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Hershey: We have been running 8 projects this year, and today we will highlight the Multi-Shell project to you. Now lets start the video. 今年,我们一共运作了8个项目,而今天,我们将向你们重点展示“蚝事多磨”项目。现在,让我们一起开看开场视频。Hershey: From the video, we can learn that the accumulation of oyster shell has become a serious pollution problem. Shuzai Town is a famous origin of oysters in Guangdong Province. The annual production of oysters there averages 6784 tons, which result 3313 tons oyster shells. The area of these oyster shells equals to 74.7 standard football fields, and they seriously pollute the surrounding of over 20,000 fishermen distributed in 15 villages. 中国是全球最大的生蚝产地;然而人们对鲜美的蚝肉青睐有加,却也使得蚝壳被随意丢弃,造成严重的环境污染。树仔镇是著名产蚝地,年产生蚝6748吨,折合蚝壳约3313吨。堆积蚝壳面积相当于74.7个世界杯足球场,严重污染当地15个村共计2000多名渔民的生活环境。Amir: At the same time, the decay of residual oysters becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. According to statistics, there are totally 46 towns suffering from such kind of pollution.同时,残留蚝肉腐烂,成为病菌繁殖的温床。在中国,共有46个镇存在这样的蚝壳污染。Mireca: But actually, the oyster shell powder has high commercial value, which can improve soil force and utilization level of fertilizer.然而废弃蚝壳打磨而成的蚝壳粉具有极高商业价值,能改善土质、提高肥料利用率。Rain: for planting, it can increase crop yields and reduce pests and diseases; 在种植上能增加产量、减少病虫害;Yuki: for breeding, it can provide calcium supplements for livestock.在养殖上有良好的补钙作用。Hershey: Therefore, we launched the Muti-Shell project. We will use three part to explain how we ran the project :因此,我们启动了“蚝事多磨”项目。我们将用三个部分向你们展示我们是如何运作项目的:Rain: First, the Exploration Phase第一部分,探索阶段Mireca: Second, the Internal Management Phase第二部分,内部管理阶段Yuki: Third, the Project Duplication and Market Expansion Phase第三部分,项目复制与市场拓展阶段Hershey: Now, let s start the 1.0 phase.现在,让我们进入第一阶段。(1.0) Exploration phaseAMIR:In February 2010, we initiated the project by first going to Maoming to visit local fishermen. We found that the fishermen breed oysters for a living. However, the annual income of only 20,400 yuan provided them limited living conditions. Moreover, the decay of oyster shells worsed their living conditions.2010年2月份,我们启动了“蚝事多磨”项目。我们首先到茂名拜访了当地的的渔民。我们了解到,当地的渔民大多以养蚝为生。然而,仅仅20400元的年收入使得他们的生活非常拮据。除此之外,蚝壳的堆积使得他们的生活环境更加恶劣。RAIN:So how can we do about it?那我们该怎么做呢?AMIR:Well, facing this problem, we guided the fishermen to collect oyster shells around the community. The oyster shell can then be grinded into powder and sold to the market. These will provide additional income channels for the fishermen and solve the pollution problem caused by accumulated oyster shells.为了解决这一问题,我们引导当地的渔民去收集周围的蚝壳。这些蚝壳之后可以打磨成粉并在市场上销售。这将给渔民提供额外的收入,同时解决因蚝壳堆积而引起的环境问题。RAIN:After 7 months, the plan was failed. The fishermens fear of market risks hindered our project. 7个月后,渔民对市场风险的胆怯使得我们的计划不得不以失败告终。AMIR:However, we were still in the exploration phase. We were later informed there were several processing factories on the island are in need of oyster shells. 但是,我们仍然坚持探索出路。不久之后,我们得知在海边有许多蚝壳粉加工工厂需要蚝壳。RAIN:In November 2010, we visited 7 oyster shell powder processing factories along the coast of Guangdong Province. We found that the factories are capable to expand markets and solve the accumulation problems of oyster shells. Thus, we shifted our main audience to processing factory. We wished to solve the pollution problem by improving the factory efficiency and expanding demands for raw materials. 2010年11月,我们走访了广东沿海的7家蚝壳粉加工工厂。我们发现加工工厂更具备开拓市场和解决蚝壳堆积问题的能力。因为,我们将我们的目标受众从渔民转变为加工工厂。我们希望通过改善加工工厂的效率,扩大蚝壳粉的需求量来,来解决环境污染问题。AMIR:Also, we hope to establish a stable relationship between the factory and the local fishermen about material. This will indirectly increase the fishermens income and improve their living conditions. 同时,我们希望在加工工厂和当地渔民之间建立稳定的原料供给关系。这将直接地增加渔民的收入,从而改善他们的生活环境。 RAIN: Meanwhile, our project manager Liu Jiali went to Taiwan as an exchange student. While in Taiwan,she had the chance to visit an oyster shell powder processing factory in the Wanggong fishing village. After communicating with the factory officials in Taiwan, she found that the factories in mainland generally lacked strong internal management, product quality control, and brand building. 于此同时,我们的项目经理刘佳丽作为交换生去了台湾。在台湾,她有幸采访到了一间位于王公渔村的蚝壳粉加工工厂。通过与该厂的负责人沟通,她了解到,大陆的加工工厂普遍缺少良好的内部管理、产品质检和品牌建设。AMIR:As a result, we decided to introduce the advanced experience from Taiwan to the oyster shell processing factories here in Mainland, in order to improve their efficiency and capacity to produce higher quality oyster shell powder, and to accelerate the consumption of oyster shells. 于是,我们决定向大陆的蚝壳粉加工工厂引进台湾的先进经验,来改善他们的效率和生产力,从而生产出质量更好的蚝壳粉,同时加速对蚝壳的消耗。Now, lets move on to the 2.0 phase.现在,让我们进入第二阶段。 (2.0) Internal reformation phase梁韵莉:Thanks Amir.In March 2011, we contacted the Seaside Oyster Shell Powder Processing Factory. We reached an agreement with the director Yao Qingsi to utilize his factory for a pilot project.We planned to reform his p
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