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小学英语六年级(上册)期末试卷 (考试时间为60分钟) 听力部分(30分)一、听录音, 选出你所听到的内容。(听两遍,每小题1分,计10分)( )1. A. waste( )2. A. smoke( )3. A. letter( )4. A. project( )5. A. friend( )6. A. day( )7. A. plant( )8. A. firecrackers( )9. A. No parking.( )10. A. exciteB. wearB. streetB. litterB. protectB. familyB. dirtyB. planB. fireworksB. No smoking.B. excited C. windy C. sweep C. littleC. poster C. first C. dead C. plane C. fireC. No swimming.C. exciting 二、听录音,给下列图片标上正确的序号。(听两遍,每小题1分,计5分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、根据所听到的句子,选择合适的答句。(听三遍,每小题1分,计5分) ( ) 1. A.We went to the Bund. B. He went to a farm. C. She did her homework.( ) 2. A.It means the floor is wet. B.They mean you cant litter here. C.The signs are on the wall.( ) 3. A. It was great fun. B. Its great fun. C. I was very happy.( ) 4. A Put rubbish in the river. B. Plant more trees. C. Go to school by car.( ) 5. A.Im so excited . B. Im going to buy many things. C. I bought many things.四、听录音填空。(听三遍,每空1分,计10分)Ten years ago , Lucy was a _ _. She liked playing with dolls and reading picture books. She _ sing and dance. Now Lucy is a student in Grade Six. She can tell stories and read _ on the Internet. Now she is very excited because tomorrow is _ Day. The weather will be _ and _. She would like to go to the _ _ for the _. She will have a good time there. 笔试部分(70分)五、单项选择。(每小题1分,计15分)( ) 1. Last Childrens Day, it _ . We stayed at home.A. rains B. rainy C. rained ( ) 2. - _ there a lot of people in the street? - Yes , there were. A. Were B. Are C. Was ( ) 3.The two men showed the king his new clothes, but he _them.A. couldnt saw B. cant saw C. couldnt see ( ) 4. _ is a very important holiday in the US. A. Christmas B. Spring Festival C. Thanksgiving ( ) 5.There an interesting film next Sunday.A. is going to be B. is going to have C. be going to be ( ) 6.The boy is looking out _ the window. Hes looking _ his dog. A. at, of B. of ,/ C. of, for ( ) 7. The lion was nice _ the little girl.A. for B. to C. of( ) 8. _ messy room!A.What a B. How C. What( ) 9. Each child _ a song at the party.A. sing B. say C. sings ( )10. _ plastic is bad for the Earth .We shouldnt use plastic bags.A. Too many,too much B.Too much, too much C. Too much,too many ( )11.There are some fruit skins on the ground, we should .A. pick it up B. pick up them C. pick them up ( )12.Im very happy an email my e-friend . A.to get, from B.to get, to C.getting,from( )13. Dirty water from factories the fish dead. A. make B. makes C. to make( )14. The zoo is near Bobbys home.So he is going to . A. walk there B. walk to there C. on foot( )15. Miss Li and her students are talking their plans the weekends.A. to,for B.with ,at C. about ,for六、会话配对,把序号填在题前括号内。(每小题1分,计8分)( ) 1. What did you do yesterday? A. Yes, I did.( ) 2. The sign means you cant eat here. B. I was in the library.( ) 3. What makes your bedroom messy? C. Its Sunday.( ) 4. Whats he going to do tomorrow? D. Im sorry.( ) 5. Did you pick apples on the farm? E. Some rubbish and toys.( ) 6. Where were you this morning? F. I visited my grandparents.( ) 7. What day is today? G. Yes. There was a foolish king.( ) 8. Was there a king in the story? H. Hes going to work. 七、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(每空1分,计8分)1. Helen likes_ ( make) clothes.Shed like_ (make) new clothes for her doll.2. Its twelve oclock, its time _ (have ) lunch.3. We can use water _ (clean) things .4. The students_ (catch) a lot of fish last Sunday.5. _(keep) our classroom clean, we should put rubbish in the bin.6. The signs on the wall_ (mean) different things.7. Look,the men _ (smoke) in the restaurant.八、按要求改写句子。(每空1分,计8分)1.Mike wore a paper T-shirt at the fashion show. (改成一般疑问句)_Mike _ a paper T-shirt at the fashion show?2.Throw rubbish on the ground. (改为否定句) _ _ rubbish on the ground.3.Danny is telling a story to his brother now. (用yesterday替换now)Da
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