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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Part1时间:共2分钟内容:考官与考生分别交谈,考查考生在日常生活中与他人交流的能力。问题一般为个人信息,兴趣爱好,日常生活等。回答技巧:考生需要仔细听考官的问题,然后给出相关的回答。避免只回答一个单词,要用完整的句子回答,第一部分回答1-2句为佳Whats your name? My name is Whats your surname? (Or family name, second name)My surname is XXX( 自己的姓)How do you spell it?ItIts XXX ( 改为自己的姓大写拼音)Whats your given name? (First name)My given name is XXX (改为中文名拼音)Where do you come from?I come from XXX! ( 改为自己所在城市)Do you study English at school? Do you like it?Yes, I do. I have English class almost every day at school. I quite like English because its useful.Whats your favorite color?My favorite color is blue, because it makes me calm.What do you enjoy doing in your free time?I like playing football with my teammates in my spare time, its quite fun and football is Whats your favorite school subject? Why do you like it?My favorite school subject is Chinese because our Chinese teacher is a young lady and she is very patient and nice. Tell me more about your family.(At least 3 sentences)There are 3 people in my family, My Mum, Dad and I. My Mum is an e-business women, she is very busy every day; and My Dad is a yoga teacher, He runs fitness center. (建议改为父母的真实职业,孩子背起来更容易)Tell me more about your school.My school is called(这里改为孩子真实学校名字)which is not far from my home, its not big but beautiful and clean, all teachers are nice and patient, I love my school.Tell me more about your English teacher.My English is called Sally, she is nice and teaching us lots of difficult grammar, sometimes she teaches us English song, we all love her!Could you tell me something interesting about your city?My city is interesting because it has lots of fantastic museum and beautiful parks.What is the most interesting thing in your town? The most interesting part of my town is the zoo because you can see lots of different animal such as lions, elephants and zebras. Lots of people like visiting the zoo.Im sorry, could you repeat it again please?Where do you live?I live in a gorgeous flat in the city center which has two bedrooms, a big living room and a tiny kitchen.Do you have any brothers or sisters?No, I dont. But I have many cousins, they are all older than me.Which do you think is better: living in the countryside or in the city?I think living in the countryside is an excellent choice. I find nature fascinating and the views are wonderful. The only negative is that it is sometimes inconvenient and dull.What kinds of sports do you like doing?I like playing football. In the past loved swimming, but now I prefer football. Next weekend Im going to play it with my teammates.What music do you enjoy listening to?I used to like pop music, but since I watched the film “the Queen”, Im keen on listening to rock music now. I listen it almost every day. Next month Im going to a concert to listen to my favorite band.What do you want to do in your future?Im not sure what I want to do, but Im considering becoming an artist because I think art is charming and I really enjoy it. Do you like studying English?Yes, I like studying English because I think it will help me in the future, no matter study or work. And I really enjoy watching English film, it helps me understand it better.其他常见话题常见话题:ShoppingQuestion:- Where do you often go shopping?- Who do you go shopping with?- What do you often buy?- How often do you go shopping?- do you like shopping? Why?EntertainmentQuestion:- What do you do in your free time? (尽量避免说 Do homework)- How often do you go to cinema/museum/park?- Whats your favorite TV programmer?- What do you usually do with your friends/classmates?Family activitiesQuestion:- do you often have parties at your home?- do you often go out for fun with your family?- What do you often do at home?Traveling Question:-where did you go last summer/winter/weekend?-who do you often travel with?-do you like traveling?-did you have good time during your trip?- What would you want to travel at this weekend?注意事项Speak in full sentences 说完整句子,Add extra information 回复额外的扩展信息Speak clearly and confidently 回答要清晰响亮,自信Ask the examiner if you dont understand something 如果没听清问题,要问考官常用口语Its interesting it amusing英mjuzits thrilling英rl紧张的;扣人心弦的; 令人兴奋不已的; 太刺激了(比interesting 和exciting程度更深)太棒了的表达Thatsawesome英sm.那真是太棒了Thatswonderful.那真是太棒了Thatsgreat.那真是太棒了Thatsincredible! 让人难以置信的She is gorgeous!她太美了 (比beautiful 和 pretty 更美)He is smartHe is handsomeItscool!很好,很棒!表达高兴的词HappyPleasedexcited兴奋的surprised惊喜的Good- excellent 这些单词可以换个词来表达Interesting- fascinating fsnet adj.极有吸引力的; 迷人的Nice- wonderful Boring-dull人描述图片的内容,所以需要描述到图片中物品的名称、颜色、人物衣着、时间、天气等图片描述可以简述为: 什么人在什么地点干什么事,让孩子按这个思维进行扩散时间:每位考生1分钟内容:官给两位考生每人一张彩色图片,考生需要用1分钟的时间描述图片。本题考查考生组织语言和词汇来描述视觉信息的能力。回答技巧:考生描
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