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重庆民族中学九年级导学案课型:复习课 授课时间: 班级和小组: 学生: 执笔:罗佳 审核:曹爽 审批: 印制数量:390Grade8 B Units3-4备注【学习目标】梳理3-4单元的重点知识【重点预见】重点单词、重点短语及重点句型 【学习流程】【自主学习预习案】复习检查:请同学们认真复习八下34单元的内容,并完成下列练习。复习反馈:一、词汇拓展1,buy v. (过去式) 2,ride v. (过去式) (过去分词) 3,run v. (过去式) (过去分词)4,ring v. (过去式) (过去分词5,close v. adj. 6, silence n. adj.7, fly v. n. 8, hero n. (复数)9,mad adj. (比较级) (最高级)10,lucky adj. n. adv. (反义词)adj11, thin adj. (反义词)12,eat v. (过去式) (过去分词)13,decision n. v. 14,danger n. adj.15, mean v. n. 二、重点短语1. 出去;离开 2. 起飞 3. 逃跑;跑掉 4. 在候诊室 5. 自愿去做某事 6. 发生 7. 传递 8. 应该 9. 首先 10. 在方面做得好 11. 身体健康 12. 克服;恢复 13. 打开 14. 举办一场惊喜晚会 15. 不再 16. 生某人的气 17. 在前面 18. 像一样 19. 听说 20. 照料;照顾 21. 处于危险中 22. 沉默 三、重点句型1. 当那个不明飞行物来的时候我正在厨房。I was in the kitchen . 2. 当那个女孩看见那个外星人出来的时候,她正在购物。The girl was shopping 3. 当那个外星人正在参观博物馆时,那个男孩打电话给电视台了。While the alien .4. 他告诉我他明天会打电话给我。He told me that he . 5. 这不令人惊奇吗? that ?6. 车站里人很多,琳达到处都看不见戴维的踪影。The station was crowded and Linda Davy .7.在英语方面,我的阅读比听力好。In English, Im than listening. 8. 她说帮助别人改变了她的生活。She said her life. 【合作学习探究案】 知识点1:词汇点睛1, follow v. 追随;跟踪;跟得上;听得懂【点拨】follow为动词,其形容词形式为followed 意为“接着的,下述的”。I followed it to see where it was going.我跟着它看看它要去哪里。活学活用You are walking so fast, I cant you. 你走得太快,我跟不上。Our teacher speaks very fast, I cant him. 我们老师讲得太快我听不懂。2. bright adj. 明亮的;(人)聪明的;鲜亮的;醒目的【点拨】bright adj. 其副词形式为brightly 明亮地 The big classroom is very bright. 大教室很明亮 A bright student learns quickly. 聪明的学生学得快。活学活用The lights on the Christmas tree are shining (bright)like stars.3. volunteer n. 志愿者 v.自愿【搭配】volunteer to do sth 自愿去做某事活学活用The doctor settle down in the poor village. 这个医生自愿到那个贫穷的村庄落户。4. silence n. 寂静,沉默。其形容词形式为silent. 【搭配】keep silent= be in silence 沉默All the students were in silence when the teacher came in. 当老师进来的时候,所有学生都默不作声。5. experience n. 经验(不可数);经历(可数) 【点拨】其形容词形式为:experienced 有经验的Mr. Huang has much experience of teaching. 黄老师教学经验丰富。Be a volunteer is an unusual experience to me. 当自愿者对于我来说是一种不同寻常的经历。6. hear v. 听见, 表示“听到”的结果。【搭配】hear of /about 听说 hear from sb 收到某人的来信Do you often hear from your daughter? 你经常收到你女儿的来信吗?活学活用 I have him, but I havent seen him till now.我收到过他的来信,但是没和他见过面。 Ive never the place.我从没听说过这个地方。7. decision n. 决心;抉择;决定。其动词形式为:decide 【搭配】decide to do sth 决定做某事 Make a decision to do = make a decision of doing 决定做某事活学活用I made a with these problems. 我决定处理这些问题8. happen v. 发生;碰巧【点拨】happen 为不及物动词,表示碰巧,后指偶然发生;happen还可以接动词不定式作宾语,sb happen to do sth 表示“某人碰巧做某事”。Something serious happened at that time. 就在那时发生了非常严重的事情。We happened to meet in the street. 我们碰巧在街上相遇。【搭配】sth happen to sb “某人发生了什么事”What happened to you on April Fools Day? 愚人节那天你发生了什么事?【辨析】happen 与take place happen 意为“(碰巧)发生”, 指事情的发生带有一定的偶然性。take place 意为“发生”,指事先计划好,事情按照预定的方向发展。【注意】happen 与take place都没有被动语态。活学活用( )1. When will the sports meeting ? A. happen B. happen to C. take place D. take ( )2. Great changes in my hometown in recent years. A. took place B. were taken place C. have taken place D. have been taken place9. asas 像(一样)【点拨】表示同级间的比较,其基本结构为 as+ adj/ adv. + as【拓展】否定形式为:not so/as+adj/adv + as “不像一样,不如.”活学活用1. Can you run quickly Liu Xiang? 你能和刘翔跑得一样快吗?2. This story is interesting that one. 这个故事没那个有趣。知识点2:句型透视1. This was one of the most important events in modern American history. 这在美国现代历史上是最重要的事情之一。【点拨】在英语中,表示“之一”时,常用“one of+ the +形容词的最高级+名词复数形式”表示。Computer is one of the most useful inventions in the world. 电脑是世界上最有用的发明之一。活学活用( )Tim is one of boys in our class.A outgoing
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