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Unit 4 We Love Animals !(教学设计)一、简介在任务型的语言教学过程中,教师是一个设计者、组织者、引导者。本节课我设计以帮助狮王寻找森林音乐会上的六位演奏家为主线,通过游戏、活动等形式,引导学生在创设的交际情景中自然学习新单词和句型,同时培养学生的口语交际能力和语言创新能力。二、 学生分析1、我所任教的三年级学生大约在910岁这个阶段。他们都很活泼好动,好胜心强,充满着好奇心和求知欲,学习英语的兴趣浓厚,模仿力很强,富于想象,特别爱听童话故事。2、学生在学习本课之前已经初步具备能用英语进行简单日常交流的能力,能听懂老师的英语课堂用语,并能根据老师的指令做游戏及简单的角色扮演。三、 教材分析本套教材编写以话题为纲,以交际功能为主线,兼顾语言结构,逐步引导学生完成有实际意义的语言任务。根据小学生的年龄和学习认知特点,把本节课Lets learn, Lets do, Part A处理为Unit 4第一课时的教学内容。这是一节有关于动物单词学习的课。动物是学生感兴趣的话题,通过贯彻任务型的语言教学,以故事内容为主线,让学生在情境中自然学习单词,并在自主探究、小组合作中让学生感受成功的喜悦,同时为下一课句型的学习打下了良好的基础。四、 教学目标我确定本节课的教学目标为:a) Be able to know well six words about animals: rabbit, monkey, panda, dog, cat, duck.b) Be able to use the words flexibly in real situations.c) Be able to understand “Act like a” and do the same actions.d) To make them know well: We should love animals and protect them!教学重难点:How to use the new words in real situations flexibly.五、 教学策略新课程标准倡导任务型的语言教学,让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功。因此,在本节课中我通过童话故事为主线,采用以情境结构为主的功能交际法和全身动作反应法为主要教学方法,让学生在轻松愉快的行动中输入语言,让他们在做中学、在表演中学,同时辅以听说法。倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式,让学生在完成任务、感受成功的过程中培养合作竞争意识。六、 多媒体电教手段的运用及其他本节课是在多媒体教室完成教学的。运用自制的英语CAI 课件,同时需要一些笑脸卡片、小贴纸、六个动物头饰、自制皇冠、单词卡为教学作准备。七、 教学过程ProceduresTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesTeachers purposeStep1.Warmup(3 minutes )1. CAI: a song “Old MacDonald”.2. Make a free talk with the students like this:-Hello!Good morning. How are you?-1. Listen and enjoy the song.2. Greeting with the teacher, and have a free talk.1.Give the students more language input.2.Make a friendly and active atmosphere to learn English.Step2.Presentation(15 minutes )1.CAI:(Show up a forest and the Lion King, then tell the story.)2.Ask them to answer:a. What is the Lion King talking with?b. What animals do you like to be the musician?Sum up:3.CAI: Show up the pictures and teach the words: rabbit,monkey, panda.Ask them to read after and say: Act like a rabbit/monkey/panda, and do the actions at the same time.Ask them to practise.4.CAI: Teach the words “cat, duck ,dog” like this :-Mew, mew , cat .-Quack ,quack , duck .-Woof, woof ,dog. Ask them practise the six words ,and guide .5. Have a competition .1. Look carefully and listen.2. Answer and imagine.3. Read the words and imitate ,then do the actions.4. Practise in group and read the words together for competition .1. Arouse their interests to learn the new words. 2. To develop their abilities of imagination and language .3. To make them cooperate with their partners well. 4. Make them memorize the words easily .5. Make them know how to cooperate with others.Step 3Practise(20 minutes )1. Play games: a. Looking for the words .(Hide the word cards, when the student is closed to it ,speak louder ,or lower. )b. “火眼金睛”(CAI show up the words quickly and miss, make them guess)2. CAI: Change and sing the song with the same melody with “Hello”.3. CAI: Listen and do.Act like a.4. The teacher sets a model first, and ask them to practise,then have a competition.(One student will say the oders, the delegations from each group will do the same actions)5. CAI: Listen to the sounds of the animals and guess: What is it?6. Show up the word cards7. Sum up: Who is the winner?(Give the winners prizes, and all them cheer)8. CAI: Show up the situation of the music party. 9. CAI: Make them know well: -We love animals! -Lets protect them together!10. Ask them to answer: -What animals do you like? -I like .1. Involve in the games,and answer and do it happily.2. Listen to the similar melody and very glad to sing together.3. Read after the tape and do the same actions.4. Practise in group and take in the competition happily.5. Listen and guess the animals,they are very excited to hear that.6. Look at the word cards and invite six musicians like this:-Rabbit, rabbit, welcome!Then introduce and practise.7. The winners have got the prizes.8. Look at the CAI happily and take part in the party, sing the song “If Youre Happy”.9. Express their 1. Make them practsie and memorize the words more easily and naturally .2. The song will recall their memories easily and make them be happy to accept the new languages.3. Make them keep the words in mind well from different ways.4. To extend their languages and enjoy the succession. 5. To develop their abilities of communication. Ideas about animals .10.Answer: I like Step4.Summary(1 minute )Do the actions and make them guess. Guess the animals. Recall their memory. Step5. Homework(1 minute )Show up CAI .Look at and understand .Make them know well the words in consolidation. 八、 课后反思我认为本节课最成功的地方是能根据三年级学生的年龄特点及爱听童话故事出发,以故事为主线贯穿整节课,贯彻任务型的语言教学,让学生从自我意愿出发,自觉地进入英语学习状态。同时,形象生动的多媒体课件辅助教学也为学生的英语学习更好地提供了条件。整节课的气氛都非常活跃,学生学得兴趣盎然,老师也能发挥一个引导者、组织者的作用。但有一点是我困惑和不足的地方,就是在小组比赛中,个别小组成员为了使自己小组获胜,竟故意贬低其他
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