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九年级英语unit4第一课时教学设计 内江四中柳晓丽 Unit4 What would you do Part 1:Teaching design (第一课时:教学设计) Teaching aims: 1. knowledge aims :Words: million medical research tie Phrase: what if .? Millions of . 2. Ability aims :Improve the speaking skills using “ifwere/did,I would do” 3. Moral aims :We should be kind to others and help others. Teaching importance: Control “ifwere/did,I would do” Teaching difficulties: Learn How to use imperative mood? Teaching procedure: Warm-up Show a picture of a tiger with a man in cage. Ask “Has anyone been in a tigers cage?.,and tell the students “Today were going to learn about how to talk about things like that that havent happened to us.” Presentation Point to the picture again, and ask the students “what should this person do? Get several more examples from the students. the ask the students “If you were in the tigers cage ,what would you do?” repeat it .and tell the students should answer “I would ” Explain 主+would +do if 主+were/did. And say , “when we talk about thing that havent happened, we can use the words I would/Id. after that ,get more answers. Talking and writing Say, “Please imagine ,what would you do if you had 5 million money? The student discuss with the partners .the teacher can write down the answers in the list and share the answers. We can use the sentences “主+would +do if 主+were/did. Note :explain “million” Listening and talking 1b. First talk about some information in the picture. Say, “ We are going to listen to a conversation about their ideas about how to spend a million dollars.” Students listen to the tape and number the pictures. Then help the students practice the similar dialogue simply in 1c. and explain “medical research” Listening First ask “ What would you do if you went to a party? What would you wear? What would you bring? What would you feel if you dont know anyone at the party?” the teacher can write down the answers so that the students may practice the dialogue with it. After talking about the questions, come up with the question in2a“ Why is Larry nervous?” Then listen. 2b. Listen again. Check the four things Larrys sister says to him. Then check the students answers. Pairwork According to the listening text above , get the students to make up some dialogues by looking at2c. Ask some pairs to act out their own dialogues. Summary Get the student sum up the studying grammar and do some exercises. Homework If you were a teacher, what would you ask your students to do?
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