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英文求职自荐书:技术工程师ny L 5/F,OE2 ,BRG HINA,UILDI1,BEIING POESSIONAL EXPEIENE998Present TECHICAL ENGNER mEER INE.,Alany,NY Pn,cordinae, nd exeuhadwar,sofware and etwork installaio,cfiguraion,mitenane,troulesooig adreair oeratios or servceconratcliets.eciaize imainann IBMadMa Ps,and peiphrals ith emphasis on neorkienvrnents. Deelop an impleent serce scees,systems and prcdurestoedeivy o qualty,coseficint thi services. uickl dgnos cuses osstems filu admalfuntin tesue ighst peratin efienis,liabiit,ad uaity perfoace standards pon imeitely temrcysituais wi esiivity to edlinsand csome nees.Assis netwrk eges oth nstllatio and toeootg of Appleshare an Nvell systms Analyze clen equpent and operationsodtermne svicing andsppy sMonior andmaintan cst-effectivevtoiefsppes,tools nd mtial. Investiae,tet,ad impmt improvm o exitig rcedure. Cistntly maageteand mleasks to et deadne,eblished btivs,anualty erforcestandads. Fsterclea communicatios andmainan excellentstaff a cietwrkig eatios. 1821988 Mnager o nrmaon sstes RITEL ASOCIAES,NC.,Schnet,Yirected andspervieallIS,reatedactivtis for fancil sevc irm plyingcriica,timey inoratio toorporat en bas.dminstre DISTONS2 Nvell2X ntwor,mainanngpkoeingfficinl and providing usr tainin fralrdware and softwar apliatinsontrlld ugt csts fr purcasigandoperations LENSES AND CETIFICAIONS CDIDATE FORCERTFIED NEWAEENNEER/.NE.*TICATION IMACINTOSH CPU.PINTER,ANDPOWRBOOK REPAI*CERIFI IOKITA & EPON ASER AN IMPAPIERS*CERTIFICTION IN EWETTPACKARD ASER JE PRINTRS TCHNCAL EPERTISE Hardware proficiecies:IBM:A,T,PS2AINSH*HP:IIIISI AS PIE,COLOR LOTTERS*OKIDATAES*DESTO SCNNES*STORAGE IMENIONE/SCSI DRIVE.wrs:APPLETL*ETHRAL*OVEL NETWAE 2X,X*CABLIG,NODES PERIHRALS.Software aplication:DOS.MCINOS OERATN SYSTEMS*MSWINDOS 3,3.*WINDOSPPICATINS*W 51* WORD *EXCEL*LOTUS*WRDPRE 5.1*DSPLAYWRTE 4*QUICKE.0PAEAER 4.0HRVAR GAPHICS 3.3PUIH/ETPAC OCR UTSHELL LUS IIPARAD 3. otce: Pofesion lies and certificaioaddweight to reume Useof boldgce and talcs provies cleaand crisp prsenaion
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