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Unit 2 DETECTIVE STORIESPeriod 1Teaching Aims 1) to let the students master some important words in this unit 2) to let the students know more about American and English literatureBackground InformationSIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLEArthur Conan Doyle, the son of Charles Doyle and Mary Foley, was born in Edinburgh on 22nd May 1859. Arthurs father was an alcoholic and the family was always short of money. At school, Arthur developed a strong interest in the books written by sir Walter Scottand Edgar Allan Poe. Conan Doyle studied at Edinburgh University and helped to fund his course by working as a surgeon on Hope, a 400 ton whaler on a seven month voyage to the Arctic. The following year he worked on Mayumba, a passenger ship bound for West Africa. On this voyage Conan Doyle nearly died of typhoid. On his return, Conan Doyle set up as a doctor in Southsea, a suburb of Porthmouth. With very few patients, Conan Doyle attempted to make money by writing detective stories. His main character, Sherlock Holmes, was based on Dr. Joseph Bell, a surgeon and criminal psychologist, who lectured at Edinburgh Infirmary. In 1891 Conan Doyle published six Sherlock Holmes stories in the Strand Magazine. The following year he was paid 1,000 for a whole series on Sherlock Holmes. Conan Doyle really wanted to write historical novels like his hero, Sir Walter Scott, and in 1893 decided to kill off Sherlock Holmes in the story, The Final Problem. However, after coming under considerable pressure from his fans, he returned to write his best known detective story, The Hound of the Baskervilles (1902). Conan Doyle served as a doctor in the Boer War (1899-1902) and wrote The War in South Africa (1902), where he attempted to justify Britains actions during the war. On 2nd September, 1914, soon after the start of the First World War, the Liberal politician, Charles Masterman, the head of the War Propaganda, organised a secret meeting of Britains leading writers. to discuss ways of best promoting Britains interests during the war. Those who attended to discuss the best way of promoting Britains interests during the war included Conan Doyle, All the writers present at the conference agreed to the utmost secrecy, and it was not until 1935 that the activities of the became known to the general public. Several of the men who attending the meeting agreed to write pamphlets and books that would promote the governments view of the situation. Although fifty-five when the war Conan Doyle also joined the Crowborough Company of the Sixth Royal Sussex Volunteer Regiment and served as a private throughout the war. His son, Kingsley Conan Doyle, joined the British Army and was wounded at the Somme. He died in October, 1917, after developing pneumonia.After the war Conan Doyle wrote several books on spiritualism including The New Revelation (1918) and The History of Spiritualism (1926). Arthur Conan Doyle died at Crowborough on 7th July 1930英国杰出的侦探小说家、剧作家。毕业于爱丁堡医科大学,行医10余年,收入仅能维持生活。后专写侦探小说。血字的研究几经退稿才发表,以四签名闻名于世。1891年弃医从文,遂成侦探小说家。代表作有波斯米亚丑闻红发会、五个桔核等。1894年决定停止写侦探小说,在最后一案中让福尔摩斯在激流中死去。不料广大读者对此愤慨,提出抗议。柯南道尔只得在空屋中让福尔摩斯死里逃生,又写出巴斯克维尔的猎犬、归来记、恐怖谷等侦探小说。塑造的福尔摩斯已成为世界上家喻户晓的任务。福尔摩斯的办公地点也成了旅游点。作品合乎逻辑的推理引人入胜,结构起伏跌宕,人物形象鲜明,涉及当时英国社会现实。对于其艺术成就,英国著名小说家毛姆曾说:“和柯南道尔所写的福尔摩斯探案全集相比,没有任何侦探小说曾享有那么大的声誉。”柯南道尔被成为“英国侦探小说之父”,成为世界最畅销书作家之一。. Teaching Procedure:Step 1. Warming upLet the students look at the picture on the right of P11, ask them what they see on it, what is written on it .(possible answers: a sign which reads “Park smarter, Dont risk it, take your valuables.” ), then let them discuss the following questions1) do you think crime in your community has increased in the past 10 years, decreased or stayed about the same?2) Which of the following measures would be most likely to decrease crime?More education about responsible citizenshipEducation about how to keep yourself and your property safeMore severe punishments for people who commit crimeMore policeMore encouragement for citizens to report criminalsStep 2. Pre-readingBefore the reading part, ask the students the following questions concerning reading on P11, ask them to look at the 2 pictures at the bottom of P11,what do they think has happened to the people in the pictures?Period 2 Teaching Aims: 1) to improve the students reading ability 2) to let the students know more about protecting themselvesTeaching procedure:Step 1. ask the students to read the text quickly, complete it using the sentences and clauses below, which are the conclusions drawn by the police, then check it by reading the entire text to yourself.* this means that the attacker had not been in trouble with the police* they realized that the fingerprint belonged to one of the attackers* the police now realize that Leonard and his girlfriend could have been the ones who have attacked the taxi driv
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