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小学英语教学教案小学英语教学教案小学英语教学教案1 一、教学内容1、词汇(略)。2、句型:Its time to do sth.3、语法:初步学习不可数名词的用法。二、教具录音机;与本课生词有关的图片;几只茶杯(或瓶子、玻璃杯)。三、课堂教学设计1、值日生报告。2、放课文第一段录音,老师先提一个问题:Whats the time?放一遍录音,学生答复老师的问题。再放录音,学生跟读两遍。老师解释对话中Its time to这一句话,并板书以下时间和动词短语:730 go to school 800 go to the classroom400 play games 500 go home 1000 go to bed要求学生利用所给时间和动词短语,编小对话。例如:S1:Its 730 now.S2:Oh, its time to go to school.S1:OK, lets go!S2:Yes, lets.其他对话形式同上。3、利用准备好的图片(假如没有,可利用课本中插图),教本课词汇。在学生根本会读以后,老师解释rice,tea等不可数名词在使用中的考前须知,并借助事先准备好的茶杯等实物,引导出cups of tea等短语,借助图片,引导出some rice等,以增加直观效果。翻开练习册,指导学生用笔头形式做习题2。4、老师可反复利用手中实物或图片,不断变换,要求学生用英语表达:T:(举起一碗米饭的图片)Ss:Some riceT:(换成几只茶杯)Ss:three cups of tea (four, five etc.)这个练习可集体与个人形式相结合。5、指导学习做练习册其他习题。6、布置作业1)抄写生词;2)完成练习册习题。四、难点讲解a cup of tea一杯茶tea, milk, orange, water等词是不可数名词,本身没有复数形式。要表示它的量的多少,可借助a cup/bottle/glass of等短语。假如是两杯茶,三瓶牛奶,可将cup, bottle等词变为复数形式。例如:two cups of tea两杯茶five bottles of milk五瓶牛奶五、板书:Unit 19 Food and drinkLesson 73Its time tofood: rice bread meat cakedrink: tea milk juice watertea,three cups of tearice, some rice小学英语教学教案2 教学内容:Lets say and Lets sing教学目的:1、知识目的a)学生可以纯熟听读、认读课文主人翁的英文名b)学生能能纯熟运用句型:Hello, Good morning, Im Whats your name?2、技能目的学生可以用英语自我介绍和询问别人。鼓励学生积极参与活动,激发学生学习英语兴趣,增加他们的自信心。3、情感目的a)在活动中,老师与学生的积极互动,营造民主和谐的英语学习气氛,学生能在英语课堂中快乐地学习。b)通过一些活动,培养学生合作意识。激发学生学习英语的兴趣,鼓励学生积极参与活动,培养学生运用灵敏运用英语的才能,养成活学活用的习惯。教学重点:a)学会打招呼b)学会唱歌教学难点:缩写形式的读音教学方法:1、游戏教学法:学生通过游戏掌握本堂课的单词和句型。在本课堂中,老师通过猜人物、表演对话等活动对单词和句型进展操练。2、TPR全身反响法:结合低段小学生的性格特点,给相应的情节配上相应的图片和动作。在活动中加强学生对句型的运用。进步学生的学习兴趣。3、理论行动法:以日常生活中打招呼的情景,操练学生口语才能。4、歌唱教学法:通过教唱歌曲和随机改编歌曲,既可以激发学生的学习积极性,又可以稳固和复习本节课所学的内容,让学生记得更深入和更结实。歌曲使人轻松、快乐。歌曲使人记忆深入,通过歌唱学习英语能长久记忆。老师唱问,学生唱答,一唱一和,快唱快和,慢唱慢和,灵敏贯穿。使老师和学生都感受快乐。教学设备:老师自制的教具单词翻卡,多媒体设备教学过程:Steps Teachers Activities PurposeStep1 Greeting1. Greeting with Ss.2. Divide the class into two groups, boys group and girls groups. and show Ss the rules of petition. and tell Ss who can get the top of the ladder and who will be the winner of the petition.通过分男、女组比赛,设计“分红旗”的竞赛情景,来调动学生的学习激情。Step2 Warming-upSing the song “Hello” by doing some actions.以flash形式,通过歌曲Hello引入Step3 Presentation1. Lead-inShow out the stuffed animals to say HelloT:Whats this? Ss: Its a T: Hello, Children Ss: Hello do_at abbit2. By CAI, present the new words and new sentences.a) In this part, T shows some pictures have the students to ask: Hello! Whats your name? Then elicit the new words and new sentences. Teach Ss to read the new words and new sentences.b) PracticeT and Ss make a dialogue with the new words and new sentences.C) Role playT teaches Ss to read the dialogue, then give Ss some time to pair work . Get three or four groups to show time.1、通过用动物布制玩具引入,让学生运用“Hello! Good morning!”等语言。2、用多媒体课件用“猜人物“的方法,教授新单词和句型,引导学生自己去问问题自己去考虑答案。老师根据课堂学生学习情况,适当进展对话教学环节,遇到程度较好学生,可以适当增加英语语句如:Nice to meet you, How are you?等等,拓宽学生知识面。满足不同程度的学生需要3、角色扮演环节,既能让学生进展小组合作学习,也能让程度较好的学生带动较弱的学生,最后表演环节,还可以让学生脱离文档稿件进展真实生活的口头打招呼。通过图片与动作的配合,再融入TPR教学方法,可以防止学习过程的单调性,也为接下来的活动环节打好根底。Step4 Practice1. Guessing gameShow out some photos of Ss, Have them to guess: Whos that? What are their names?Ss: Hello! Whats your name?S1: stand up, My names S1 2.Listen to thisSs activities: Listen and number3.Listen and tickListen to the tape then tick out the right answers1、通过用班级学生的相片进展竞猜游戏活动,既能更贴近学生的情况,也能增加学生的竞猜欲望,增加兴趣性。2、通过听力练习和问答活动来稳固本单元所学的句型和单词,在互相问答中,加深了学生学习的信息沟,加强语言表达才能并为下一节学习Conversation作好铺垫。Step5 SongLets sing!歌曲使人轻松、快乐。歌曲使人记忆深入,通过歌唱学习英语能长久记忆。老师唱问,学生唱答,一唱一和,快唱快和,慢唱慢和,灵敏贯穿。使老师和学生都感受快乐。通过教唱歌曲和做相应的动作,既可以激发学生的学习积极性,又可以稳固和复习本节课所学的时间和句型,让学生记得更深入和更结实。Step6 summaryGo over the vocabulary and structure. 总结本课时的重点单词与句型,肯定学生在课堂上的优异表现。Step7 HomeworkListen and read twice.小学英语教学教案3 教学目的:知识目的:学会询问和答复东西是谁的?学会表示感谢及应答用语。掌握单词look mine wele.纯熟运用句型Is this your bag? Yes, its mine.Thank you. Youre wele.才能目的:进步语言的综合运用才能。可以在生活中自如运用本课的重点句型。情感目的:要学会帮助别人,要学会对别人的帮助心存感谢。教学重难点:正确的语音、语调教具准备:录音机、教学课件教学过程:一、Greetings:T: Good morning, class.S: Good morning, teacherT: Hows the weather?S: Its sunny (cold, hot).二、Revision:T:Change the drills into another one quickly.S:Get ready for the race.T:Show the exercises:This is your bag.Do you like my coats?Is this her pencil?Yes, its his puter.No, its not its food.S: Give the answers:This is yours.Do you like mine?Is this hers?Yes, its his.No, its not its.三、New lesson:T: Do you want to know whose bag it is?S: Yes, I do.T: Lets go on to learn lesson Three.S: Prepare to learn new lesson.T: Listen to the tape, and then tell me how toread these words and these drills.(Show the words and the drills on the blackboard.)S: Listen to the tape carefully.T: Who wants to read them?(Look mine wele)S: Read the words as best as they canT: Who can remember the drills with
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