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I-4m m1: PI desig n for Curre nt Con trollersPI Design for Current ControllersuxrtK严%曙叫KJ%K; u wimpJy A series ain termK:“* ttim specifics f/wfrequency InstaSPIN-FOC uses a series configuration for the PI current controller.PI Design for Current ControllersClosed loop system t吕 n sfer functionFind gains C and D to keep REAL polesChoose K to remove the polePI Design for Current Controllers- 4K, is dependent on the MotorsparametersSubstitute back in to the transfer function and solve for & sets the zero of the PI controller and cancels out one of the two poles in the current control system. This gam is dependent upon the motor sets the closed loop bandwidth of the current control system. Kp can be adjusted to make the system more or less stiff.2:PI desig n for speed con trollersPI Design for Speed Controllers& iwrm sptcMts H Ain if S&wv fFunet* InstaSPIN-iFOC uses a parallel configuration for the PI speed controllerUse the series configuration to do analysis.Speed Control Transfer FunctionCo/nmcM SpwdPIControllerCommanded CvrrvntLoxf Inertia ControOer| Motor Current5 p 31伽()= * =匚“ 一PMSM torque/current transferfun ction.一 Load transfer functionOpen bop speed control system transfer function4JFind spdKjZero S弓 spOK* 0 dB 伽uencyPole S弓 Vh Lsp) epufjewSet the open loop system s zero and pole equal distanee between the unity gain frequency丹= Geroand cpole = 5 dBS 一 damping factorFind spdKpSolve for unity gain at the zero inflection point frequencyL心K6spdK严KNow the spdKp gain is solved There are equations describing the current and speed controller PI gains. How are these gains chosen?Find Current Controller Bandwidth55Crr*r)l Mp MiMwdh Damping factor effects the shape and bandwidth of the speed control bandwidth while current loop bandwidth affects the speed control bandwidthFind an equation that relates Speed control bandwidth to current control band width and dampi ng factorseries叭=十Find Current Controller Bandwidth=BH 5 + 2.16 e 28 -1.86 (rad / sec) =zCalculate the speed % gain-一-K广s2lre-calculate the speed Kp gain with inertia known K =k-竺NT广p LK K3%6.
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