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Unit 1 Lesson 1第1课时教案教学内容:冀教版小学英语4A Lesson 1 教学目标:知识:1. 掌握本课的新词汇skirt, blouse, trousers, T-shirt sweater 2. 理解句型This is a red shirt.能力:教会学生正确地用英语描述人们的穿着。情感:让学生在课堂教学中体会学习的快乐,敢于用英语表达自己想说的内容,发展学生综合语言运用的能力。教学重、难点:重点:掌握本课所学的新词汇skirt, blouse, trousers, T-shirt sweater难点:理解并运用句型What is heshe wearing? HeShe is wearing.教学准备:教师词汇卡片、录音机、教学磁带教学过程:Part 1: Class Opening and ReviewGreetingReview the words of colorsT: Boys and girls, look! What color is it?S: Red (yellow green black white)T: Good! How about this?Is it green? Is it yellow? Who can tell me?S: Green and yellow.T: Very good! And this?S: Pink and purple.T: OK. Lets look! Is he/she right?T: Yes. You are clever.Part 2: Key ConceptsSweater skirt shirt trousers1. Demonstrate these words with picturesT: Boys and girls, now Ill show you some clothes. Clothes, (同时用手指自己的衣服) do you understand?S: Yes.T: Look! What is it?Its a sweater. (板书 sweater)Sweater, read after me, please.S: Sweater.T: (Ask some students to read the word.)What color is it?S: Yellow.T: Yes. Its a yellow S: A yellow sweater.T: This one. Is this a sweater? (No) What is it?(引导学生说出 a pink skirt.然后用同样的方法教学shirt和blouse.并且对比指出In skirt and shirt, only one letter is different. 教学shirt blouse时,告诉学生shirt is for boys or men, blouse is for girls or women.)(板书,带读,个人读)2. Lets chantPoint to trousers, point to shirt.Point to skirt, and sweater,too .Now what clothes do you see?Point to it, then tell me.(a white skirt, a red and white sweater)3. Lets play a game1) DemonstrateT: OK, boys and girls, just now you did a good job. This time, look here and listen.The boy is wearing a shirt. Hes wearing a white shirt.Guess, whats the Chinese for “wearing”?S: (正穿着)T: Yes. How clever you are! Wear means穿, wearing means 正穿着,Sometimes wear means 戴,for example: He is wearing a cap.T: Read after me please. Hes wearing a white shirt.S: Hes wearing a white shirt.T: Who wants to read it again? (Ask some students to repeat.)T: (指男孩)Whats he wearing?S: Hes wearing a white shirt.T: Good! Read after me. Whats he wearing? Hes wearing a white shirt. (Write on the blackboard.)T: (指女孩)Whats she wearing?S: Shes wearing a pink sweater (pink pants, a pink hat)T: What am I wearing? (引导学生说出You are wearing)Part 3: Class ClosingHomework:Draw a boy or a girl whos wearing some items of clothing we have learned today, talk about it with your friends.Finish No.1 and No.2 in Activity Book.China, speak, ChineseDemonstrate “China”, “speak”, “Chinese” with some questions. .T: Look at this picture. Whats this?S: Its China.T: Yes. Its a map of China. China is our country.T: Where do we live?S: We live in China.T: Yes. Say it, please.T: We speak Chinese. Chinese means “汉语”.T: We speak Chinese.Guess. What does “speak” mean?S: 说.T: What language does Jenny speak? Does she speak Chinese.S: She speaks English.T: Look! What city is it?Ss: Its Beijing.T: Beijing is the capital city of China.T: Whats the capital city of Beijing?S: Beijing is the capital city of China.T: Whats the meaning of “the capital city”?Ss: 首都。T: And whats the color of Beijing in the picture?S: Yellow.
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