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Unit6 Holidays教学设计一、 教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说单词和词组 holiday, Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, come after, have a big lunch, dress up in costumes, play with lanterns, eat lots of delicous food, visit their relatives and friends, watch the moon.2. 能听懂、会说、会运用句型Whens .? Its in.or./on.What do people usuallydo at? They usually Did you ? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. Whats your favorite holiday?My favourite holiday is 3. 会运用所学的句型、单词和词组,进行交谈。二、教学重难点:1. 能听懂、会说、会运用句型Whens .? Its in.or./on.What do people usually do at? They usually Did you ? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. What is your favourite holiday? My favourite holiday is 2. 能熟练的运用新单词进行单词操练。3. 通过学习学会如何就节日展开话题进行讨论。三、教学用具多媒体、图片、录音等四、教学流程1 Free talk 师生问答T: Good afternoon, boys and girls. How are you today?Whats the date today? S: Its the T: What day is it today? S: Its . T: What do you usually do on Thursday afternoon?T: Do you have any hobbies? S: Yes. T: Whats your hobby? S: I like T: Do you like weekends?T: What do you usually do at weekends? S: I usually T: How about you? T: Great! What did you do last weekend? T: Good! Heres a new word “last”. Follow me, last. (出示last)2. Presentation T: Boys and girls, I know a lot about you. Do you want to know me? S: Yes. T: So, ask me some questions. Ss 问T 问题。 T: You asked a lot of nice questions. I like dogs very much. Dog is my favorite animal. I like the colour red. Its my favorite colour. Boys and girls, do you know “favorite” ? (出示单词) T带读 学生跟读 T: Whats your favorite food/fruit/? T: My favourite day is New Years Day. Do you know it? S: Yes. . T: Some questions for you!1) Whens New Years Day?2) What do people usually do on New Years Day? Theres a word, people. 带读 ss跟读 You may use these phrases, go to parties, watch TV Now, Talk about the questions with your deskmate. 同桌相互讨论这两个问题。 T: Are you ready? S: Yes! T: Whens New Years Day? S: Its on the 1st of January.Its in January. T: What do people usually do on New Years Day? S: They usually T: We know people can do a lot of things on New Years Day. But what did I do last New Years Day? Do you want to know? S: Yes. T: You can use this sentence: Did you last New Years Day? (边说边板书) 带读 T: OK! Try to guess. And ask me. Ss对老师提问 T: This time , look at these questions. Can you read? Did you play last New Years Day? Did you go to a party? Did you watch a movie? Did you have lunch with your family? This time, try to follow the rhythm . Ss跟读。 T: This time you ask and Ill answer. Ss问T 回答 (Look at the new words: played, went, watched, had)T: So much for this. Just now, we talked about New Years Day. New Years Day is a holiday. (holiday出示单词 板书)What other holidays do you know? 学生畅所欲言( Halloween, Spring Festival , Mid- Autumn Festival, May Day) T: Is it a Chinese holiday? T :Today ,our topic is holiday. Mr. Green and his students are doing something. Look at the picture. Whats the date? S: Its 18th of Dec. T: What holiday is coming? S: T: Good .Its Christmas. 出示单词 带读 出示第一段 Ss齐读 注意 the 18th的发音 Ss 读 T:What holidays are they taliking about? Listen to the tape. And circle the holidays on your paper. 学生在纸上圈出涉及的节日Ss 板书在黑板上 、 核对答案、 T 带读 What How Christmas Whens ? New Years Day Its in Spring Festival What do people usually do on?Halloween Did you last?Mid-Autumn Festival Yes, I did. No, I didnt. T: How do they talk about holidays? Read by yourselves.Pay attention to the questions. 学法的指导 划出问题 和同桌讨论 Ss 将问题写在黑板上 T 讲解 带读 T:When we are talking about holidays, we can ask these questions. Do you understand? S: Yes. T:OK. Now read the text with your desk mate. Circle the new words. Try to guess the meanings. 生生读课文 圈出不能理解单词 T:Do you have any new words? S: T: Lets see. (relatives, delicious, dress up in costumes , play with lanterns) Do you understand? T: OK. Lets read the text after me. 生跟读课文 Now read it together, 生齐读课文 3Practice T: Lets try to retell the text. T 拿出节日的卡片 Halloween Its in Oct. people dress up in costumes and go to parties. Ben went to a party last Halloween. Can you try? 介绍方法。 根据关键词 帮助复述课文T: Lets have a try.Today, we know how to ask and answer the questions about holidays. We can use these sentences discribe your activities . Now, I want you according to the clozes retell the text. 学生复述课文4. HomeworkSo, todays homework :1. Read the text after the tape for 5 times.2. Try to retell the text.T:Class is over. Stand up , please. Goodbye, boys and girls.S: Goodbye, Miss Ji.
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