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202X考研复试面试自我介绍范文篇考研复试自我介绍很重要,导师可以从你的介绍中读取很多信息,而这些信息你可以提前准备,掌握在自己手里,以下是小编整理的考研复试面试自我介绍范文,欢迎阅读! 第一篇 oo morng,eahers. merygldto b ee o this nevie Fr le e introuce myself. My nme is XX, 5 yes ol. I cme from Wfng, abeautifl cy of Shadong Poncegraduated frCmmercial ege in Juy,02 anajr in finance. hen, I as a teacher in WhI was a senior schol stuet, mineested nthghtandbean o read aerain classi woro Marxism,especal I finishe readn quot;he floileum ofMao ZeDog&uot;. Fromthe on, I aedabbd noeand re horeticalwoks ad aclat reat interetsin theoy stdy,espeially in Marim. I haveadrem, drao msy I isvotemy wholelie anenergy into thedvelopment o thearxis If I av the pportunityto sudy i abc University,I&9;ll dabbe imuch as dcumeabout te pialty as possible.If t i possbl, I want t gheprimy accomplshment in my ar, atla, a sabe basis Prsonall, for today ; China, the first tak he devoment of Marism s a pocs of constructio. hat#3;s to say, we shudundertndarxis most fo he aspeto cnstrction and deveopmt soial scety. Only wen ousocialisti coty has mrrpid nd balance deopment thathecaptalstc,we ca enhceth tractiess adpeasionof arxis entually. 第二篇 ood ornn,my der teaches,ydr poessos.i am y gla to be hee fr our ntevw.my amei ng yhao,am 22 year od . come fr loyag,a veryeifuaicent citym unrraade peiod wille acmlishe n ha&39;anunivesiin jul ,202X; now, ryng mybest for obtanng ake to ong universiy. generlyspeaking , am ard wokingsudnt especialyd the hin m iterein.i ltry my eto fiih it no mterow dffcult it is when i wa sophom, oudweb desig ver interesing, so i earnd i very hard . o weav ahoepa formyel, i tayed ith m penel cmpue for half amoh,an i am h firs ne imy las wown his homepe.frtermoe,i am a pon wit reatpeserverene.during thdysprparng or e fstemination, isis on running veryday,o matte hat hweaher was ike.a juswni to his,i colconcenteon y sudynd uceedein the end. el ,in m paretime ,i like bskeall, tennis an chinese chess alo gi is yfavoate.i fte go tnlih cone to patise my oral ensneveryhursday,nd writ cooitins t mprve my wit bity t i knowmy english s ot go enugh ,iwll coninuestdyng. o, t isll,thyo for yo attenon.
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