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清华大学考研辅导强化班课程讲义(by mistysky)清华大学考研辅导强化班课程英语完形填空清华大学外语学院 宋丽丽 主讲第一单元: 辅导概述1. Use of English (Cloze Test) 试题的来历与测试要点? 智力测验: 给考生看一些不? 完整的画面,? 要求考生根据已有的知识、想象力、和画面的规律性特点,? 经过分析、推理、判断,? 将不? 完整的画面补全。? 作为智力测验的测试要点 1) 识别画面的背景或范围 2) 具备3) 一定的生活常识 4) 背景与常识结合, 找出规律性特征并据此加以猜测、分析和推理,5)从而6)做出判断,7) 即检查已有知识及运用已有知识进行思维的能力? 完型填空:检查学生阅读能力、词汇知识和语法知识? 本题型的测试要点: 1)。 考察学生的知识面,? 如社会生活常识或文化与科普知识 2) 考察学生语言基本功,包括词汇、语法知识和阅读能力 3) 考察考生综合运用以上知识进行分析、推断,并驾驭语篇的能力。 2。Use of English( Cloze Test) 选文的特点与考题范围? 选文特点: 1)。本题目所选文章多为说明文、记叙文、议论文或应用文 2)文章长度为240-280个字。本题为多项选择题,共20个空白处,每小题0.5分,共10分。 3)文章内容涉及社会生活、人物传记、科普、史地、政治与经济等。? 测试范围包括 1)。 词性的用法 2词义的辨析 3)词语的搭配4)。 语法结构 5)。语篇的衔接 3 应考必须做哪些准备 1) 熟练掌握大纲所要求掌握的词汇,2) 熟悉词语的用法和词语搭配,3) 注意词语的引申词,4) 即同5) 根词,同6) 义词,7) 反义词,8) 近义词等 9) 复10) 习并熟练掌握语法知识 11) 大量广泛的阅读以扩大词汇量和知识面 12) 大量的习题训练已达到熟能生巧 4. Use of English (Cloze Test ) 部分答题程序? 答题程序 1) 先通读全文,2) 抓住主题句,3) 整体把握原文的主要内容。 4) 根据上下文语义逻辑关系,5) 语法知识,6) 固定词语搭配来判断所缺信息 7) 可以跳跃答题 8) 最后通读全文,9) 理顺全文的逻辑关系确保所填信息准确无误。? 答题程序图示 1) 常识+一般性英语知识全面理解语篇主题作为猜测的依据 2) 常识+主题+相关的语言知识推断文章中被删除的信息 3) 常识+主题+综合语言知识判断还原后的文章是否完整合理 5 Use of English (ClozeTest)部分答题技巧? 词汇手段 1)利用词汇的复? 现做题:某一词会以原词的同? 义词、近义词、上义词、下义词或概括词的形式复? 现在篇章中。 e.g. As a result, the trip had to be cancelled and they returned home _and unhappy.A. disappointed B. complete C. released D. badThese firms have to learn the consumers demand first so that they can supply exactly what the consumers want. _keeps the quality of goods from falling very low.A. production B. discovery C. competition D. consumption2) 利用词汇同现做题: 在篇章中, 围绕一定的主题, 一类的词汇往往会同时出现,这些词属于同一个词汇链. 如在描写教室的文章会同时读到下列词汇; classroom, blackboard, desk, chair, teacher, student, floor 等 e.g. I called in a _ to fix my refrigerator before it was too warm.A. worker B. friend C. repairman D. housekeeper3)利用上下文词汇的照应关系做题 e.g. The chief reason is that all the passionate and prejudiced arguments overstate their case and _their opponents case.A. exaggerate B. notice C. understate D. prefer4)注意词汇的替代关系: 在上下文中为避免重复, 常常用代词替代已出现过的词汇 e.g. He will not buy a poorly made auto, if there is a better _ for sale at the same price.A. choice B. one C. ones D. shop5) 注意句子中的省略用法: 为突出主要信息,句子中常常用省略来避免重复 e.g. A philosopher said that we had no right to oppose a position unless we could make out a better one for it than the proponent himself _.A. do B. did C. would D. could? 逻辑关系手段 1) 并列关系: and, and also, furthermore, besides, in addition, or, or else, alternatively, nor, and not, likewise, similarly, in the same way2) 顺序关系: first, first of all, and then, to begin with, what is more, what is more important, finally,3) 分指4) 关系: which, that , who, when, where, whereas, while5) 转折关系: all the same, anyhow, as a matter of fact, at the same time, but, by the way, incidentally, in fact, instead, nevertheless, now, on the contrary, on the other hand, still, though, to change the subject, yet6) 解释关系: for example, for instance, I mean, in other words, namely, that is, that is to say, furthermore, hence, moreover7) 因果关系: so, because, since, as, in that, now that, accordingly, consequently, hence, therefore, thus, as a consequence, in consequence, for that reason, as a result,第二单元: 例句与选文16. Use of English ( Cloze Test ) 答题要领与答题方式例句与例段 ? 答题要领: 完型填空是考察考生理解、分析、推断和综合运用语言的能力。 因此做题时首先要对选文内容有一个整体的了解,? 然后根据上下文的语义逻辑关系,? 词性与词义的辨析、词汇的固定搭配以及有关的语法知识判断所缺的信息。最后通读还原后的全文,? 确保行文的整体性与语篇的连贯性。? 例句与例段 注意词语搭配、词义辨析、同? 形词辨别以及介词与冠词的用法等。 eg John looked very much _1_ when he was caught cheating in the exam _2_the spot.1. A. encouraged . B. embarrassed C. disappointed D. excited2. A. on B. by C. at D. inWhen I at last _1_the town, I felt _2_ tired to go in _3_ of a room at once so I went into the nearest restaurant to where I had parked my car and sat down at a table. A waitress was clearing up the _4_ of a meal which must have _5_ eaten by at _6_ forty people.1. A. got B. reached C. arrived D. attained2. A. very B. very much C. too D. so3. A. search B. searching C. look D. looking4. A. remains B. rest C. remainder D. remain5. A. be B. being C. been D. to be6. A. at last B. least C. latter D. lengthAbout three years ago, _1_ my mid- forties, I had a sudden and severe mental breakdown. _2_most exceptional feature was that I am _3_ psychologist and should therefore be able to view the events of my illness _4_ two stand-point.1. A. in B. of C. during D. at2. A. A B. The C. One D. Any3. A. a B. an C. the D. any4. A. in B. on C. at D. from7. 答题要领与答题方式选文1-10选文1.Mans sudden concern_ the environment has introduced a new _ into international relation. It has heightened_ between rich and poor _; it has introduced a widened range of _ for potential conflict.When we _ environmental problems in a _ context, the first thing that _ us is the variety of perspectives and concern
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