,还能预防疾病.3 体育锻炼能使人放松,缓解学习压力,从而帮助我们更好的学习.4 体育锻炼可以塑造人的性格,是学习团队精神的机会,还可以增强和朋友间,父母间的交流等等5 补充一两点你的看法,注意:1 词数60-802 参考词汇: stress 压力 character 性格 team spirit团队精神Hello,everyone!Why not go out to do exercise?Of course,you may say youre busy doing your homework and preparing for the exams.You dont have enough time to do exercise.But in fact,doing exercise can help you study better.It can lower your stress and make you feel relaxed.So you can do better in your study.Also,doing exercise is good for our health.A healthy body can help us to keep away from illness.Whats more, doing exercise can help us build our characters.It is an excellent chance for us to learn team spirit.And we can communicate more and better with our friends and parents by doing exercise together.So in my opinion,we should form a good habit of doing exercise.Lets do exercisetogether.书面表达六 老师为了给学生提供英语实践的机会,将会在周末举行英语交流活动.要求每位同学用英语介绍一下身边同学(LiMing)的情况,请用英语准备一篇发言稿.要点如下:1 很善于学习功课,最喜欢的科目是英语.2 对人友善,乐于助人.3 课余生活丰富,有自己的爱好.4 喜爱音乐,常常上网搜索有用信息;5 关于中学生如何生活谈一两点你的看法,注意:1 词数60-802 参考词汇: hobby 爱好 information 信息 surf the Internet 上网 Fellow students,Im glad to tell something about my friend Li Ming.He is good at his lessons and his favorite subject is English.He is friendly to others and willing to heip others.He always has many thongs to do in the spare time.And he has his own hobbies.He likes to surf the Internet to get what he wants.He likes music very much.I think we should learn from Li Ming.Students should study hard and also enjoy life out of class.书面表达七请你写一篇文章介绍一下我国的一些风俗习惯,可以包括以下这些方面:1. 中国是一个历史悠久的国家,所以有许多风俗习惯。2. 第一次与他人见面时,应与对方握手。3. 与他人共进晚餐时,不应用筷子指点他人,这是不礼貌的。4. 如果参加一个晚会,应按时到场,或稍晚几分钟。5. 入乡随俗:When in Rome,do as the Romans do。要求:1 不要逐词翻译。 2 词数6080词左右。 3 文章开头以给出,不计入总词数。China is a country with long history,so there are many customs in it.Fristly,you a
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