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UNIT 5THE VALUE OF MONEY语篇类型语篇类型1.剧本:THE MILLION POUND BANK NOTE;2.其他类型:电影片段、音频、图片等语言知识语言知识语音语调主题词汇文学艺术:scenenarrationoperamusicalplot basison the basis ofelementsaying动作描写:apologiseignoresailspotbe about to do sthoddhugpursuesequencemanner in a.mannerdownstairsasidefrownmaintain心理描写:darepatienceintentionhesitatewillingbe willing to do sth职业身份:judgenarratorservantconsulateminingtailorclerkambassadorupper-classupper the upper class 有关金钱:loantake out a loanin returnbetmake a bet事件叙述:plasticas a matter of factby accidentsortto be honestindicatebeneathpostponenowherein caseextentto.extentdinosaureventuallystairin that caseoptionindeednormalpermissionpermitexternal责任义务:ought toobligationdutyon duty语法情态动词;过去将来时语篇剧本的语篇结构和语言特色语言知识语言知识语用复述一个故事顺序:After leaving the brothers home.After that.Then.Later(on).In the end/Eventually.衔接:.because.so.but.However.To ones surprise.文化知识文化知识正确认识金钱的作用,树立正确的人生观、价值观语言技能语言技能1.根据背景知识、语境信息以及说话人的语气和语调等推断视听材料中的隐含信息;2.透过字里行间,理解弦外之音;3.能够在口语中清楚地复述一个故事;4.理解电影片段中画面、声音、色彩等非文字资源传达的意义;5.根据剧情发展写一段电影剧本学习策略学习策略1.利用笔记等梳理信息并学会复述;2.掌握顺序及衔接词并将其运用到写作中Section Listening and Speaking.在括号里写出黑体部分在句中的含义1.This article will form the basis()for our discussion.2.It took three years to repay my student loan().3.The pipe should be made of plastic().4.We apologise()for the late departure of this flight.5.I made a suggestion but they chose to ignore()it.6.To judge()from what he said,he was very disappointed.7.If your family cant afford your schooling,you can take out a loan()for school.8.We draw this conclusion on the basis of()experiments.9.He is always helping people without expecting anything in return().10.We can make inferences()from the speakers expressions about whether he/she is happy or not.答案答案:1.基点基点2.贷款贷款3.塑料塑料4.道歉道歉 5.不予理会不予理会6.判断判断7.取得贷款取得贷款 8.在在的基础上的基础上;根据根据9.作为回报作为回报 10.做出推论做出推论.读下列句子,在括号处用 和 标出正确的语调1.(A asked Jean to bring her the newspaper but Jean didnt hear her.)A:Jean,can you bring me the newspaper?B:()Sorry?2.(B didnt hear part of the conversation.)A:Mr Smith thinks we ought to get the money in hand first.B:()Who?A:Mr Smith.3.A:Wed like to have someone say a word at the beginning to welcome the group.B:()Who?A:We thought that you or Dr Johnson might do it.4.(A knows B will finish the work,but A wants B to confirm it.)A:You will finish the work,wont()you?B:Yes,I will.5.(A isnt sure whether B will finish the work.)A:You will finish the work,wont()you?B:Yes,I will.答案答案:1.B:()Sorry?2.B:()Who?3.B:()Who?4.A:You will finish the work,wont()you?5.A:You will finish the work,wont()you?Pronunciation:Listen and repeat.【探究训练】读下列句子,在括号处用 和 标出正确的语调1.W:Havent you got anything better to()do?M:OK,Mum,Ill turn off the TV and begin to do my homework.2.M:Wasnt Sams speech()great?W:Are you serious?3.W:Are you Mr Blake?M:()Yes?W:Ah,the secretary would like a word with you.4.M:Lucy is a kind girl,isnt()she?W:Yes,she is.She always helps others.答案答案:1.W:Havent you got anything better to()do?2.M:Wasnt Sams speech()great?3.M:()Yes?4.M:Lucy is a kind girl,isnt()she?(1)疑问词可以用升调也可以用降调,但含义不同。(2)附加疑问句可以用降调也可以用升调,降调表示说话者相信陈述句的内容,只等对方证实;升调表示发问者对陈述句的内容的真实性没有把握,希望对方做出自己的判断。(3)陈述句式一般读降调,用以陈述事实。若读升调,往往表示对所说事情的怀疑。(4)有些一般疑问句式读作降调,实际上表示感叹。(5)选择疑问句一般先用升调再用降调。
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