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八年级(上)英语导学案总第52-56课时 主备人:王群芳 成员: Unit4 Topic1 Whats the strongest animal on the farm?Section A-D导学案班级 第 小组 姓名 座号 课型:新课 上课时间:2014 年 12 月 15 日至 19 日语法学习(一.)形容词的比较级和最高级的构成1. 规则变化:(1)一般在词尾加er或est.如:freshfresherfreshest.(2)以字母e结尾的形容词,加r或st,如:latelaterlatest.(3)以重读闭音节结尾的词,词尾只有一个辅音字母时,应双写这一辅音字母,再加er或est.如:bigbiggerbiggest. (fat, thin, red, hot)(4)以辅音字母y结尾的双音节词,先改y为i,再加er 或est.如:happyhappierhappiest.(5)部分双音节词和多音节词前面加more或most构成比较级或最高级。如:careful more careful most careful, beautiful more beautiful most beautiful.2. 不规则变化:good/wellbetterbest, littlelessleast, many/muchmoremost, bad/illworseworst, farfarther/furtherfarthest/furthest.(二.)形容词的比较级和最高级的用法1. 比较级或,经常与than搭配。可用much和a little修饰。2. 三者或三者以上比较用最高级,一般给出比较范围如:of/in/。(1)例句:Im happier than you. Plants are much more beautiful than animals. (2)例句:The boy is the tallest in my class.这个男孩是我们班最高的。Lesson Two is the most important of all. Section A一、 学习目标:1.朗读并记忆单词与词组:sky, river, clear, thin, think about, the beauty of nature 。2.通过pair work and group work学习表示比较的句型:I think the countryside is much quieter than the city,too.The pigs must be fattest and laziest animals on the farm.I think roses are the nicest of all the flowers.3.热爱大自然,有保护自然的意识。二、 预习指导:A.在第81页1a中画出下列词组或句子,并理解意思。1. think abut life in the countryside _2.enjoy the beauty of nature _3. live in the countryside_ 4. go there for my summer holiday_ 5. That must be fun!_ 6. chat with the hens and ducks_ 7. Whats the strongest animal on the farm? _ _ 8. play with the rabbit_ 8. run after a mouse_ _ 三、 合作探究: 1. 小组合作,练习1a对话。2. 自编对话。 四、小组展示: 小组分角色朗读或表演对话五、快乐达标: 写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级 1.fresh _ _ 2. busy_ _ 3. blue_ _ 4. tall_ _ 5. big _ _ 6. clear_ _ 7. nice _ _ 8. noisy_ _ 9. big _ _Section B一、 学习目标:1. 朗读并记忆单词与词组:rose, share.with等。2. 通过pair work and group work学习询问和表达偏好的句型: Which do you like better, plants or animals?I like animals better. Which kind of animals do you like better, frogs or snakes? I like frogs better. Why do you think so?Because animals are our friends . They make us happy.二、 预习指导: A.在第83页1a中画出下列词组或句子,并理解意思。1. talk about the photos with his friends _2.keep a pet dog_3. make us happy_ 4. like plants better_5. play with sb _ 6. sing to sb_7. as we know _ 8.share the world with them_三、 合作探究: 小组合作,阅读1a。 A: Which do you like better, or ? B:I like . better. 四、小组展示: 小组分角色表演对话。五、快乐达标:单选题( )1. Of the two boys, Tom is _. A. tallB. the tallerC. tallestD. the tallest( )2. As we know, water is very important _ us. A. ofB. toC. onD. with Section C一、 学习目标:1.朗读并记忆单词与词组:rainforest, thick, forest, ground, wet, earth, surface, thousands of, play an important part, die out等。2.学习读懂文章字里行间意思的能力,及组句成篇的写作能力。3.了解热带雨林的知识,树立保护雨林的意识。二、 预习指导:在第85页1 中画出下列词组或句子,并理解意思。1. in the hot parts of the world_ 2.rain a lot_3. 6% of the earths surface _ 4.in forests_5. thousands of plants and animals_6. nowhere else_7. live in the trees_8. make the air fresher and cleaner_9. hold the water_ 10. keep the water cycling_ 11. play an important part in controlling the climate_ 12. die out_ 13. keep the beauty of nature_ 14.many more useful things_16. smaller and smaller_ 三、 合作探究: 完成1b的填空 四、快乐达标: 根据句意及汉语提示填空( )1. Your classroom is so dirty. Everyone should keep it _. A. dryB. openC. quietD. clean( )2. There were _ animals in the forest many years ago. A. thousand ofB. thousands ofC. three thousand ofD. three thousands of( )3. There were _ animals in the forest many years ago. A. thousand ofB. thousands of C. three thousand of D. three thousands of Section D一、 学习目标:1. 朗读并记忆单词与词组:protect, southwest, feed, bamboo, less and less, in danger等。 2. 学习提取信息的能力,并了解濒危的动物种类,树立保护动物的意识。二、 预习指导:在第87页1 中画出下列词组或句子,并理解意思。1. live in the forests and mountains of Southwest China_ 2.feed on bamboo_3. have less and less land to live on_ 4.becom fewer in number_5.feed on the smallest sea animals_ 6. in danger _7. make their ocean home dirty _ 8.live in the south of China_ 9. kill tigers for
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