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凯程考研辅导班,中国最强的考研辅导机构,http:/www.kaichengschool.com 考研就找凯程考研,学生满意,家长放心,社会认可!翻译硕士考研必备之MTI翻译基础短语解释后备工业 supporting industry 后备基金 reserve fund 候补委员 alternate committee member 后防空虚 leave the defense exposed 候鸟企业 migrant enterprise an enterprise that changes locations for pursuing better conditions for production 喉舌;代言人 mouthpiece 后台管理 back-stage management 后续投资 follow-up investment 候选城市 the candidate cities 后劲 ability to make further advances 互动演示 interactive demonstration 互动广告 interactive advertisement 虎父无犬子 A wise goose never lays a tame egg. 互惠互利 reciprocity and mutual benefit 户籍改革 household registry reform; residential system reform 呼叫等待 call waiting 呼叫转移 call forwarding 户口簿 residence booklet 户口登记簿 household register 户口管理制度 domicile system, residence registration system 呼啦圈 hu la hoop 互联网服务提供商 ISP (Internet Service Provider) 互联网普及率 Internet penetration rate (The Internet penetration rate rose to 38.3 percent, up four percentage points from the same period in 2010, increasing by 55.8 million Internet users. 互联网普及率上升至38.3%,与2010年同期相比上升了四个百分点,新增网民5580万。) 虎鲨 tiger shark.(US diver Craig Clasen fought with a 12ft tiger shark for nearly 2 hours when it tried to attack his friend during an underwater spear fishing expedition in Louisiana.美国潜水员克雷格克拉森在美国路易斯安那州的海底潜水捕鱼时,为了保护自己的同伴,在水中与一条12英尺长的虎鲨搏斗了两个小时。) 护身法宝 amulet 胡同串子 peddler; hawker 互通有无 supply each others needs 呼吸衰竭 respiratory failure 忽悠 sweet-talk, coax, wheedle. (You cannot sweet-talk me into helping you! 你别想用好话哄我帮助你。) 户主 head of a household 胡子工程 long-drawn-out project (a project which takes so long that young workers become bearded) 滑板车 scooter 华表 ornamental column/cloud pillar/stele 滑草 grass skating 华盖 canopy 环境保护 protect the environment 花旗银行 National City Bank of New York 化学色素 chemical dyes 花样游泳water ballet 花葬 flower burial (Residents of Wuhan, in Central Chinas Hubei province, are asked to consider flower burials by pouring ashes into the cellar beneath flower beds, xinhuanet.com reported Tuesday. 据新华网周二报道,湖北省省会武汉市号召市民采用花葬,将骨灰洒进花坛下方的地窖。) 画中画 picture-in-picture (PIP) 化装棉 cotton pads 化妆水 toning lotion 化妆晚会 mask party 花边新闻 tidbit (Interesting tidbit: a group known as the Kallawaya use Spanish or Quechua in daily life, but also have a secret tongue mainly for preserving knowledge of medicinal plants, some previously unknown to science. How and why this language has survived for more than 400 years, while being spoken by very few, is a mystery, Dr. Harrison said in a news release.) 画饼充饥 feed on illusions 滑盖手机 slide phone 坏球 Ball 坏帐 bad account 花露水 toilet water 环保电池 environment-friendly battery; 环保型技术口 EST(Environmentally-sound technology) 换岗 job reshuffle (At least 3,000 police officials in Chongqing are facing a major job reshuffle to clean up the police force tainted by its protection of several organized gangs. 重庆将有至少3000名警察面临大换岗,此次换岗的目的是对有黑帮保护伞之称的当地警察队伍进行清理。) 换届 change personnel upon completion of a term of office 换届选举 election at expiration of office terms 环境绿化 environmental greening 环境污染 environmental pollution 环境效益 environmental benefits 环幕电影 circular-screen movie 环绕立体声 surround 幻日 parhelion (A parhelion (also known as sundog) combined with a halo is seen in Changchun, capital of Northeast Chinas Jilin province on Jan 8, 2011. The atmospheric phenomenon is created by ice crystals in the air at low levels during a cold weather period. 2011年1月8日,长春市出现“幻日”,太阳周围有光环围绕。这种大气现象是在寒冷天气里,阳光经低处云层中的冰晶体折射后就会形成的。) 换手率 turnover rate 还俗 resume secular life, unfrock 环太平洋地区 Pacific Rim 换休 change the day off 环保型汽车 environment-friendly car; eco-friendly car 环保专项治理 special projects to address serious environmental problems 换乘站 transfer stop; transfer station 黄标车 yellow label car (That will come at a time when yellow label cars - those heavy-polluting vehicles - have been cleaned up off the road after a more-than-two-years effort. 届时,黄标车(高污染排放车辆)将从路面上消失,这是持续两年多努力的结果。) 黄、赌、毒 pornography, gambling and drug abuse and trafficking 黄昏恋 twilight romance; romance of the elderly (北爱尔兰)皇家警察部队 Royal Ulster Constabulary 黄金时段 prime time 黄金投资者 gold bug (Some people are gold bugs. These are investors who say people should buy gold to protect against inflation. 有些人属于“黄金投资者”。他们告诉大家要买黄金抗通胀。) (吃)皇粮 public grainfunds, goods, etc provided by the government; salary paid by the state (农产品国内支持)黄箱措施 Amber Box measures 黄段子 dirty joke 黄金线路 hot travel route 黄牛票 scalped ticket (The senator overseeing Barack Obamas swearing-in ceremony said Monday that shes writing to Internet sites like eBay aski
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