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Book4 Unit 6 At a farm lesson1 (New Lesson)I. The analysis of the teaching contents: The topic of this unit is “At a farm”. Such a topic is related to our daily life, so it is helpful to raise the Ss learning interests. This lesson is the first part of this unit. In the last unit, the students have already learnt some of the words about the animals. It includes some new words about animals, and the pattern to describe the animals So if the Ss learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this topic.II. The analysis of the students: TheSs have learned English for almost one year so far. They are active and lovely. They can understand some words and some simple sentences. They have strong interest and confidence in studying English now.III. Teaching aims and demands:1. Ability aims:a. The Ss can develop their abilities, especially listening and speaking ability.b. The Ss can develop their abilities of communication by learning the useful words and structures.c. The Ss can train their ability of working in pairs.2. Knowledge aims:a. The students can understand and say the new words: horse, duck, lamb, cow, goat, sheep.the animals in the farm. b. The Ss can use the sentences “What are they .? They are .”to describe the animals in daily life. 3. Emotional aims:a. T he students can understand and speak the new phrases and the sentences.b. The students can develop the consciousness of communication and cooperation.c. The students can improve the consciousness of health and love our life.IV. Teaching key points:a. The students can understand and speak the words about animals in the farm.b. The students can understand the sentences about animals.c. The students can understand how to use the sentences for communication.V. Teaching difficult pointsa. The singular and plural of the word sheepb. Use the right stances: What are they .?”They are.”. VI. Teaching methods:Task-based teaching method, Total Physical Response, Communicative approach, Situational approach, Pair work or individual work.VII. Teaching time: 40 minutesVIII. Teaching aids: CAI, PPT, tape, recorder, flashcards, fruits. IX. Teaching procedure:Teaching proce-dureTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesTeaching purposeWarm up (3)1. Greeting.T :Boys and girls, Nice to meet you! Do you want to listen a beautiful song?e.g. Nice to meet you, MissYes1.通过歌曲激发学生学习英语的兴趣,间接引出所要学习的知识。Pre-task(8)Task1:Give a scene: Old Macdonald has a farm, Misshas a farm too .let us have a look. listen the animals voice and let ss guess what it is.Task2:Bring animals pictures and ask the Ss Whats this? Its a. Teach the names of the animals. Display them and then stand away from them. Write the animal words on the blackboard and read. Students repeat.Task3:Show the animals by PPT and ask Where are they? at a farm What are they?” ”They are.” let Ss use the pictures change the word in sentences.1.Try to talk about what kind of animals have they seen in a farm in Chinese.e.g. duck, chicken, bird, lamb2. read follow me.3. Free talk: What are they.? Theyre . 2.通过设疑引发学生积极主动思考,培养学生独立思考能力;talk引出新课at a farm过渡自然While-task(8)Task4:Show the flash in PPT” ride a horse” ”feed the hens ”shear a sheep” ”milk a cow” Teacher lead the students read the sentences with actions and then the students do pair work, one ask ,the other answer.Task5:Role play Divid Ss into groups, The teacher pretend to be a wolf, others pretend to be the animals in the farm.Teacher ask ,Ss answer.”what are they?”they are.”If the answer is wrong, the animal will be eaten by the wolf.4. He/She point the picture to his/her partner and ask the question each other.5. Role play 3.Game:role play诱发学生好奇心,激发学生注意力反复练习, 把字母教学落到实处。4.引导学生整合课本有效信息,温故知新。由课件向学生展现真实情境,使学生更直观深刻地感受课文的内容,逐步熟悉本课所要学习的知识,并感知新知所适用的语言环境。同时锻炼了学生的口语交际及表演能力。由师生表演过渡到生生表演,体现了师生角色转变,突出以学生为主体的思想。Post-task(8)Task6:Divide the class into four groups, let Ss do a survey “which animal in a farm do you like?” in your group. And ask them to report the survey.Do the survey.Name henhorselanbduckG1G2G3G4设计一些与他们学习、生活相关的活动情景,信任学生能够将自己所学的知识运用到自己所创设的活动情景中这一环节是学生形成知识迁移、达到活用的关键。对于教师来说,主要是起组织、点拨作用,并对其进行评价,使学生获得一种展示自我的成功体验。Sum up (3)1. Let Ss to sum up the contents of this lesson.2. Animals are our friends ,we should protect them, 1. Sum up 2. Ss should understand animals are our friends.,Home-workMake a survey to find how many animals in a farm, and try to list them by yourself. Make a report, then send me an e-mail. Finish the homework课后作业将任务教学从课堂上的活动延伸至课堂之外,打破了原来的教材的内容局限,带给学生拓展的空间。X. Blackboard design: Unit6 At a farm PPT Lesson 1 G1 G2 G3 G4
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