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密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题 班级 姓名 学号 2011学年度初一英语第二学期期中模拟试卷(三)(Unit1-3,满分100分)注:请在答题纸上答题。一听力(15分)A) 听录音,选出与所听内容相符的图画。(读一遍)( ) 1. A B C D( ) 2. A B C D( ) 3. A B C D ( ) 4. A B C D( ) 5. A B C D B) 听5小段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,选出最佳答案。(读两遍)( ) 6. A. Simon. B. Sandy.C. Daniel. D. Kitty.( ) 7. A. Friday. B. Thursday.C. Saturday. D. Sunday.( ) 8. A. It is next to the supermarket.B. It is next to the post office.C. It is in the front of the post office.D. It is in the front of the supermarket.( ) 9. A. Sarah is Justins pen friend and Pauls cousin.B. Sarah is Justins pen friend and Pauls classmate.C. Sarah is Justins cousin and Pauls cousin.D. Sarah is Justins cousin and Pauls classmate. ( ) 10. A. Because Tom doesnt really like the film.B. Because Tom doesnt want to see the film.C. Because Max doesnt let Tom go.D. Because there is only one ticket.C) 听短文及问题,选择正确答案。(读两遍)( ) 11. Why is Zhao Yue going to the town?A. Because she wants to visit her aunt. B. Because she wants to buy a new pair of shoes for herself. C. Because she wants to see a friend. D. Because she wants to see a policeman.( ) 12. Where is Zhao Yues aunts house?A. Next to a supermarket.B. Next to a school.C. Next to a hospital. D. Next to the bus station( ) 13. When does Zhao Yue come to a shoe shop?A. In the morning. B. At noon. C. In the afternoon. D. In the evening( ) 14. Who does Zhao Yue see in front of the shoe shop? A. Her aunt. B. Her uncle. C. A policeman. D.A a worker.( ) 15. Which of the following is TRUE about Zhao Yue? A. She lives in a small village. B. She knows the name of the supermarket. C. She first asks a policeman, and then a worker helps her find her aunt.D. She looks for her aunts house herself.二、单项选择(15分).( ) 1. _ girl with _ apple in her hand is my best friend ,Lucy.A. The , anB. The, aC. A, anD. A, the( ) 2. Everyone in China _ eating dumplings.A. like B. likingC. to likeD. likes( ) 3.You can _ it in English. He cant _ English at all.A. speak, speakB. tell, sayC. say, speakD. talk, say( ) 4.We saw the dog jumping into the room _ window.A. acrossB. throughC. crossD. by( )5. I do my homework _ ten oclock every night.A. forB. onC. untilD.不填( ) 6. you often late for school?A. DoB. AreC. IsD. Does( ) 7. His kind of hairstyle was popular .A. in the 1990sB. from the 1996C. in 1990s D. in the 1990( )8.This tie matches your shirt , and they look together.A. well, wellB. good , goodC. well, goodD. good, well( ) 9. The white trainers are nice. Can I _?A. try it onB. try on itC. try them onD. try on them( ) 10. - Sorry ,I dont know how to look after these flowers.- _.A. Not at all.B. Youre welcomeC. Never mindD. Thats right( ) 11. The bag _ leather.A. is made ofB. is made fromC. makes out ofD. made out of( ) 12.I hope you a good time this weekend.A. havingB. to haveC. will haveD. have( ) 13 .- _ did you walk around the shopping mall? - For a long time.A. How longB. How oftenC. How muchD. How many( ) 14. - When did you _ yesterday? - Three hours ago.A. getB. reachC. arriveD. arrive in( ) 15. Every spring , people often plant _ trees to make our city greener and more beautiful. A. hundred ofB. hundreds ofC. two hundred ofD. two hundreds of三、情景交际(5分)从方框中选择恰当的句子完成对话。A. Its the bedroom.B. What about your flat?C. I live in a house in Long Beach, California.D. How big is it?E. I live with my parents.Amy: Hi, Simon. I hear you come from America. Simon: 1 Its very big.Amy: 2 .Simon: It has 12 rooms.Amy: Oh, its bigger than my flat.Simon: 3 . Amy: It has a dinning room, a bathroom, two bedrooms and a living room.Simon: Who do you live with?Amy: 4 Which is your favourite place?Simon: 5 Amy: I hope I can visit your flat one day.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 四、完形填空(10分)Most American families are smaller than the families in other countries. Most American families have one or two 1 and one or two children each.Children in the U.S. will 2 their parents home when they grow up. They usually live 3 their parents beca
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