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GMAT新黄金80题及作文(十六)(3)Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.“与其依靠外部专家的建议,一个组织更应当看重那些只能来自它的内部的资深员工的建议。”1. 公司内部员工的意见特别重要:首先,公司内部员工更有动力关怀公司的状况,从而更加主动乐观地思索。其次,公司内部员工更加了解公司的状况,从而可能找到问题所在。比方说生产力下降可能有许多缘由,比方技术、比方员工morale,比方组织的治理。这些由外部的专家来讨论可能没有那么直接。2. 但是,外部的专家也有不能无视的优势。首先,更加专业,可以供应professional advice。其次,外部的人可以更加客观地衡量一个企业的经营状况operating condition。from a more objective sight. 第三,外部的人可以看到全面的公司,从而给出综合的意见integrated opinion about the whole company.3. 需要结合在一起。比方外部的人员充分地听取内部的意见,作为推断的依据base their judgment on information from the experienced employees. 1. Admittedly, the insiders are more familiar with the detailed routine of the of the company. They are experts of their own field and they are in charge of the daily activities of the company. All the above-mentioned factors contribute to their competence to make decisions for the company.2. However, the outsiders also have their advantages. They can judge the performance of a company from an objective angle.3. Moreover, they can overlook a company, thus providing a perspective to analyze the overall situation. View1: advices from inner highly experienced employees are good resources to improve the performance of the company.Evidence: they are familiar with the circumstance therefore can develop exact perception of the problems.View2: However outside experts have their own advantages in dealing with organizational problems.But outside experts add a wide spectrum of judgment, outlook, and state-of-the-art experience to problems confronting organizations.Conclusion: they are not mutually exclusive alternatives, which one to adopt depend on the specific situations.
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