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There are hundreds of human rights activists and social workers who are not onlyspeaking for(为而发出声音,同“raise their voice for”)their rights, but whoarestruggling to(为而奋斗)achieve their goal of peace, education and equality.Thousands of people have been killed by the terrorists and millions have been injured(好句型,描述在一场灾难中遇难及受伤的情况). I am just one of them. So here I stand, one girl among many. I speak not for myself, but also those without a voice can be heard. Those who have fought for their rights. Their righttolive in peace(和平居住).Their right tobe treated with dignity(有尊严地生活). Their righttoenjoyequality of opportunity(享受平等权利). Their righttobe educated(受教育,上述权利是基本人权,但全世界还有成千上万的人无法实现).数以百计的人权活动家和社会工作者不仅为自己的权利发声,同时也努力去实现和平、教育与平等等目标。成千上万的人被恐怖分子杀害,数百万人因恐怖袭击而受伤。我只是其中之一。为此我站在这里,作为那些受到伤害的人群中的一员。我不仅为自己说话,也为那些无法让人听到他们声音的人说话。那些为自己的权利抗争的人。他们能和平居住的权利。他们能受到尊严对待的权利。他们能享有平等机会的权利。他们能接受教育的权利。Dear friends, on 9 October 2012, the Talibanshotmeon(在部位开枪)the left side of my forehead. They shot my friends, too. They thought that the bullets wouldsilence(这是一个动词,表示让某人沉默)us, but they failed. Andout ofthat silencecame(从出来)thousands of voices. The terrorists thought they would change my aims and stop my ambitions. Butnothing changed in my life except this(一种用否定来强化语气的写法,值得学习): weakness.Fear and hopelessness died. Strength, power and courage was born(简单的句型,但很有力量,die和born也可以修饰抽象名词). I am the same Malala. My ambitions are the same. My hopes are the same. And my dreams are the same. Dear sisters and brothers, Iamnot against(不针对)anyone.Neither(注意neither置于句首的整句话的倒装)am I here to speakin terms of(关于,在方面)personal revenge against(针对的个人复仇)the Taliban nor any other terrorist group. I am here to speak for the right of education for every child. I want education for the sons and daughters of the Taliban and all the terrorists and extremists. I do not even hate the Talib who shot me.亲爱的朋友,在2012年10月9日,塔利班往我的左额开枪。他们也射杀我的朋友。他们以为子弹将会让我们沉默,但他们失败了。那一沉默中响起了成千上万的声音。恐怖分子以为他们能够改变我的目标,阻止我的理想。但是我的生活没任何改变,除了:已逝去的懦弱、恐惧与无助。坚定、力量与勇气诞生了。我还是同一个马拉拉。我的理想依旧。我的希望亦如故。而我的梦想依然不变。亲爱的姐妹兄弟,我不反对任何人。我在这儿演讲也非出于报个人之仇而对抗塔利班或其它恐怖组织。我在这儿为每一位孩子能接受教育的权利发言。我希望塔利班、所有恐怖分子和极端分子的儿女都能受教育。我甚至不怨恨射杀我的塔利班成员。Even if there was a gun in my hand and he was standing in front of me, I would not shoot him. This is thecompassion(怜悯之心)I have learned fromMohamed(默罕默德), theprophet(先知)of mercy,Jesus Christ(耶稣基督)andLordBuddha(佛陀). This is the legacy of change I haveinherited from(从继承)Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Mohammed Ali Jinnah.即使我手上有支枪而他站在我面前,我不会射杀他。这是我从穆罕默德先知、耶稣和佛陀身上学得的慈悲。这是我从马丁路德金、纳尔逊曼德拉和穆罕默德阿里真纳身上学得的变革之遗产。This isthephilosophy of nonviolence(非暴力哲学)that I have learned from Gandhi, Bacha Khan and Mother Teresa. And this is the forgiveness that I have learned from my father and from my mother. This is what my soul is telling me:be peaceful and love everyone(这是做人的最高境界吧).这是我从甘地(Gandhi)、帕夏汗(Bacha Khan)和特蕾莎修女(Mother Teresa)身上学得的非暴力哲学。这是我从父母身上学得的宽恕。这是我的灵魂告诉我的:爱好和平,爱每一个人。Dear sisters and brothers, werealize the importance of(认识到的重要性)lightwhen wesee darkness. Werealize the importance ofour voicewhen weare silenced.In the same way(以相同的方式), when we were in Swat, the north of Pakistan,we realized the importance ofpens and bookswhen wesaw the guns.(上述三个句子句式一致,非常值得学习,we realize the importance of when we)The wise saying, “The pen is mightier than the sword(笔比剑更有力).” It is true. The extremistsare afraid of(惧怕)books and pens. The power of educationfrightens(让害怕)them. They are afraid of women. The power of the voice of women frightens them. This is why they killed 14 innocent students in the recent attack in Quetta. And that is why they kill female teachers. That is why they areblasting(轰炸)schools every day because they were and they are afraid of change and equality that we will bring to our society. And I remember that there was a boy in our school who was asked by a journalist: “Why are the Taliban against education?” He answered very simply by pointing to his book, he said: “A Talib doesnt know what is written inside this book.”亲爱的姐妹兄弟们,看到黑暗我们认识到光明的重要。在沉默中我们认识到声音的重要。同样地,当我们在巴基斯坦北部的斯瓦特,当我们见到枪械时我们认识到笔与书本的重要。“笔比剑锋”这一睿语如是说。确实如此。极端主义者害怕书与笔。他们害怕教育的力量。他们害怕女性。他们害怕女性声音的力量。这就是为什么在最近于奎塔达的侵袭中他们杀害14位无辜学生。这也是为什么他们杀害女教师。这也是为什么他们每日炸毁学校,因为他们从过去至今一直都害怕我们能为社会带来的改变与平等。我记得学校里有一位小男孩,记者问他,“为什么塔利班反对教育?”他指着自己的书本简单地回答:“塔利班不知道这书里写着甚么。”They think that God is a tiny, little,conservative(保守的)being(存在的状态)who wouldpoint guns at(用枪指着)peoples heads just for going to school. These terrorists are misusing the name of Islamfor their own personal benefit(为了他们自身的利益). Pakistan is apeace-loving(热爱和平的), democratic country.Pashtuns(普什图人)want education for their daughters and sons. Islam is a religion of peace, humanity andbrotherhood(手足情谊). It is the duty and responsibility to get education for each child.That is what it says. Peace is a necessity for education. In many parts of the world, especially Pakistan and Afghanistan, terrorism, war and
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