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高一英语学科第五单元质量检测试题参赛试卷(总分:150分 考试时间:90分钟)学校:卧龙寺中学 命题人: 张媛 第一卷第一节 单项选择(共20个小题;每小题2分,满分40分)1“You cn haehis foobll bak _ you roisn to kick t at m catagain,”he old ma ad fiml.AbecaseB.since.whenD.untl_ dontliert, I findhis picure relly good.A.AB.SincC.D.il3 catand_wi Janin he sae office. She ust rees_ talinwhile se works.Aworkin, oppinB.owor,stoppngC.wokin, tosD.to wor,o sop4.oe hs meal cost $50 _ mthigfar better thans!ApreerB.expectCuggestsuse5He is qi use_ i all otsof eateAdivetodrivetorvingD ven6.Hs entir educaion _ no mre thanoneyear.A.aed o .addd p to C.was addd p toDrased to.Astrm _ tonighA.s kly coinBis iel to ome.is possibly to eDisperhaps o come8 fnd paitinor drawng _.A.relaxinBae elxng C.relaxedD.i rlaxed9.It iacusom in at county for en toremve teir htsh a wan_the room.Aenters.ntedC. wll enter. hasetere10_ I explain n thehne, your requestwill be considerdthe n eting.A.WichB.hatChas11.he peasants ad t _ heavy taxes nd_ grety fro hungeA.pa, ufferedta, ufferedCmae,goeDpaid, sufr12He sund _ beashi wieis ve ll.AsresB.tessfu .besD13Eveyoe is _ to er aseat beltin the car.A.otB.believedC.ote.spe14 unle iv n a _ vlage. oI hoehejutivsneary!A.pootero.closeD.distan15.Thsmilk has _ off Dot rinkitany more.AseBtaknC.gonD.pus16.he preie f he cpn the gift,u he didn iA. eive; eceivB. acepted;acptC.rcived;accpt D. accepted; reeive 17.1. he remembere nothigbut him _ his ha a lck. xept B. besds . ecp o excp tht18.We argued _ te waiter _ the prie of the e. A wth; about . wh; o C. to;ot D.o; to19.Mar a dffclty _ sinc e was a itle girl, bt s is stl a _child. A.rd; leer B. readi; smart Cto read;m D rading; handome20.You said that you lik tking art i aies, _,but e ddt like, an _. A. o do ; sodo you . so do ; no di I C.so you do;either di I D. soyouo;nether d第二节 完形填空(共小题;每小题1.分,满分0分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从20各题所给的四个选项(A、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Just hom fom work,Daddy stpe itekichn whreMother d I re21upper. From the lo on hi fce,w new something abthrng hm. “Mr. Roh is worse,” he said “Thedoctor says tony f time now. The ol mancn ba hs pain, butno he log hour e hasto sped 23 His ees ar s bad that he can read,ad ht e much24. H2 begigfor bgdg to behis comain(陪伴), 26 e cnrecht and touch as h stsinh weelchir nthe n. ” “Wh dont thy 2 im a dog” Iasked “Hn, 28 Mr Roth nhopit s uch f me, hr are loo expenss(开支). Thrisnt ough one.”“Ho abou ong to the amal shelter(收容所)andgtinone” I 9 . “Ye,” Dady ad. “I suppos theyculd. Bt t has a 30 d,which they can rusto be genle.No al bogs r.” Ater super,I we31mygGerman hee(牧羊犬),Dn,was usally dozn. e jumpedup and ran to t mea he alw did when Icaminto ight. There were o ther 2-ar-ldgirls in r 32 ,so 33 an forpaionsip hen I rod mybicce,he ra behnd e;when I role-kaed onhe sidwlk, olwed behind. thadbe tha 34since Dady brught hmhoeor years bfre. ow, I coudt35Dads wrds i thechen.I 36 m rs arouDa n(颈部) anred my face inhistif hai. “love you,” I whispere thm. “d feel37 witho o,butoh,Dan,I nowwht I oldd,38I dntwant ooit. ”Itougt abotr. Roth. He ws od,sickand almost 39 . It seemdtme ht h wasjust about ut f blssins 40 quickly. I e what I had t do. I wet t my father and said, “Mr. Roth cn borow Dan.”Trs tarted dwn my ace 21A.hin B prprin C. maki D dog22A. kin . lot C. wse mattlonely B. adly Calone D. endss24. copany B. l me
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