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1Jake was not feeling well and therefore he lay between the two of us in bed. Because he was still very small, he lay on his back and Anneloes was holding his hand. We slept calmly until Anneloes all at once felt his right hand pull. She woke up immediately, thinking Jack was having a dream and she tried to calm him and awake him. This attempt was however not successful!Both we immediately thought of a fever, so Anneloes rushed to get a thermometer(体温表). At that time, also Jacks right leg began to shock. Unfortunately the thermometer indicated no high temperature. Because of this our fear increased and we decided to take Jack to hospital.We drove with a speed that resembled a world champion through the town center and through various red traffic lights (fortunately it was six in the morning and there was little traffic). Close to the hospital came the large fright: Jack stopped to convulse (抽搐), but also did not move anymore. We thought the worst. Anneloes held the little guy upside down and tapped on his back to see if there was any reaction. The finally a small sound arose! My right foot went deeper on the throttle (油门) and as we arrived at the hospital, the little guy slowly came back to life!Once we arrived there, something started, which we now look upon as a long way full of uncertainty, obscurity and frustration and battle for the right diagnosis and how will we deal with this situation?The doctor told us there was nothing they could do, except observing him, so he had to stay in the hospital. Their first conclusion: epileptic seizure (癫痫发作), but because no new seizure occurred, we were told to go home!The second seizure was there, 7 weeks later!1. What is the relationship between Jack and Anneloes probably? A. Son and Mother B. Daughter and Father C. Son and Father D. Daughter and Mother2. What do we know about the boy from the passage? A. He was lucky and came back to life with the help of the doctor finally. B. He had a high fever and was taken to hospital. C. He suffered from epileptic seizure. D. He died 7 weeks later.3. What happened before they got to the hospital? A. The boy stopped to convulse and recovered to the normal. B. The boy couldnt move any more and it was more serious. C. The worst thing happened as his parents thought. D. The car was delayed by traffic jam.4. What is the best title of the passage probably? A. Jakes first epileptic seizure B. Save the boy please C. An unlucky boy D. Epileptic seizure, terrible2Until last year, the greatest sorrow of my life was that my wife Alice and I couldnt have my children. To make up for this in a small way, we always invited all the children on our street to our house each Christmas morning for breakfast.But last year, about six weeks before Christmas, Alice died. I could not concentrate on work. I could not force myself to cook anything but the simplest dishes and decided not to invite the children over for the traditional Christmas breakfast. But Kathy and Peter, my next door neighbors, asked me to join them and their three children for dinner on Christmas Eve.As soon as I arrived and had my coat off, Katty asked me, “Do you have any milk at your house?”“Yes,” I replied. “If you need some, Ill go right away.”“Oh, thats all right. Come and sit down. The kids have been waiting for you. Just give Peter your keys.”So I sat down, prepared for a nice chat with eight-year-old Beth and six-year-old Jimmy. (There little sister was upstairs sleeping.) But my words wouldnt come.Dinner was soon ready and afterwards the Zacks drove me home. I thanked them and wished them all merry Christmas as I walked toward my front door. Only then did I notice that Peter had left a light on when he borrowed the milk and that someone had decorated my windows with snowflakes and angels! At that moment, I wished that I could still put on the breakfast, but I had made no preparations.Early the next morning, a five-year-old boy rang my bell. Before I could ask him what was going on, he was joined by two of his friends. Within fifteen minutes, my house was alive with all the children on my street, and I had all the food I needed for the usual festive breakfast. At about nine thirty, Kathy Zack came to my back door and set a shopping bag on the counter. Inside the bag were individually wrapped packages, each bearing the name of one of the children and signed, “Merry Christmas from Grandpa Melowski.”1. Before the last year, what is the writers greatest sorrow?A. His wife died. B. He and his wife didnt have any children. C. The children hadnt been to his house to spend Christmas for a long time. D. He could not concentrate on work.2. What is the relationship among Kathy, Peter, Beth and Jimmy?A. Kathy and Peter are Beth and Jimmys parents. B. Beth and Jimmy are the writers children and Kathy and Peter are their neighbors. C. Peter is the father of Kath
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