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PEP 新版小学生英语期末辅导四年级(上册)Unit 1 This is my new friend .词汇1.China 2. America 3.England 4.Singapore 5. Canada 6. friend 7. boy 8. girl 9. student 10. driver 11. teacher 12. farmer 13. doctor 14. nurse 15. postman 句型1. This is my new friend(fathermother) .2. Nice to see you .3. Nice to see you again .4. Im Jim . Im from 5. Where are you from ?6. Im from Beijing ,China .7. Were good friends ! Yeah !8. Come on ,boys .Have some fruit .9. Guess ! Whos this boy ?10.Whats your father ? He is a teacher(driverfarmerpostmanTV reporterpoliceman)11. She is beautiful !12. Be careful . Thank you .语法Where are you from ? Im from .Whats your father ? He is .Unit 2 Whats your number ?词汇1. class 2. grade 3. one 4. two 5. three 6. four 7. thirteen 8. fourteen 9. five 10. six 11. fifteen 12. sixteen 13. seven 14. eight 15. seventeen 16. eighteen 17. nine 18. ten 19. nineteen 20. twenty 句型1. Glad to meet you .2. What class are you in ? Im in Class One , Grade Three .3. How about you ?4. Whats your name ? My name is Im 5. Whats your number ? Im number thirteen (one two three .).6. Line up !7. Start counting from 10 to 14 .8. Whats one and two ? Three .9. We are neighbours .10.Lets count from one to eighteen .11.I have eighteen books .12.Lily has seventeen books .13.Wake up . 14. Whats the time ?=What time is it ? Its 7:20.15. Im late .16. Have some milk .17. Draw and write . Cut it out . Put a pencil in the centre . Play a game .语法What class are you in ? Im in Class One , Grade Three .Whats your number ? Im six .Whats the time ? Its 8:15 .Unit 3 词汇1. pineapple 2. lemon 3. apple 4. pear 5. watermelon 6. kiwifruit 7. orange 8. banana 9. potato 10. tomato 11. carrot 12. cucumber 13. eggplant 14. green pepper 句型1. Whats this (that) in English ?Whats this ? Its a pineapple .2. Its for you . For me ?3. Happy birthday to you !4. Draw a pineapple . Colour it yellow and green .5. Its so big .6. Do you like watermelons ? Yes ,I do .No , I dont .7. Me too . Lets eat it .8. Show me the pear (green pepper apple eggplant). Pass me the orange . Peel the banana . Cut the watermelon . Eat the apple .9. Pardon ? Carrot . C-A-R-R-O-T, carrot .10. Lets play a game .11. Are you sure ? Is it green or red ? Its green .12. Draw a basket . Draw some fruit .Colour the picture .Talk about the fruit . I like watermelons . I dont like pineapples .语法Whats this in English ? Its a lemon .Do you like pears ? Yes , I do . No, I dont .Unit 4 词汇1. fine 2. nice 3. kite 4. warm 5. cool 6. panda 7. hot 8. cold 9. water 10. sunny 11. cloudy 12. windy 13. skirt 14. rainy 15. snowy 16.shirt句型1.Its fine(cool , nice , hot , sunny , rainy , cold ,snowy ) today . 2.Lets play football (play with my kite , go shopping ) . Lets go .3. I like pandas, bears and tigers (monkeys , elephants , and birds ) .4.Put on your shirt (cap).5. We are happy to play .6. Shall we go to the zoo (go swimming ) ?7. How about you ?8. Good idea ! 9.Can I have some cold water (a new skirt), please?10.Here you are .11.Hows the weather today ? = Whats weather like ?语法1.-Hows the weather ? -Its (cool , nice , hot , sunny , rainy , cold ,snowy )2.Shall we + V ?Unit 5词汇1. cap 2. hat 3. T-shirt 4. dress 5. blouse 6. jacket 7. raincoat 8. sweater 9. jeans 10. trousers 11. vest 12. socks 13.shoes 句型1.Wheres my new T-shirt (cap ,dress , jeans ,shorts)?2.Over there.3.Put on your hat (cap , blouse ,).4.This is for you . For me?5. Whats in it?6. Open it and see.7. Happy birthday to you.8. Its pretty .9. Colour my dress (your hat , his shirt , my blouse ,).10. Can I help you ?11.Please show me that jacket .12.Can (May) I try it on ?13.Look at those jeans (that hat ) .14.They are really cool .15.Can I have a look at those jeans (shoes) ?16.Find an orange vest and a red skirt(the blue jeans and green shorts).17.I like those shoes.18.Here it is . Here they are .19.I cant walk.20.You look funny.语法 Can I help you ?Where is my dress (cap , sweater )? Here they are . Here it is .Can I have a look at those jeans ?Unit 6 词汇1. big 2. small 3. long 4. tall 5. short 6. fat 7. thin 8. new 9. happy句型1.Look at the elephant (the monkey ,my ears ,my long ears ).2.Wow!Its so big.3. Look ,it has big ears (small eyes ,long ears , a short long tail ,a big mouth , ).4.I have a rabbit (a short long tail ,a long nose ,) .5. Come here . Coming .6
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