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人教版一起四年级上册重点句型及语法总结Unit 1 Sports and games (运动和游戏)1、 询问对方是否经常做某事:Do you often.Do you often play basketball ? 你常常打篮球吗? Yes ; I do.(肯定回答) No ; I dont. (否定回答)2、询问对方是否擅长做某事:Are you good at it?Are you good at it? 你擅长它吗? Yes; I am.(肯定回答)No; I am not.(否定回答)3、询问对方喜欢什么运动:What sports do you like?What sports do you like? 你喜欢什么运动?I like running. I also like jumping rope. 我喜欢跑步;我还喜欢跳绳。Unit 2 On the weekend (在周末)1、询问对方在周末做什么事: What do you do on the weekend?What do you do on the weekend? 你周末做什么? I often go to a drawing club. 我常常去绘画俱乐部。2、询问对方是否在周末做某项活动:Do you often . on the weekend?Do you often go to the cinema on the weekend? 你常常在周末去电影院吗? Yes; I do.(肯定回答)No; I dont.(否定回答)Unit 3 Transportation (交通)1、表达我常常使用某种交通工具去某个地方: I usually go to . by . . I usually go to school by bus. 我常常乘公交车去上学。 I usually go to the park by car. 我常常乘汽车去公园。2、询问对方怎样去学校:How do you usually go to school?How do you usually go to school?你通常怎样去学校?I usually go to school on foot. 我通常走路去学校。Unit 4 Asking for help (寻求帮助)1、 询问对方有没有什么东西的句型:Do you have . ?Do you have a pen ? 你有钢笔吗? Yes ; we do.(肯定回答) No ; we dont. (否定回答)2、 询问对方是否可以借东西:Can I use your . ;please?Can I use your scissors ;please? 请问我可以用一下你的剪刀吗? Sure. Here you are.(肯定回答) Sorry; Im using it. (否定回答:不好意思;我正在用。) Sorry; I dont have one. (否定回答:不好意思;我没有。)Unit 5 Safety (安全)1、 请某人不要做某事:Dont . .Its dangerous. Be careful. Dont . . Be careful! Dont climb on the window ledge. 当心!不要爬窗台。 Dont run down the stairs. Its dangerous. 不要跑下楼梯。危险。2、 请做某事:Please . .Its safe. Be careful! . Please wait for the green light. Its safe. 请等绿灯。那是安全的。 Be careful!Use the sidewalk. 当心。使用人行道。Unit 6 Jobs (职业)1、 询问某人是不是从事某项职业: Is he a . ?/ Is she a . ? Is she a teacher? 她是老师吗?Yes; she is.(肯定回答)No; she isnt.(否定回答)2、 询问对方未来想做什么:What do you want to be in the future? What do you want to be in the future? 你未来想做什么职业?I want to be a doctor. 我想做一名医生。3、 表达对方可以做什么职业:You can be a . . You can be a taxi driver. 你可以做一名出租车司机。重点语法:1、 人称代词表 第一人称第二人称第三人称单数I(我)/my (我的)you(你;你们)/your(你的;你们的)he(他)/she(她)/it(它)his(他的)/her(她的)/its(它的)复数we(我们)/our(我们的)They(他们)/their(他们的)2、 am; is; are的使用方法 三个动词都表示“是”;区别在于: am 只跟I 一起用:I am is 跟第三人称单数一起用:he is ;she is ;it is; Binbin is are 跟第二人称和所有人称的复数一起用:you are ; we are ; they are3、 主语为第三人称单数时;动词要加s。 第三人称单数:除了你、我之外的一个人都为第三人称单数;如he; she; it; my mother; his father;Binbin . 例如:I want to be a doctor in the future. 我以后想做一名医生。 He wants to be a doctor in the future. 他以后想做一名医生。 I usually go to school on foot. 我常常步行去上学。 Joy usually goes to school on foot.乔伊常常步行去上学。4、 正在做某事;要用am/are/is +动词ing。 例如:He is jumping rope. 他正在跳绳。 They are playing football. 他们正在踢足球。页码 / 总页数
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