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Unit 2 My Favorite SeasonA Read and write 西华小学 樊秋娜知识目标:a能够听、说、读、写本课时的四会句子:Which season do you like best? I like winter best. Summer is good, but fall is my favorite season.b能够理解Read and write 部分的对话并能正确回答问题和书写答句。教学重点:掌握四会句子:Which season do you like best?及其答句I like winter best .教学难点:对各个季节的特征及在不同季节进行的活动进行综合表述。能力目标:a.能够听、说、读、写本课时的四会句子:Which season do you like best? I like winter best. Summer is good, but fall is my favorite season.b能够理解Read and write 部分的对话并能正确回答问题和书写。学情分析:本课时主要是在前两课时的基础上,使学生能听说读写主要句型,并在合适的情景中自然的使用。Read and write部分为学生创设了趣味性极强的情景,在活动中可以很好的完成教学目标。情感、策略、文化等有关目标:1.情感态度:让学生有兴趣用英语表达,能积极参与课堂活动。2.学生策略:引导学生关注小组合作学习,培养沟通与交流的能力。课前准备:多媒体课件 教学过程一、Warm-up1、Sing a song: Whats your favorite season”2、Free talkT:Do you like this song? Whats the song talking about?T: How many season are there in a year ? What are they ?(出示四季幻灯片)T: Which season do you like best ?S1:I like(板书)T: Summer is good, but fall is my favourite season.(出示幻灯片)设计意图:创设英语学习氛围,提高学生积极性,激发学生的学习兴趣。先通过前面的对话引入本课的重点句型,在通过上节课的短语与新短语之间的相似之处来教授,使学生感到学的更容易,并利用教师的喜好引出本课的新词,再利用图文结合,激发起学生的学习兴趣。二.Presentation 1、Now, Amy, Mike and Zhang Peng are also talking about their favorite seasons. Try to find out whats their favorite season.(观看动画,回答问题)2、listen and follow it.3、出示自学提示(生自学课文)。4、再次观看动画并跟读。设计意图让学生听录音语音语调,听音跟读,培养学生的朗读能力5、Read the passage quickly and true or flase. (出示幻灯片)设计意图:通过简单判断,给学生阅读自信。6 、 Read the passage carefully and answer the questions. (出示幻灯片)设计意图:让学生细读并回答以上问题,培养学生的处理信息及获取信息的能力。7、Again, watch the animation.8、Lets play.猜季节,一生描述,一生猜,其他成员做裁判。在做此活动之前师要先示范。9、组内分角色朗读并表演(老师现在全班同学面前表演,学生模仿。) 学生表演对话设计任务,鼓励学生综合运用所学语言,让小组合作运用语言完成此项任务,然后整理语言形成文字,最后进行汇报。10、Check.(检测学生综合语言运用的能力及对本节课知识的掌握程度)三、Homework.1. Listen to the tape and read the passage.( 听录音读短文)2. Write a short passage about what you do in different seasons.( 写一篇关于在不同季节你会干什么的小短文)四、板书。Unit 2 My favorite seasonWhich season do you like best?I like winter best.Summer is good, but fall is my favorite season.
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