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牛津英语9B Unit 1 Life on Mars 测试 3Unit 1 火星生活测试总分: 100 分班级 姓名 桌号 得分 1. 听力。 (20 分 )A. 根据所听到的句子, 选择正确的答案。( 听两遍 ) (10 分 )( )1.A. Because I didn t catch the bus.B. Because I got up too early.C. Because I forgot the number.D. Because I liked it very much.( )2.A. So am I. B. So do I.C. Yes , I like it, too. D. No, I don t.( )3. A. I think that s a good idea.B. That sounds really cool.C. Sure. But I don t have time at the moment.D. That s a deal.( )4. A. Three years ago. B. Three times.C. For about three years. D. About three years ago.( )5. A. When the lights are red.B. When the lights are green.C. When the road is busy.D. When the traffic is going.B. 根据所听对话内容, 选择正确答案。(听两遍 ) (10 分 )( )6. What did Saddam do one day?A.He mended his car.B. He mended his house.C .He mended his bike.D. He mended his clock.( )7. Where was Saddam when he saw Bush?A.He was on the ladder.B. He was in the street.C. He was in the house.D. He was on the top of the house.()8. Why was Bush waving to Saddam?A. He wanted to tell Saddam some stories.B. He wanted to ask Saddam for some money.C. He wanted to tell Saddam some news.D. He wanted Saddam to climb up the ladder.()9. What did Saddam give to Bush?A ladder.B. Some money.C. Nothing. D. Some food.()10. Whydid Saddamask the old manto climb the ladder onto the top of the house?A.Because he was very happy.B. Because he was very angry.C. Because he wanted to talk with him.D. Because he wanted to help him.II.英汉词组互译。(10分)11. 呈的形状 16.virtual reality12. 越来越拥挤 17.many different designs13. . 4哥来 18.the public transportsystem14. 飘走 19. power pack15. 电子狗 20.space foodIII.根据所给提示,完成下列句子。(5分)21. People must wear space( 宇航帽)to go outside on Mars.22. Before the Project of Sanxia, many(移民)left their hometown.23. There are nine( 行星)in the universe.24. On October 12th,2005, two( 宇航员)went into space by Shenzhou VI.25. They will( 大概)give us the correct answers.IV.选择填空。(20分) ()26.Life on Mars will be better than life on Earth many ways.A. on B. in C. at D. for()27.Sandy was too nervous the teacher s question.A. answer B. to answer C. answering D. answers()28.The number of the students in our school about eight hundred.A. are B. were C. is D. be()29.I think he to finish the hard work in a day or two.A. can t B. will C. is able D. isn t able()30. We have so many kinds of guitars for you.A. to choose B. to choose from C. to be chosen D. to be chosen from()31. Millie makes her cousin the flowers every day.A. waters B. watering C. water D. to water()32 -How much did you all those things? -About 300 yuan.A give B. cost C. spend D. pay for()33. About of the books in our school library are written in Chinese.A. four-fifth B. four fifths C. fourth fifths D. fourthsfifth)34. The headmaster stoppedto me because there was a call for him.A. talking B. to talk C. saying D. to saythe boys and girls get to know)35. At the science museum ,A . what is the spaceship like.what the spaceship looks likeC. how the spaceship looks like.how does the spaceship look like.V.改写与改错。(15分)36. I m too short to be an astronaut.(改为同义句)be an astronaut.37. It is too cold for us to go out at night on Mars.(改为同义句)It iscan t go out at night on Mars.38. I don t think she is our new teacher,?(改为反义疑问句)39. By the year 2100, our own planet is becoming more crowded and more crowded.40. Robots c ould be the first live on Mars. A B C D41. At that time they had no house to live in it.AB C D42. Could you tell me how much did he pay for the new jeans?AB C D43. He knows that there is not oxygen enough on Mars. A B C DVI .完形填空。(10分)Dear Dad,Happy birthday to you!On this special day I d like to talk to you 44 a special way.I don t think I m good at 45 you my thought face to face with you, soI m writing to show my deep love for you.You re not a rich man or a famous person. But in my heart, you are one of the greatest 46 in the world. I m 47 you.You re 48 interested in fame and wealth( 名禾U). You do 49 thingslike paying phone bills on time, and working as a worker in your factory. The smile on your f-ace shows you re pleased with the family. You take good care of mygrandparents. You help mewith myschoolwork and do someshopping with Momon Sundays.In the past, I didn t care 50 you were with me or not. Now I am sorryto say I 51 you the respect(尊重)before. But I amthankful for what you havedone for me.I am quite lucky that I have 52 a great father. And I feel happy that nowI can let you 53 how much I love you. You are successful as a son, a husband,a father, and a friend.Wish you happy forever!Yours()44. A. in B. at C. by D. on ()45. A. talking B. saying C. speaking D. telling()46. A. businessmen B. man C. men D. worker()47. A. worried about B. proud of C. afraid of D. sorry for()48.
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