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The Little Match-Girl(卖火柴的小女孩) It was a Christmas Eve with heavy snow. A little girl was selling matches on the street. Matches, matches!But no one looked at her. She had lost her parents a few days ago, and she was selling matches without a coat in the cold weather. She didnt even sell one box. The girl was so hungry that she couldnt even open her mouth.Then, a carriage came close to her. Trying to keep away from the carriage, she slipped and fell on the ice, and she lost her shoes. She had to walk on the snowy street with bare feet.Over a window, she saw a family gathered under a warm and bright light. They seemed so happy. The snow began to fall more heavily. Its cold. Her body was frozen hard.Even though she was hungry and felt pain in her feet, she couldnt go back home because she couldnt sell any matches. Matches, you want some matches? The people walking on the street looked very happy holding each others arms. But no one bought the girls matches.Ho ho! She tried to warm up her hands and feet, but it only made her hungrier. Its so cold. Why is it so cold today? I have to skip my meal today because I couldnt sell any of these matches.She lit a match to warm up her body. Even though it was a small light, it made her a little warmer. She felt as if she was sitting right next to a fireplace. Oh, its warm! She kept lighting matches.Suddenly, a table full of delicious food came up in front of her. Oh, it looks delicious.As she lit another match, a Christmas tree appeared. How beautiful!She lit the last match. Then, her grandmother appeared. Sweetie, come to Heaven with me. The girls grandmother held her tight in her arms and rose up to the sky.The next day, she was dead and found in the street. Poor girl, Maybe she tried to warm herself with these matches. Tut, tut. People felt pity for the girl and buried her in the ground in the sunlight.单词注释:slipvi. 犯错;滑倒;减退;滑动;失足 vt. 使滑动;滑过;摆脱;塞入;闪开fireplacen. 壁炉卖火柴的小女孩 明天就是新年了,这是一年当中最后一个夜晚。 天,下了大雪,纷纷扬扬飘落到街上。街上的人们都匆匆忙忙的赶回家,只有一个小女孩儿,手里拿着一捆火柴,在大雪中走来走去,用颤抖的声音喊着:“谁要我的火柴,谁要我的火柴”。 人们匆匆忙忙的赶路,谁也没有理她。可怜的小女孩儿,连一盒火柴也没有卖掉。她走着走着,突然,一辆马车冲了过来,眼看,就要压到她身上了,人们纷纷尖叫起来,她连忙跑到一边,没想到,跑得太急,把鞋子给甩掉了,火柴也洒了一地。 马车走了,小女孩儿正想过马路找回她的鞋,可是,一个淘气的小男孩跑了过来,捡起她的鞋子说:“额,这双鞋真大啊,将来可以给我的孩子当摇篮了“。说完,头也不会的跑开了。小女孩儿急了,这可是她唯一双鞋啊,便跑上去想追上小男孩儿。可她又饿又累,才一会儿,就累的大口大口喘着气,那个小男孩儿呢,连影子都看不见了。 小女孩儿只好赤着脚,在雪地里走啊走啊,每走一步就像扎在尖尖刺上,真疼啊。 她看见前面有一扇明亮的窗子,里面传来一阵阵欢乐的笑声,就停了下来,心想:“哎,我多想有一个温暖的房间,多想和爸爸妈妈在一起呀” 她看着屋里幸福的一家人,越看越伤心。最后叹了一口气,走开了。 天,越来越黑:雪,越下越大,她走到一个墙角里坐了下来,呆呆的望着漆黑的天空,雪还在下着,小女孩儿冻得直发抖,她好想回家呀。 虽然只是一间破破烂烂的小屋,可是能挡住冰冷的雪花,刺骨的寒风。 从前,每到冬天,家里就会生起温暖的火炉,她和爸爸妈妈、慈祥的奶奶一起围在火边,一起唱歌、讲故事,那样的日子多么愉快呀!可现在,什么都没有了。 小女孩儿把冻僵的手放在嘴边呵着,小声说:“要是有一堆火那该多暖和呀“ 她看见了手里的火柴,想了一会儿,便小心的抽出一根火柴,擦的一声,点着了。小小的火苗冒了出来,照亮小女孩儿快乐的脸庞。火光越来越明亮,小女孩儿的眼前突然出现一个大火炉,跟从前家里的一模一样,她连忙把手伸了过去,正要暖和一下,可就在时,火炉消失了!她失望的低下头,一看,原来是火柴熄灭了。 小女孩儿多么怀念曾经的时光啊。于是,她又擦亮了第二根火柴;这一次,她看见乐一张大大的餐桌,桌上摆的满满的,有苹果,蛋糕,鸡蛋,牛奶,还有一只冒着香气的烤鹅呢。 突然,那只烤鹅站起来了,摇摇摆摆的向小女孩儿走了过来,那香味儿也一阵阵的飘过来,好诱人啊。她高兴极了,正要伸出手去,可刚碰到烤鹅,所有的一切全都消失了,她的手碰在了又冷又硬的墙壁上,原来,火柴又熄灭了。 她想了想,又擦亮了第三根火柴。这一回,火光中出现的,是一颗美丽的圣诞树,小女孩儿拍着手欢呼起来:“多好看的圣诞树呀 !” 是的,这棵圣诞树,比她见过的所有的圣诞树,都要高大、漂亮。绿绿的树枝上挂满了香甜的糖果、美丽的彩球,还有许许多多的蜡烛在闪闪发光,一会儿,火柴又熄灭了。可
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