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人教版英语精品资料GRAMMAR 情态动词(一)【归纳】一、can和could表示能力。can表示现在的能力,could表示过去具有某种能力。如:My brother can speak four foreign languages.Sophia could read when she was four years old.注意:can表示“能够”时与be able to同义,但can只有过去式could,而be able to可用于各种时态。另外,could表示某人过去有某种能力,而was / were able to表示某人通过努力、克服困难做成某事,相当于managed to。如: She will not be able to visit the hospital tomorrow. Mike was an excellent tennis player when he was young. He could beat anybody. The fire spread through the building very quickly, but fortunately everybody was able to escape. 表示许可。could比can表示的说话语气更委婉。如:You can have a piece of cake after youve eaten your vegetables!Could I have a drink of water, please? 表示可能性。此时could不是can的过去式,它表示推测的可能性比can小。如:Can he still be alive after all this time? If youre not careful, you could get into even worse trouble. 二、may和might表示许可或征求对方许可。如:You may / might use my bicycle so long as you return it before 12:00.I cant eat; may / might I have a little brandy?表示可能性。might比may语气更不确定,表示的可能性更小。如:He may / might get here in time, but I cant be sure. 三、will和would表示意愿。will表示现在的意愿,有时可用于条件句中,would表示过去的意愿(would如表示现在的意愿,语气较委婉)。如:I will help her if she asks us to. Ask, if you will, who the owner is. My friend asked if I would go with him. 表示征求意见或提出请求。will与would均可用于主语是第二人称的疑问句中,表示征求意见或提出请求,此时would并不表示过去,而表示委婉语气。如:Im cold. Will / Would you shut the window, please?Certainly.表示习惯和倾向性。will表示现在的习惯,would表示过去的习惯。如:She will listen to records, alone in her room, for hours. When Ann was a child, she would often ask some strange questions.四、shall和shouldshall在疑问句中用于征求对方意见,主要用于第一人称,也可用于第三人称,意为“要不要,好吗”。如:Shall we go out and have a walk after dinner?Shall Tom go there with me tomorrow?shall还可用于主语是第二、三人称的陈述句中,表示决心、允诺、警告、命令、威胁、规定或义务等。如:Tell her that she shall have the bike tomorrow.You shall be punished if you break the rule.should表示义务或责任、建议或劝告、推断等。如:We should take good care of our children.You shouldnt leave a baby alone in the house.I wonder whats happened to Annie. She should be here by now.should还可以表示惊讶、失望、遗憾等情感,此时意为“竟会”。如:Its strange that Jane should be late. Shes usually on time.Im sorry that you should think so badly of me.五、must和cantmust可表示“必须做某事”,还可表推测。must表示推测时用于肯定句中,意为“肯定,一定”。如:I must go to the bank to get some money.Where is Tran Nguyen from?I know thats a Vietnamese name. He must be from Vietnam.cant可表否定的推测和判断,意为“不可能”。如:Youve just had lunch. You cant be hungry. 【即学即练】I. 选用方框内所给的情态动词填空。can(t), could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must(nt)1. With my help Peter _ speak Chinese fluently now, but he _ not when he came here last year.2. May I take the book home?No, you _.3. If you dont do as you are told, you _ be sorry one day.4. No matter how I advised him to give up smoking, he _ not listen to me.5. Could I use your bike for a while?Yes, you _.6. Where did he stay last night?Im not sure, but he _ have stayed at his friends.7. Lets go to see the film together tonight, _ we?8. Tom, your eyesight is getting worse. You _ read in a brighter room.9. _ you please tell me your new address?10. The boy is lovely, but he_ be naughty sometimes.11. _ I speak English in English class?No, you neednt. You _ speak Chinese, too.12. As everybody knows, fish _ die without water.13. You _ try telephoning Mr. Smith; he _ be home now.14. You _ never be too careful when you are crossing the street.II. 按照示例,用适当的情态动词改写下列句子。例:It isnt necessary for you to give him a present.You neednt / dont have to give him a present.1. I advise you to stop eating chocolate. _2. I insist that you do your homework. _3. Will you let me speak to George, please? _4. Its possible that he is lying. _5. He wasnt able to write until he was eight. _6. You know, talking is not permitted during the test. _7. It isnt right to speak to your mother like that._III. 从括号内选择合适的内容填空。David: Hi, Tony. Im moving on Sunday. 1. _ (Could / Should) you help me? Tony: I 2. _ (should / would) like to help you, but I have a bad back. I went to my doctor and he suggested me that I 3. _ (shouldnt / cant) lift anything heavy for a while. 4. _ (Would / Can) I help you in any other way?David: Yes. I need some boxes. 5. _ (Should / Would) you please help me find some?Tony: Sure. I have to go shopping tomorrow. I 6. _ (can / should) pick up some at the supermarket. David: Boxes 7. _ (can / will) be heavy. Youd better not lift them yourself. Tony: Dont worry.
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