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“教学点数字教育资源全覆盖”项目Unit 3(Lesson 1)教学设计科目版本小学英语(三年级起点) 人教(PEP)版 三年级上册章 节Unit 3 Look at me! ( Lesson 1)课 名Unit 3 Look at me! (Lesson 1)学习目标1. 知识目标:能听懂、会说、认读Lets talk中的句型:How are you? / Im fine. Thank you. / Lets go to school! OK!2. 能力目标:能够听懂问候语How are you?并作出正确的回答。并能在实际情景中熟练运用所学句型。通过对本课问候语和句型Lets go to school!的学习,培养学生的口语交际能力。3. 情感态度、文化意识、学习策略:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,对学生进行日常行为礼貌教育,教育学生要相互关心、相互问候、和谐相处。教学环节/步骤学生活动教师活动设计意图对话导入与老师口语交流,运用所学,复习已学句型。Good morning, boys and girls. Im Shining.T:Hi. Im Shining. Whats your name?S1: Hi, Im David.T: Good morning, David. Nice to meet you.S1: Nice to meet you too. 通过口语交际,运用所学复习已学句型Good morning. /Whats your name? / Nice to meet you. 为之后的课堂做好铺垫。让学生更好地进入上课的状态。感知对话和老师互动交流,和手偶Tutu和Momo打招呼。让孩子带着Momo手偶问候Tutu。操练句型。扮演Momo和Tutu操练句型How are you? / Im fine. Thank you. T: 今天,Shining带来了一位朋友. Look, this is Tutu.让我们和 Tutu 打个招呼吧. S: Hello, Tutu.T: Hello!S:Good morning, Tutu.T: Good morning.S: Nice to meet you, Tutu.T: Nice to meet you too.电视机前的小朋友们,你们也赶紧和Tutu打招呼吧。Hello!Good morning!Nice to meet you !Well done! Kiss you, mua!(玩偶)下面让我们来听听这两个可爱的小家伙说了些什么吧。Momo: Good morning, Tutu. How are you?Tutu: Im fine, thank you. Momo Tutu再来听一遍Momo: Good morning, Tutu. How are you?Tutu: Im fine, thank you.小朋友们,你们听清楚了吗,刚刚小猴Momo问了小兔Tutu一个什么问题呀?S:How are you?T:Great! 他说的是 How are you? How,请注意你嘴型的变化,ow。How. 怎么样。Are, You,你,你们。现在我们连起来说一遍,How are you?你好吗?这是我们最常用的问候语。OK now, read after me. How are you?谁来扮演Momo 问候Tutu?问候过程中,老师用Tutu回答,Im fine, thank you.电视机前的小朋友们,你们会用How are you?来问好吗?Have a try. 试一试吧。拿起Tutu对着屏幕。Im fine, thank you. 我很好,谢谢你。同学们听清楚怎么回答了吗?Im fine, thank you. 我很好,谢谢你。Now follow me please. Fine. 好的。 /ai/. /n/请同学们不要忘记这个鼻音,follow me. /n/.带读几遍。T:Very good. Lets read the whole sentence. Im fine. 我很好。S: Im fine. T: 同学们,当别人问候你们,我们应当礼貌地表示感谢,那么应该怎么说呢?S:Thank you.T:Very good. Thank you./.将你的舌尖放在上下牙齿之间。/Thank. Thank. Thank you. Thank you.Now lets read them together. 同学们,让我们把答句连在一起说一遍。Im fine, thank you.S:Im fine, thank you.T:Wonderful. Once again. Im fine, thank you.S:Im fine, thank you.现在让我们和Momo,Tutu一起把对话再复述一遍。Are you ready? 准备好了吗?对着镜头再来遍。Momo: Good morning, Tutu. How are you?Tutu: Im fine, thank you.对着镜头再来一遍。谁愿意当Momo和Tutu.让学生互相表演。电视机前的小朋友们,也来扮演表演一下吧。Momo: Good morning, Tutu. How are you?Very nice. Kiss you mua._.Tutu: Im fine, thank you.T:Now, lets practice.现在让我们开起小火车来练一练这组对话吧train, train, go.T:Good morning, David.S1: Good morning, Shining. How are you? T: Im fine, thank you. Bye.S1: Bye.最后一个问老师。孩子们,也请你们开开小火车,互相问候一下吧。可别忘了这个发音哦!Fine. Thank you.看看你的小舌尖出来了没有. Thank you. 好好地练习一下吧!Train, train, go.通过布偶对话,生动地引出本课重点句型:How are you? / Im fine. Thank you. 通过角色扮演的方式让学生操练句型How are you? 通过角色扮演熟悉并操练句型问答How are you? / Im fine. Thank you. 学习对话学生一起背上书包,表演各种动作去上学,操练短语go to school。上台表演对话。同学们表演得好极了,现在让我们来欣赏一段卡通放松一下吧。Lets enjoy it.同学们,在卡通片中,Chen Jie 和 Mike要去哪里啊?S:去上学。T:Clever! 学校 School.(卡片)Follow me. School. 教师做示范,做动作 Go to school 去上学 T:Boys and girls. Can you have a try?也请你们试一试吧。在课文中,Chen Jie是怎么说的呢?S:Lets go to school!T:Very good. Lets 让我们。Lets go to school. 让我们去上学吧。做动作让同学在台上表演,教师用手势提醒学生用OK!来回答。OK! 好的!Now, you are Chen Jie. Im Mike.现在你们是陈洁,我是Mike,电视机前的小朋友也和我们一起练习这组对话吧。Now, change. 交换一下。(手势)Lets go to school!Well done!Now please take out your book. 请拿出你们的课本。 电子课本,开始点。同学们请准备好你们的魔法手指。读到哪儿,点到哪儿哦,Are you ready?(举手指)读完Now, boys and girls, please read it by yourselves.请自己读读课文。OK!(做手势)Whod like to come here?表演。(三人物头套)You are very good. Kiss you mua!T: Now lets practice. 电视机前的小朋友,让我们来一起练一练这组对话吧!课堂操练一起唱歌Hello, how are you?At last, lets sing a song. OK?(手势)最后让我们来唱首好听的歌曲。Boys and girls, please follow me。跟我一起做哦!进步标志1.学生能用句型How are you? / Im fine. Thank you.来问候彼此。2.学生能用 Lets go to school! OK!对话,并应用于真实情景。1
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