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欢迎阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助!2006-2007学年度淄博市淄川区第二学期期末考试初二英语试题第卷 (选择题 65分)一、听力部分(20分)(一)听句子,选择最佳答案(5分,听1遍)1.A. No, I cant. B. Yes, I do. C. Sure.2. A. Youre welcome. B. It doesnt matter. C. I like to hear that.3. A. Sorry, I have to, use it. B. Yes, I will use it.C. Youre right.4. A. Certainly. B. I want to buy a radio.C. Sorry I need help.5. A. Yes, you can. B. Yes, Sure.C. Sorry, you cant.(二)A)听对话,选择与所听内容意思相同或相符合的选项(共5分,听1遍)6. A. They both love Starbucks.B. The woman likes Island cafe better than Starbucks.C. The man likes Island cafe better than Starbucks.7. A. The woman thinks Lisa is the worst for the job.B. The woman thinks Lisa is the best for the job.C. The woman thinks Lisa is no the funniest.8. A. The man thinks Pizza Hut is the most expensive.B. The woman thinks the KFC is the closest for lunch.C. The woman thinks KFC is a better place for lunch.9. A. The man thinks Toy-Mart has the friendliest service.B. The man thinks Toy-Mart has the cheapest toys.C. The man thinks Toy-Mart has the best quality toys.10.A. The man thinks the Korean plays are lovely.B. The man thinks the Korean plays are funny.C. The man thinks the Korean plays are too long.(三)B)听对话,选择正确的答案(共5分,听2遍)11. Would Tom like to take out the trash?A. Yes, hed love to. B. Yes, he can.C. No, he doesnt like to.12. Why doesnt Linda like doing the dishes?A. Its comfortable. B. Its relaxing. C. Its boring.13. Why does the woman think Jeans Corner is the best clothing store?A. Because it is the cheapest.B. Because it has the best quality clothing.C. Because it has the best service.14. What does the boy have to do before watching TV?A. Sweep the floor. B. Make his bed. C. Fold his clothes.15. What clothing store does the man think has the best clothes?A. Funky Fashions.B. Jasons. C. Trendy Teens.(四)听短文,选择正确答案(共5分,听2遍)16. What is the parrots name?A. Jim. B. Susan. C. Tina.17. What can the parrot say?A. Good morning to you! B. Nice to meet you!C. Happy Birthday to you!18. Where is Jacks family going for their Christmas holiday?A. Tokyo. B. Toronto. C. Sydney.19. What does Jack ask Ann to do?A. Look after his parrot. B. Look after his house.C. Clean his house.20. How often should Ann clean the cage(笼子)?A. Three times a week. B. Three times a day. C. Twice a day.二、单项选择(15分) 21. If there are more trees, there will be pollution.A. no B. more C. fewer D. less22. Lesson 7 is very easy. Its lesson in the book.A. easy B. the easiest C. easiest D. easier23. Where there is a , there is a way. (有志之事竟成)A. will (愿望) B. wish C. way D. hope24. You must be tried. Why not a rest?A. stop to have B. stop to haveC. stop having D. to stop having25. Do you mind the window?A. my opening B. my open C. I open D. to open26. There are many similarities father mother.A. both, and B. in, and C. for to D. between, and27. is good your health.A. Do eye exercise, for B. Do eye exercise, toC. Doing eye exercises, to D. Doing eye exercise, for28. I spent half an hour my homework.A. finishing doing B. to finish doingC. finish to do D. finish doing29. Liu Ping can do it as as her teacher.A. good B. better C. well D. worse30. We eat a lot of pork. A. So does she. B. So is he C. So do we D. So he is31. The teacher came in, a smile her face.A. and, on B. on, with C. with, in D. with, on32. She used in the country in China, but she soon got used in town in English.A. to live, to living B. to live, livingC. living, to live D. to loving, to live33.Could you please sweep the floor? .A. Of course, I can B. Sorry, I couldntC. Sure, I could D. Sure, I am reading34.Can you go camping with me tomorrow? . Lets meet at 7 am.A. No, thank you.B. Sorry, I have to look after my little sister.C. Id love to. But Im very busy.D. That sounds nice.35.What are you going to be when you ? Im going to be an actor in the future.A. do chores B. come over C. come along D. grow up三,完形填空 (共15分)Gao Li plans to take a long vacation this summer. Shes going to Hawaii for her 36 . Hawaii is a 37 place, so she likes very much. She is 38 in July. She is staying there 39 three weeks. Her parents are going there, too. They are going to 40 in
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