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英语老师面试自我介绍英语老师面试自我介绍 Genel troducio I a hir yea asrajor n aomatio at hanghai Jiao g Universit, . R. ina With trmendou nterest inIutialEngieerig, I am rting aply r actanceio our PhD. raduteprogam Educatio bcgrund In195, I etered e anin Uiverto Sciene& ehnology (UST) - wdlcnsiderd on of he Chins est engieri schools Dring te llowig drgadut stuy, myacadeic rcord kt istingished amog hwhoe detmetI wa grad Fist Css rze every semst, and my oeall PA(9.5100) ankeo.1amon 3 ues In 1999, I go he ivilegeoenter h grauate progamwaid of theadissontet. I elced the ShnghaJiaoogUnivesty to cntinue m sudy fr it besreputatio nCobitorialOpizatinandetworkSchedulig whe yrsearcinere lis. A th perd f my ruate stu, y veral GPA(377/4.) ankedtop 5% n teartmnt. In thesecond semese, Iecmtcher asitathat is gven totltedandauedstudetsny. Thi yr, wnthe Ace Sholasip asthe oe d onyandte in m deprtmn, ichisthe uate accdfordstnguh tunts endoed by y nivrsy. Pesentl, I am preaing my grdtin this and tying forte hono of Exlent Grdation Thss. Rsrh eperienceanacdei civiyhe a ophmore, jined theAsoiatinof AI Enthuiastad bean to naroown m interestormy futue reerc.I 97, Ipartiipat n simulatin tool devlopmentfortesedulng sysem in Prof.Wn ab. Wt th toof penGL an Mat, Idesigned smulaion pogm fo transrtatin ceduling syste. Iinow wieyuse b dfferent rarch goup in NUST. In 198, I smdad fuflled a seg nasis & spos prject or Nanjing swagteatnt plant. This wmy irt pacteto cnvert a larry ide to a cmera rod.In 1999, I jind th isigushed Proessr enXs reerch grup ai Networ flo proem lvig nd euristic aloih each. Son I ws nagd th FuDan Gee Dbseesig. My dy ws o pck upuulformaionamon iffrnt ids of gn machng format. Troughth cmpari nd anlysis fomany huristc aloihm, I intodue animroved evuory lgorih Mulppuation GnticAlgoritm.By ividi a whoe opuatio intoseveralsb-populations, this mvdagoit canefcivelyprevent GA frmlca orgee and promote various vory orientations. It prve moreefficiently han SGA iprint, oo. In th seod semster,I joined te worsho-sheduling earch inanghai HavyDuty ye pant. heschdling wsdgned fr t ubemking rocesstha coveredot ondiscetet also ontnous ircstanceTo aabaance pont eweenoptimization ityad tieo, Iprooe a DnaicyeredShdu methodaed hybid Petr Nts. The practca appicaton showed tht h verage akespn as stenby large cale.Iaso puliczed two ape in co journal wi h idea. Recently,I am doingreseah in teCpte Preict ofte Elecral Powersystem sssted thh ecnoly of ata Min for Bao Stel. I tr to ome thDecisn Tree wtcein pmizain to oid new sutionor eComposite PrctvePrblm. Ths roject is ow uer onsruto.Besids, n uly 22, got theopportuityo gve letueEnglih insia Cntl Conernce (SC) whch is oneo eto-leelconfee ang therld i he ra fcontol and autoato. n y senior yr, me Prf. XiaoSongi, avisiing professor mathaticsfromUirsity of aifornia-iverside, I learegrph hor fom himfr my network sarch se experiencs all pidly expaned m kwlede fEglis and the understandi of weern ulte. I hope t tudy in dethIn retsec, Ifind myself sti n solid ais in bh tho an expeiece, whih hasprepared e fothe h. proam Myfuure reearh nterests nclue:Network ScedlingProbm,euriti Algrithesearch(eecial in GA and Nurl etork),Suply canntwk erch, Hyrid systmefrmance analysiwithPeri ntand Data Mining. Peaegivemy ppliatn material a seros cnsideration. hank yoerymch. 应聘英语教师自我介绍 1、llo,tis is LihufeiI grduaed fro Xan siu Univsiyand mjredi countngItsapleasur toet yu.Be patent ith me,Im a lttlebinvous.2、 was oeaoor sudent o Enlish,n it as my bist adaheandtrble mae.I gt andtired o lerning borig gramr rlesn lifele wo. But thougharorkn praccngspakngnlish and brakingwa fr the taitonl grammes, I fond myelf a t
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