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鲁教版英语教材go for it!(五四制)(2013版)九年级Section B Unit 7 Life is full of the unexpected.(Reading)教学设计一、 课标解读初中英语新课程标准中对初四学生的阅读有着明确的要求:1.能根据上下文和构词法推断、理解生词的含义。2.能理解段落中的各句子之间的逻辑关系。3.能找出文章中的主题,理解故事的情节。预测故事情节的发展和可能的结局。4.能读懂相应水平体裁的读物。 5.能根据不同的阅读目的运用简单的阅读策略获取信。6.能利用词典等工具书进行阅读。7.课外阅读量应累计到达15万词以上。所以我们在我的日常阅读教学中应注重阅读方法、技能技巧的学习,不能划拉背。阅读课的教学应改变以前的方法重语法,轻阅读。 而应该多读,让学生在阅读中体会、感知语法。二、 教学目标1. 知识目标:能正确的用过去时讲述过去的事,体会过去完成时的意义。掌握单词officer, cancel, lady, discovery词汇。2. 能力目标;能根据语篇中的段落收据,激活相关背景信息,预测文章内容。能举上下文的意思,理解生词 cancel, announce, hoax的意思。3 情感目标:了解国外愚人节风俗,并懂得怎样正确地play jokes , play tricks. 通过对国外文节日的了解,激发他们对我们传统节日的热爱。三、 教学步骤;Step 1 lead in Watch a video and answer 4 questions Q1: what is the festival? Q2: when is it?Q3: Are people happy or sad on that day? Q4: what do people often do on that day?Learn the new phrases: Play tricks trks 玩把戏 play jokes 开玩笑 a hoax hksn. 恶作剧设计意图:用Ellen show 的视频导入,能更快的让学生投入到课堂中更好地学习。同时还能通过视频对April Fools Day 有了更深的了解。为本节课做好铺垫。Step 2 Skimming1. Read Para 1 and match each paragraph with the main ideas. Before reading , tell the students the way to get the main ideas quickly. (read the first sentence of each para)Tips: Carefully reading the first sentence in each paragraph Para 1 One of the most famous tricks playedPara 2 Two funny stories that happened on Fools Day .Para 3 An introduction to April Fools Day.Para 4 A sad story that happened on Fools Day.设计意图:通过匹配段落和中心意思,让学生掌握Carefully reading the first sentence in each paragraph的方法。同时对文章有了整体的了解。Step3. Careful reading Read Para 1 and complete the passage.People in _celebrate April Fools Day on April 1st by _or _on each others. 设计意图:Careful reading第一段,学生对April Fools Day 的时间、地点及活动有了初步的了解。用补全句子的形式,能帮助学生更好的复述。Story 1 (1)Read story 1 and finish the following mind-mapWho :_Where: _Italy spaghetti When; _ What: announced _Result: People ran to the supermarket _All the spaghetti around the country_(2) Try to tell the story about salt was sold out in china in the way.设计意图: 在完成思维导图的同时,帮助学生们总结讲故事的方法:when, where, who, what, result 。 并且让学生们通过讲述我们国家曾经发生的“抢盐”事件来练习这种讲述方法。 Story 2. Read story 2 and answer the question.Why did people in England believe the story?_设计意图:这个故事简短明了,通过这一个问题,就能帮助学生理解故事。Story 3. Read Story 3 and complete the passage. _invited _onto _. _asked _to _. _replied, “April Fools Day”. _lost _ and his show _ . 设计意图:通过补全句子,能降低学生复述故事的难度,也能帮助他们更好的理解故事。同时在整体理解了故事之后,他们就能容易地猜出“cancel ”的意思。Story 4 1.Read Story 4 and number the pictures in a right order. 2. Retell the story according to the pictures.设计意图:四个故事的复述,如果都采用回答问题的形式就会引起学生的倦怠感,所以我设计了根据图片、维导图、补全短文三种形式来复述。Summary : some jokes are funny, some are sad, and some can even cause social problems. So we should play jokes in a proper way.Step 4 Post reading Talk about what happened to you on April Fools Day. Write down the story with the help of the following questions. Then share the stories in class. Think of an unforgetful joke that you played or others played When and where it happened? What happened first? What happened next? What was the result? How do you feel about it?设计意图:通过对本节课的阅读,学生了解了外国的愚人节以及所发生的4个经典故事。同时他们还掌握了描写小故事的技巧。这些都激发了他们想讲自己故事的欲望,这个环节就给了他们机会讲自己的意外事件。Summary : life is full of the unexpected. Accept, enjoy it and challenge it. Step 5. Homework for Today.Learn more about April Fools Day on the Internet.Share it in the class.设计意图;一节课学生对这个节日还不能做到很深的了解,而他们又对这个节日很感兴趣,所以让他们课后延伸,相信能激发他们更大的潜能。
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