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2020年精编人教版英语资料Section Warming Up & Reading() Reading姓名:_测试时间:45分钟本卷总分:50分自评或老师评分:_基础训练.Fast readingRead the text (P34) quickly and choose the best answers.1Whats the authors purpose of writing this passage?ATo describe his miserable childhood life.BTo prove violence is a proper way to a fair society.CTo describe his experiences in memory of Mandela.DTo draw peoples attention to poor conditions of the blacks.答案:C2Elias had to leave school when he was quite young, because _.Ahe couldnt catch up with other students in his studyBhis home was too far away from schoolChis family was too poor to pay the money needed for his studyDhe wanted to work with Mr. Mandela eagerly答案:C3What disadvantage did Elias have in finding a job?AHe helped Nelson Mandela blow up the government buildings.BHe had poor education.CHe was very young.DHe didnt want to live in Johannesburg.答案:B4From Mr. Mandelas saying, we can get such a conclusion that _.AMr. Mandela wanted to break the law in a violent way in the beginningBblack people had been given more rightsCblack people should rise up to fight for their own rights after years of being ruledDthey could force the government to give up easily答案:C.Careful readingWork in pairs and fill in the blanks below according to the text.Blackpeoplesproblemsno rights to 1.vote their leadersin a bad 2.position where they had to 3.attack the lawsElias lifeBefore meetingMandelaA poor black worker in South Africahad no 4.passbook to live in Johannesburgbecame 5.out_of_workElias lifeAfter meetingMandelagot Mandelas 6.guidancegrew 7.hopeful about his lifejoined the ANC 8.Youth_League9.willing to help Mandela10.blew_up some government buildings.SummarySummarize the main idea of the passage by using about 30 words._答案:This is a story about Elias. When Elias was in trouble, Mandela helped him. Elias became hopeful about his future and he never forgot Mandela.语篇提能.完形填空Ice fishing is a popular sport in northeast Michigan. Ice fisherman Nate McCreery has been on the ice every year _1_ he was a toddler(刚学会走路的孩子), and never _2_ a day to be on the ice. McCreery said ice fishing is a _3_ sport and can be a lot of fun whether youre catching fish or not. McCreery learned to spear (用尖物刺穿) fish about fifteen years ago and has been doing it ever since. “Spearing is absolutely my _4_ winter sport,” he said. “It can be pretty _5_ at times, but when that big fish swims through the hole, its well worth the _6_.” The biggest fish he has _7_ so far was a 48inch wolffish(狼鱼)that _8_28 pounds.When not spearing, McCreery likes to _9_ live bait(诱饵). McCreery and his father _10_ begin ice fishing as soon as there is enough _11_, and usually stay at the same spot every year to try and catch the big one. When it comes to _12_, he says he hasnt fallen all the way through the ice. But he has _13_ a few people out who had, and _14_ its important to be safe while on the ice.Ice fishing can also be dangerous especially when the lake is a(n) _15_ place, so it is _16_ that the new fisherman to a lake should take extra measures to ensure his safety. “No ice is 100 percent safe,” McCreery said. “_17_ that if youre new to a lake you look to see _18_ other fishermen are, and dont go where there is nobody. The ice can have _19_ spots under which there are springs in the lake. It is _20_ to know the lake, and if you dont, try to go where there are other people.” 1.A. untilB. whenC. since D. while 2. A. misses B. forgetsC. has D. remembers3. A. tiring B. relaxing C. challenging D. shocking4. A. practical B. favorite C. fearful D. similar5. A. boring B. hard C. easy D. exciting6. A. money B. time C. cost D. price7. A. discovered B. raised C. speared D. knew8. A. looked B. measured C. weighed D. cost9A. play B. use C. keep D. show10. A. yet B. just C. still D. seldom11. A. water B. time C. fish D. ice12A. fishing B. safetyC. bait D. waiting13A. helped B. found C. picked D. brought14A. argues B. guessesC. agrees D. wonders 15. A. unfamiliar B. farawayC. vast D. unusual 16. A. believed B. recommendedC. implied D. ordered 17. A. Make sure B. Make out C. Find out D. Watch out18A. who B. whatC. where D. how 19. A. nicer B. thickerC. thinner D. farther 20. A. convenient B. importantC
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