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关于h7n9的英语作文 禽流感的挑战英语作文每天看着电视里,那些惊心动魄的数字,让人胆战心惊,现在各地一些关于感染禽流感病毒的死亡人数不断新增,禽流感再度毫不留情的向人类袭来。这消息仿若晴天霹雳。 Day watching TV, those who be struck with fright digital, make people tremble with fear in one”s boots, now all about bird flu death toll increase, avian flu again mercilessly strikes human. The news is like a bolt from the blue. 这次的禽流感的传染力比以往的非典还要强,我从资料上看到, 早在以前,禽流感就消失过,当时的禽流感也只是一般的流行性感冒,传染力也没有那么大,然而现在,禽流感再次消失了。另外还有一个现象:在野外的深山野林里,有禽流感的动物很少,几乎归零,而在城市里却会有这么多的动物有禽流感,经专家评论,发生这种状况是由于树林里的禽流感密度较分散,而城市的密度较密,传染的可能性也就强了。而且传染的可能性也这么强,这个难题人类要怎样解决呢? The avian infectious force more powerful than before SARS, I see from the information, as early as in the past, the avian flu appeared, the avian flu is just common influenza, infectious force is not so big, but now, avian flu appeared again. In addition there is a phenomenon: in the field of the remote mountains, with bird flu animal rarely, is almost zero, but there will be so many animal bird flu in the city, after the expert review, this happens because avian flu density forest is scattered, and the city”s density is dense, infectious the possibility of it. But the possibility of infection is so strong, the problem how to solve? 我想,有了上次的非典阅历,中国人民是不会再惧怕这些可恶的病毒了,我们已经有过了一次考验,就算来了其次次我们也不怕,还记得上回的非典吗,就是在那剧烈的非典战斗中,我们国家的忠诚的战士:叶欣阿姨被病魔夺去了生命。但最终,我们还是战胜了非典。我想在这次的战斗的考验中,我们学会了什么是团结一心,我们也知道了团结一心有多么的重要。这次同样又消失了一种病例,我想这可能就是上帝考验我们的其次关吧!加油呀,尽管我还是一位小学生,我还不能为国家做出什么奉献,不过我认为我们可以爱护好自己,让自己不会传染上禽流感,或许就是这样,国家就能少效劳一个人,就可以为减轻0.1的负担不是吗?我就是这样认为的,尽管是那么一点点,但是至少是有啊,这样总比没有好呀,是吗? I think, with the last SARS experience, Chinese people are not afraid of these abominable viruses, we already had a test to second times, even if we are not afraid, remember the last SARS, is in the fierce battle in the war, our country”s loyal soldier: Wang aunt was the disease claimed the lives of. But in the end, we still defeated sars. I think in the test of war, we learn to unite, we also know how important it is to unite. The same and the emergence of a case, I think it is God to test us second! Refueling ah, although I was a pupil, I also cannot make what contribution, but I think we can protect yourself, let oneself not infected with bird flu, perhaps so, countries will have less service a person, can reduce the burden of 0.1 not? I think it is, even a little, but at least there is ah, this is better than no good, is it? 面对禽流感,这一次又一次的考验,我们肯定要齐心协力。信任一切都会好起来的。 In the face of avian influenza, the tests of time and time again, we must make concerted efforts. I believe that everything will be ok.
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