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I woke up to find the doctor lifting me very carefully into my own bedIt was good to be back in my familiar bedroom,with a warm fire and candle-lightIt was also a great relief to recognize Dr Lloyd,who Mrs Reed called in for her servants(she always called a specialist for herself and the children)He was looking after me so kindlyI felt he would protect me from Mrs ReedHe talked to me a little,then gave Bessie orders to take good care of meWhen he left,I felt very lonely again我醒来时,发现医生正小心地把我抱回我的床上。回到自己熟悉的、有温暖的炉火和烛光的卧室,真是太好了。见到洛依德医生也是极大的安慰。里德太太总是请他为仆人看病(她和她的子女请的是专科大夫)。他仔细护理着我,我觉得他可以在里德太太面前保护我。他和我说了会儿话,然后告诉贝茜要好好照顾我。他走了,我又感到非常孤独。 But I was surprised to find that Bessie did not scold me at allIn fact she was so kind to me that I became brave enough to ask a question但令我惊奇的是贝茜根本没有训斥我。实际上,她待我很好,我竟壮着胆子问了她一个问题。 Bessie,whats happened?Am I ill? “贝茜,发生了什么事?我病了吗?”Yes,you became ill in the red room,but youll get better,dont worry,Miss Jane,she answeredThen she went next door to fetch another servantI could hear her whispers “是的,你在红房子里病倒了,不过你会好起来的,别担心,简小姐。”她答道,然后到隔壁屋里叫来了另一个仆人,我能听得到她悄悄的说话声。 Sarah,come in here and sleep with me and that poor child tonightI darent stay alone with her,she might dieShe was so ill last night!Do you think she saw a ghost?Mrs Reed was too hard on her,I thinkSo the two servants slept in my room,while I lay awake all night,trembling with fear,and eyes wide open in horror,imagining ghosts in every corner“莎拉,今晚到这儿来陪我和这个小可怜一起睡。我不敢单独陪她,她可能会死的,昨晚她病得很厉害。你认为她看到鬼了吗?我觉得里德太太待她太狠了。”于是,两个仆人睡在了我的房里。我躺着一夜不曾合眼,浑身惊恐地打颤,两眼因害怕睁得大大的,想象着每个角落里都有鬼魂。 Fortunately I suffered no serious illness as a result of my terrible experience in the red room,although I shall never forget that nightBut the shock left me nervous and depressed for the next few daysI cried all day long and although Bessie tried hard to tempt me with nice things to eat or my favourite books,I took no pleasure in eating or even in readingI knew I had no one to love me and nothing to look forward to 幸运的是,我没有因红房子里的可怕经历而害一场大病,但我永远忘不了那个晚上。后来的几天里,由于惊吓我变得非常紧张和忧郁,整天哭泣着。尽管贝茜想尽办法用好吃的和我喜欢的书吸引我,我却不愿意吃东西,甚至不想读书。我知道没有人爱我,没什么可指望的。 When the doctor came again,he seemed a little surprised to find me looking so miserable 医生又来了,他看到我痛苦的样子感到很吃惊。 Perhaps shes crying because she couldnt go out with Mrs Reed in the carriage this morning,suggested Bessie “她哭,也许是因为今天早晨不能和里德太太一起坐马车。”贝茜猜测着。 Surely shes more sensible than that,said the doctor,smiling at meShes a big girl now “她比这懂事得多,”医生边说边冲我笑着。“她已经是大孩子了。” Im not crying about thatI hate going out in the carriageI said quicklyIm crying because Im miserable “我不是因为这个哭。我讨厌坐马车出门。”我马上说。“我哭是因为我很痛苦。” Oh really,Miss!said Bessie “噢,真的吗,小姐?”贝茜说。 The doctor looked at me thoughtfullyHe had small,grey,intelligent eyesJust then a bell rang for the servantsdinner 医生关切地看着我,他那双灰色的小眼睛充满智慧。这时铃响了,叫仆人们去吃饭。You can go,Bessie,he saidIll stay here talking to Miss Jane till you come back “贝茜,你可以走了,”他说,“我在这儿和简小姐说话,等你回来。” After Bessie had left,he asked,What really made you ill? 等贝茜走后,他问:“你究竟是怎么病的?” I was locked up in a room with a ghost,in the dark “我被关在有鬼的黑房子里。” Afraid of ghosts,are you?he smiled 他笑了:“怕鬼,是吗?” Of Mr Reeds ghost,yesHe died in that room,you knowNobody ever goes in there any moreIt was cruel to lock me in there alone without a candleI shall never forget it! “是的,怕里德先生的鬼魂。你知道,他是在那间屋里去世的,谁都不再进去。把我单独关在里面,又不点蜡烛,真是太残酷了,我永远忘不了!” But you arent afraid nowThere must be another reason why you are so sad,he said,looking kindly at me “可是你现在并不怕呀!你这么难过一定另有原因。”他说着,和蔼地看着我。 How could I tell him all the reasons for my unhappiness! 我怎么能向他诉说什么让我难过呢! I have no father or mother,brothers or sisters,I began “我没有父亲、母亲,也没有兄弟、姐妹,”我说。 But you have a kind aunt and cousins “可是你有好心的舅妈和表兄妹呀。”But John Reed knocked me down and my aunt locked me in the red room,I criedThere was a pause “但是,是约翰里德把我打倒的,是舅妈把我关起来的。”我哭了,无法再说下去。Dont you like living at Gateshead,in such a beautiful house?he asked “你不喜欢住在盖茨赫德、住在这么漂亮的大房子里吗?”他问。 I would be glad to leave it,but I have nowhere else to go “我很乐意离开这里,但是无处可去。” You have no relations apart from Mrs Reed? “除了里德太太,你没有其他亲戚吗?” I think I may have some,who are very poor,but I know nothing about them,I answered“也许有几个,都很穷,但我对他们一无所知。”我答道。 Would you like to go to school?he asked finallyI thought for a momentI knew very little about school,but at least it would be a change,the start of a new life 他最后问:“你想上学吗?”我想了一会儿。我对学校几乎根本不了解,但那至少是个变化,是新生活的开始。 Yes,I would like to go,I replied in the end 我最后说:“是的,我想上学。” Well,well,said the doctor to himself as he got up,well seeThe child is delicate,she ought to have a change of air “好了,好了,”医生自言自语着站了起来。“我们想想办法。孩子太脆弱了,她该透透气了。” I heard later from the servants that he had spoken to Mrs Reed about me,and that she had agreed immediately to send me to schoolAbbott said Mrs Reed would be glad
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