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54A Leadership Competency Model: Describing the Capacity to LeadLEADERSHIPTable of ContentsIntroduction 4A Model of the Dimensions of Leadership Competency 6Self-ManagementA Model of the Core Competencies of Self Management7Self Management Dimension 8Examples of Excellence in Self Management 8Examples of Poor Self Management 9Core Competencies of Self-ManagementWork Habits10Work Attitudes11Stress Management12Self Insight13 Learning14Situations Requiring Focus on Self Management15Leading OthersA Model of the Core Competencies of Leading Others16Leading Others Dimension17Examples of Excellence in Leading Others17Examples of Leading Others Poorly18Core Competencies of Leading OthersCommunicating19Interpersonal Awareness20Motivating Others21Developing Others22Influencing23Situations Requiring Focus on Leading Others24Task ManagementA Model of the Core Competencies of Task Management25Task Management Dimension26Examples of Excellence in Task Management26Examples of Poor Task Management27Core Competencies of Task ManagementExecuting Tasks28Solving Problems29Managing Information and Material Resources30Managing Human Resources31Enhancing Performance32Situations Requiring Focus on Task Management33InnovationA Model of the Core Competencies of Innovation34 Innovation Dimension35 Examples of Excellence in Innovation35Examples of Poor Innovation36Core Competencies of InnovationCreativity37Enterprising38Integrating Perspectives39Forecasting40 Managing Change41Situations Requiring Focus on Innovation42Social ResponsibilityA Model of the Core Competencies of Social Responsibility43Social Responsibility Dimension44Examples of Excellence in Social Responsibility44Examples of Poor Social Responsibility45Core Competencies of Civic ResponsibilityCivic Responsibility46Social Knowledge47Ethical Processes48Leading Others Ethically49Acting with Integrity50Situations Requiring Focus on Social Responsibility51IntroductionAlthough people tend to recognize leadership when they see it, defining leadership with precision and detail is often more difficult. The purpose of this report is to provide a detailed model of leadership to aid in the development of leaders. This report describes competencies of leadershipvaluable skills, abilities,behaviors, attitudes, and knowledge areas. Although leaders are not going to master every competency, they will need to be aware of all of them, know their own shortcomings, and focus on developing these competencies in themselves or be able to recognize these qualities in others so they can select people who compensate for their weaknesses. This model of leadership was developed through a number of processes, including: a) Reviewing the academic literature on leadership, b) Studying the practice of competency modeling and existing leadership competency models developed by corporations and government agencies, c) Analyzing the content of the Occupational Information Network (O*NET), and d) Interviewing member of Central Michigan University community (students, alumni, administrators, professors, and employers of our graduates). Highlights of these interviews are presented at the end of this report. Note. A technical report providing a more detailed description of the process of developing the competency model is available by emailing Stephen Wagner (wagne1swcmich.edu). IntroductionFive dimensions of leadership competency are described in this report. Self Management Leading Others Task Management Innovation Social ResponsibilityA graphic depiction of this model is presented on page six. Although there are many things that leaders are expected to do, these five dimensions capture the primary categories that are considered the most important for leadership success. Each of the dimensions includes several core competencies that are considered valuable skills, abilities, behaviors, attitudes and knowledge areas in which leaders are expected to excel. This report describes each competency dimension by:a) Displaying a model of the core competencies for that dimension, b) Defining the leadership dimension, c) Providing examples of excellent and poor leadership behavior for that dimension, d) Defining the core competencies for that dimension, and e) Identifying situations that require focusing on that dimension.LEADERSHIPSelf-ManagementLeading OthersTask ManagementInnovationSocial Responsibility
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