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THE PRODUCTION OF STRATEGIC KNOWLEDGE WHILEPLANNING FOR THE FUTURE OF SUSTAINABLE COMPETETIVEPOWER: THE ANALYSIS OF LIFE CYCLE COSTOrhan ELMACIDumlupinar University, Turkey, +90 274 2652193/2002, odmacigmaiLcom, Niyazi KURNAZ Dumlupinar University, Turkey, +90 274 2652193/2066, , Yahya KIIOGLU Duml叩inar University, Turkey, +90 274 2652193/2115, Ykisioulu而AbstractThe change process having multiple variables and multi-facels, in the 21st century influenced the genetic codes of the enterprises (focusing on the customer, technology and product structure, production processes, human resources, cultural structure, etc.) so much that this process turned into a sustainable development in terms of ecological aspects. In this respect, the enterprises which are weak and which do not have the adaptation capability are coniinuously under the threat of the changes around and to be able to exist, they have to develop adaptable models and reactive behavior styles, (the enterprises having skills that will enable it to surxive in the long term, using the new sources efficiently and effectively, developing the decision making and practice skills, etc.) This reactive behavior style that will be developed by the enterprises, in a way, means strategic administration skillsThe enterprises which cannot use the strategic administration skills effectively lose their competitive power it is not important that the enterprises have the competitive power for a temporary or limited period of time. The important thing is that this power is constant and permanent. It is because the superiority of lhe successful enterprises can be easily imitated and this superiority can be lost in a very short lime. Sustainable competitive power is possible if the valuable and rare abilities and strategies of the enterprise do not allow any room for imitation and substitution by the chancing environmental conditions. Thanks to the environment- adaptable ability concept, there is more possibility of creating more value than the rival enterprises. Whether value is creating or not becomes clear with the customer perceiving the product & serxice that he bought. When the client thinks that he can buy a standard product or service with a lower cost or when he believes that he got more than he paid, a value for the client is created. All the activities related to producing a good that will have a value for the client or delivery cost some deal. The value added to the product by the enterprise activities is expected to be more than the cost of the activity. If the case is so, it means that value is created in that enterprise. On the other hand in the enterprises, each value added by the activities is not the same as one another. The value that some activities add to the products is lower than no value has been created. In this respect, the activities that create value in the enterprises and the value they add to the products is determined by Value Chain Analysis (VCA).In VCA, in determining costs of basic and support activities, usage of Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) with Activity Based Costing will provide more efficiency to en terp rises acco rding to economical modeling.Life Cycle Cost is a concept that covers all costs such as R&D, in vest men t. actuation, maintenance and also taking the system out of service cosis. Bui LCCA is a method and a chain of processes developed for eslimaiion of costs that can come out in a period beginning from concept phase of a system, product, project or facility until taking the system out of service, including R&D and actuation costs.LCCA made comes out as a result of usage of basic and support costs system and products which are the main factors that form costs. In this context, it will he better to fake into account not only owning costs but all life cycle costs that will be fanned and endured throughout all life time while taking production or provision decisions.The main purpose of this paper is to state that LCCA system can be used in enterprises as a decision making tool. In this paper, our principal aim is to put forward that Life Cycle Cost Analysis system can be used as a decision making medium in businesses.Keywords: Sustainable Competetive Power, Life Cycle Cost, LCCA, Strategic KnowledgeIntroductionThe multi-dimensional process of change with multi-variables has increased its impact and pressure on the genetic codes of enterprises (such as customer-fbcus, technology, the shape of the product, production processes, human resources, cultural structure, etc.) so much that this process of change has turned into a sustainable development in ecological aspect (SDEA). In this context, weak and inadaptable enterprises are always under the threat of the change in their field, and thus, their sustained existence depends on their coming up with compatible adaptation models and maintaining reactive attitudes (finding new talents fbr the business to sustain longevity, using the new resour
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